March 29, 2022

Joined: Jul 25, 2018

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Best Support System Around


When I kicked off the MBA application process, I was not sure if I was going to be using an admissions consultant or not, but after speaking with Sarah and getting her feedback during our initial session I knew immediately that Stacy Blackman was different from the other companies I had spoken with at the time.

My primary consultant was John Naum and I could not have asked for a better consultant. John not only helped me think critically about my story and develop a strong application, but he was one of my biggest supporters and pushed me to continue forward even when I was doubting my own capabilities. I always appreciated his quick response times when it came to giving feedback on deliverables and always making time to answer my questions throughout the application process. Thanks to John and the rest of the Stacy Blackman team, I was able to not only get admitted to every school I applied to, but I also managed to secure full tuition or near full tuition scholarships to several top 10 schools.

Looking at my admission results, it was clear that choosing Stacy Blackman was one of the best decisions I made during my MBA application process and it provided a huge return on investment through all the scholarships. I can't say thank you enough to John and everyone else and would highly recommend anyone going through the MBA process to go with Stacy Blackman if you are looking for a great partner to help you through all the stress of applications.

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