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Coming Soon to! 0

Coming soon to your local, handy-dandy computer screen: A whole new Yes folks, will have facelift. (I decided I didn't want one. May be needed, but too painful. I'm chicken.)

Check back on Monday morning, maybe even Sunday, and you will find  a brand new and improved with:

  1. Improved navigation and ease of use.
  2. Cleaner look.
  3. Less clutter.

But some qualities of are classic and timeless. They will remain:

  • Rich variety of informative articles and resources.
  • Commitment to quality and service.

And if you find things a little out of whack, not in the right place or just plain broken, please let us know. Accepted's staff and webmaster, Synet Systems, have worked very hard to have a seamless transition, but I expect a few glitches.

Speaking of glitches. While our Roadmap to Bold & Brilliant MBA Essays webinar was generously praised by those who attended, the aftermath proves that Murphy's law is alive and well. I am happy to report that at this point in time, the webinar file is where it should be and in the format it needs to be in. We will post it when the new site goes live. Apologies for the delay.