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Schools Help Improve the MBA Job Market 0

The largest global MBA survey, The MBA Tour, has released the outcomes of the 2011 survey.  The results show that upcoming and recent graduates have improving job prospects, and have been happy with their school’s assistance with the job search.  Some other survey results include:

  • As opposed to in 2009—when over one quarter of the MBA graduates enrolled in US programs said job prospects had worsened—the number in 2011 is zero percent.
  • The number of students who were unhappy with their graduate school’s efforts to find them work between 2009 and 2011 went down to 21 percent. Moreover, instead of the previous years 14 percent, 26 percent of students were happy with their programs endeavors to find them employment.
  • The press release highlights the successes of UCLA Anderson and Cornell Johnson in attracting recruiters to their campuses.

The MBA Tour also notes that students cannot solely rely on their schools to find them work. The survey explains that students still need to begin networking as early as possible, continue to focus on their career goals, and go to as many job fairs, seminars and events as possible.

The MBA Tour travels internationally with top universities and business schools, holding round table discussions and organizing panel presentations.  Note to prospective students: They will have many upcoming events starting in July.  Some cities that The MBA Tour will be visiting include New York, Washington DC, Boston, Atlanta, San Francisco and Los Angeles.  These fairs are excellent ways for business school applicants to learn about different programs.

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