March 29, 2024

Joined: Mar 29, 2024

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750 Q50 V41 (Online)

Got into HSW with a sub-3 GPA


Coming from the military, I knew I needed an outsider's perspective on my application, and I'm so glad I found Kelsey!

I didn't have a resume so that was the first place we started. Kelsey gave me perspective on how things would read to a civilian and we were able to put together a good product.

The essays were next. I'd do the initial drafts and she'd turn around and send those back to me with corrections. We did this several times until we had our final products. I want to emphasize here that there was no "72 hour turnaround" or anything like that. I got responses to all my emails within minutes, and longer corrections came back the same day.

She also helped with interview prep before my interview.

Having served on an admissions committee, she knows how things sound from the other side of the table, and she's able to steer you one way or another to ensure you're putting together the strongest application possible.

I also want to bring up that despite my GPA being well under the median, not once did she try to talk me out of applying to HSW. I feel like that's something a lot of admissions consultants do. They'll tell you you're not competitive and get you to apply to lower ranked schools so that they can ensure a successful outcome. In this case, my dreams were my dreams and Kelsey was 100% on board with that right from the start.

Lastly, there were several times when I had questions about things. She was always just an email or phone call away. Another friend I referred her to got into HSW as well.

I would highly recommend Kelsey to anyone applying to the top schools! She goes above and beyond at every step, and you just won't get that personalized experience working with a bigger name admissions consultant.

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