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GMAT Question of the Day (Nov 4): Algebra and Sentence Correction

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Math (PS)

If x and y are consecutive positive integers, and:
\begin{cases}x &> y \\ x^2 - 1 &> y^2 - 4y + x - 1 \\ \end{cases}

which of the following represents all the possible values of y ?

(A) y \ge 0
(B) y > 0
(C) y > 1
(D) y > 7
(E) y > 8

OA and Explanation

Verbal (SC)

For all his professed disdain of such activities, Auden was an inveterate literary gossip.

(A) For all his professed disdain of such activities
(B) Having always professed disdain for such activities
(C) All such activities were, he professed, disdained, and
(D) Professing that all such activities were disdained
(E) In spite of professions of disdaining all such activities

OA and Explanation