April 11, 2016

Joined: Apr 11, 2016

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
730 Q43 V47

Angela is Incredible


First, I will start by saying that I was a humanities major and definitely a nontraditional candidate. I couldn't decide whether or not I wanted to hire a consultant, and I'm SO glad I did, and I'm SO glad I went with Angela, in particular. She really lives up to all of the amazing testimonials, and I'm positive I wouldn't have gotten into my first choice school (M7) without her help.

Angela was outstanding at both helping me figure out who I was and what was important to me. While I had a sense of these things, Angela really helped me hone my sense of myself, then craft a compelling narrative that conveyed that information. She had a unique skill for simultaneously understanding what made me different, as a nontraditional student, as well as what aspects of my job and extracurriculars would be applicable to a business career. She also helped me hyperfocus on my goals, and what I wanted. Especially as a career switcher, I wasn't sure exactly what area of marketing I'd like to explore in school, but she forced me to really think about what I wanted for my future and to convey that quickly and effectively.

I was so impressed by how deeply knowledgeable Angela was about the admissions process, and about each school's wants/needs. She had an incredibly nuanced understanding of what each school was looking for, and helped me shape targeted essays. We worked on essays for three different schools, and each of those collection of essays highlighted different strengths and facets of my personality. She never pushed me to be someone else, or to say what the schools wanted to hear--rather, she helped me understand how I would fit into each school's culture, and how to express that clearly and concisely to each school. My essays would never have been as targeted, focused, or relevant without Angela's guidance.

Throughout the process, she was very honest about my strengths and weaknesses. For example, I had a free consultation with a different consultant, who said my GMAT score wouldn't be a problem and I wouldn't need to retake the test. However, Angela took a closer look at my score (which skewed heavily in favor of verbal), and told me that it was in my best interest to get my quant score up, as it would be a stumbling block at the top schools. This sort of honesty and critical analysis of my application was ESSENTIAL in my understanding where I was strong, where I was weak, and where I needed to devote my energies to present the best application possible.

I also have to say that Angela was just a joy to work with, as a person. She was enthusiastic, knowledgeable, clear-headed, friendly, and extremely responsive. It was so easy to get a hold of her, even when it was for a brief question, or when I needed someone to talk me down from a minor panic.

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