September 07, 2015

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Before studying for GMAT, I was advised by a couple of friends to consider taking a prep course with Manhattan Prep. As I wasn't sure about that decision yet, I decided to attend the first "free" class to see what it is about. I learned within that class that not only do I need to follow a good structure for my studying, I do need to take a course with Manhattan Prep and more specifically with Avi.

Avi showed to me throughout the course that there are techniques to do well in GMAT and those techniques are not easy to grasp unless someone who is well experienced in the field can show them to you. Manhattan Prep has a great curriculum for studying for GMAT, but I think having a creative, intelligent and experienced instructor/tutor is also a key. Avi showed us ways to solve problems that you won't necessary see them in any books. For taking GMAT, you need to know the shortcuts and creative and smart ways to solve problems. In all the class I attend, Avi never ceased to amaze me with his thought process and tricks to answer questions in such a short period of time.

I am very happy that I attended the first class to see things for myself and to make a wise decision about my goals of applying for business school. GMAT is not an exam that can easily be done well at by studying on your own.

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