July 12, 2020

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e-GMAT Mentorship Review

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Improvement 20 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Dhananjay(DJ)

Location Online

I started my GMAT journey one year ago - July 2019. I just graduated college. I started off using Manhattan Prep's books. I thought studying 2 hours a day from the book and doing the books’ problems were enough but boy was I wrong. I took my first GMAT around November and at that time was shocked at how poorly I did. I knew I needed a new method. I started to take official prep tests and continued on my self studies. I took the GMAT again in March and was also disappointed. I knew that this time I needed help. I have always independently studied for exams during college and so asking for help took me off guard but it was one of the smartest decisions I made to improve my gmat score.
I started to browse gmat club and looked into more resources. As I was looking through gmat club forums I noticed that egmat provided very clear and useful answers to many of these questions. I also signed up for one of e-gmat’s free weekend webinars. I was impressed with the instructors tips and wanted more! I signed up for their emails and luckily was approached by a tutor via email. We scheduled a time to chat and I instantly knew this was the program for me.
I was asked to take a mock test on their platform and on the 1-1 chat I was given a mock diagnosis. It made me realize that succeeding on the GMAT is more than just understanding the tested concepts. Doing well on the GMAT requires strong "procedural" knowledge. It requires time management, mental stamina, and efficient approaches. I learned that conceptual knowledge and procedural knowledge come hand in hand. If you strengthen your conceptual knowledge you are able to make quicker decisions on the GMAT and also strengthen your test taking abilities to complete questions accurately and on time. My biggest weakness on the GMAT was not finishing on time and leaving for example only 5 minutes for 7 questions at the end.
The E-GMAT mentorship program was more than what I could ask for. The mentorship program is organized in a peer group fashion lead by one e-gmat instructor. My instructor was DJ. Once a week DJ and I would chat virtually and discuss what is going well, not going well, and a game plan for that week. Evaluating best next steps, DJ would then send me my milestones for each day of that week. A milestone for example was completing 5-6 sections of the e-gmat course and reaching 80% on the concept questions. These milestones were a game changer. Having a benchmark to measure myself against a) motivated me to complete the necessary daily preparation and b) set me up to challenge myself to higher standards. I also appreciate DJ's patience and encouragement. DJ was always happy to answer my questions and even encouraged me to reach out to him more frequently! He was very responsive and considerate as he would even work later to accommodate our differing time zones. DJ was also very honest with me and I knew he had my best interests in mind. Further, each Sunday the cohort would meet virtually to discuss GMAT strategies. We also had a running whats’app group in which we all would share best practices, questions and solutions. I built relationships with a few of my peers, helping one another with our weak spots.
Overall, the e-gmat mentorship allowed me to effectively tackle the gmat. E-gmat provided me with the peer support to motivate me to stay in the game and the resources to build a strong time management approach and stamina to leverage my conceptually knowledge to do well on the gmat.

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