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macjas owns 8808 Kudos, gave away 100 Kudos.

roh1714How many of the integers that satisfy the inequality (x+2)(x17-Dec-2022
Shubhi06Starfish, with anywhere from five to eight arms, have a strong regener17-Dec-2022
abhishekd4The average human being can hear sounds of up to 20 kHz16-Dec-2022
Kali001Of the 300 subjects who participated in an experiment using virtual-re16-Dec-2022
innakhazievaOf the 300 subjects who participated in an experiment using virtual-re15-Dec-2022
SSJ05The criminologist reported that it is not uncommon for violent crimina14-Dec-2022
kumriy1996At his regular hourly rate, Don had estimated the labor cos13-Dec-2022
kumriy1996On a certain day, orangeade was made by mixing a certain13-Dec-2022
ankitgupta3095Outlining his strategy for nursing the troubled conglomerate back to13-Dec-2022
adarsh618Although appearing less appetizing than most of their round and red su13-Dec-2022
BrokenInsideThe criminologist reported that it is not uncommon for violent crimina12-Dec-2022
harsh696Outlining his strategy for nursing the troubled conglomerate back to10-Dec-2022
wensjoeOf the 300 subjects who participated in an experiment using virtual-re09-Dec-2022
yd293Outlining his strategy for nursing the troubled conglomerate back to09-Dec-2022
rzmogrovejoSome anthropologists believe that the genetic homogeneity evident in09-Dec-2022
QwertymeWhile it costs about the same to run nuclear plants as other types of08-Dec-2022
ajh325While it costs about the same to run nuclear plants as other types of08-Dec-2022
NamanBMany experts regarded the increase in credit card borrowing in March08-Dec-2022
paridhibajajHuge solar panels often constitute the most conspicuous component of08-Dec-2022
srivatssundarMany experts regarded the increase in credit card borrowing in March07-Dec-2022
ajh325Of the 300 subjects who participated in an experiment using virtual-re07-Dec-2022
ajh325At his regular hourly rate, Don had estimated the labor cos07-Dec-2022
ajh325How many of the integers that satisfy the inequality (x+2)(x07-Dec-2022
akshitam27The diagram above shows two wheels that drive a conveyor belt. The lar07-Dec-2022
QwertymeIn a review of 2000 studies of human behavior that date back06-Dec-2022
ms964Of the 300 subjects who participated in an experiment using virtual-re06-Dec-2022
mrtnzllrA pioneer journalist, Nellie Bly's exploits included06-Dec-2022
VaishnavirkRe: Policy makers remain concerned about the prospect of inflation, althou05-Dec-2022
HarshVardhanSinghOf the 300 subjects who participated in an experiment using virtual-re05-Dec-2022
woohoo921The diagram above shows two wheels that drive a conveyor belt. The lar05-Dec-2022

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