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GMAT Question of the Day (Feb 19): Coordinate Geometry and Sentence Correction

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Math (DS)

The vertices of a triangle have coordinates (x, 1) , (5, 1) , and (5, y) where x < 5[/latex] and [latex]y > 1 . What is the area of the triangle?

1. x = y
2. Angle at the vertex (x, 1) = angle at the vertex (5, y)

OA and Explanation

Verbal (SC)

The aristocratic values expressed in the writings of Marguerite Yourcenar place her within the French classical tradition, as does her passionate interest in history, particularly Roman history.

(A) as does
(B) so do
(C) as do
(D) so is the case with
(E) similarly, does

OA and Explanation