July 24, 2016

Joined: Jun 11, 2016

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
720 Q50 V38

44 --> 50 on Quant with 1 tutoring session!


Improvement 30 Points

Course Manhattan Prep Manhattan GMAT Private Tutoring

Instructor Isaac Puglia

Location San Francisco, CA USA

As context, I took the GMAT about a month ago for the first time and scored 690 (44 Q, 40 V). I was particularly bummed about my Quant subscore, feeling that this was a poor reflection on my actual quantitative abilities. I decided to retake the GMAT 19 days after my first attempt, and figured I'd cram as much quant practice during those 2+ weeks as possible to bump this score up.

Having not done any GMAT tutoring previously (I only used a mix of OG, GMATPrep online tests/questions, Magoosh), in a mild freakout 5 days before my test I decided to schedule a 1.5 hour tutoring session with ManhattanGMAT to see if I could make any small quick wins prior to the upcoming retake.

Though pricey (almost $400 for 1.5 hours), this tutoring session with Isaac was 100% worth it. Isaac walked me through a number of problem types I missed on previous practice tests, diagnosed my test-taking issue (I was not allocating my time smartly for the 75 hours on each section), and provided me ample follow-up practice areas to make sure I had enough fodder for honing in on what we practiced.

On the test retake day, I was surprised by how easy the quant section felt this time around. I walked into my pre-Verbal break knowing I crushed the section.

And crushed it I did! Jumped my Q from 44 (54%ile) to 50 (87%). I highly doubt I would have been able to rock this high of a score had I not scheduled this tutoring session.

The cost may seem steep for such a short period of time, but at the end of the day, it's a drop in the bucket relative to the overall cost (and benefit) of a great MBA. And in many cases, a great GMAT score can make all the difference in terms of getting admitted.

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