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A Little bit of GMAT Quant Hate

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Let’s face it. You hate GMAT math. You’ve already toiled for hours here on GMAT Club and you feel desperate when someone like Bunuel or MikeMcGarry rip your math solution apart half a minute after you post your question. 700? A dream. You’ll be lucky if the computer doesn’t flash that iconic wagging finger from Jurassic Park halfway through the quant section letting the whole room know that you’re a failure. Okay, maybe you’re not that bad off. Maybe you’re stuck on the basics or Barron’s GMAT review has got your head in a tizzy. It happens. No big deal, just your future we’re talking about here.


I’ll be honest. I spend a lot of my time in the GRE clouds, but I know that the best way to crack the new GRE is not exactly the same as cracking the GMAT. You may not need engineering GRE scores in math to get into your I’m-destined-to-be-a-Wall-Street-rockstar MBA program, but you’ll definitely need to know your way around GMAT probability questions and the like. But you don’t need me to tell you that, if you’re reading this you’re already miles ahead of the competition (or maybe you’re just procrastinating?).


Now when you’re out there with your head swimming in GMAT math equations and maybe even some official practice IR problems, keep your eye on the prize. It’s tough sloughing through all the quantitative mess that is GMAT math, especially if you’ve got the other half of your brain worried about verbal or after 3 months you’re still hunting for that elusive “best” GMAT book that will tell you everything you need to know from A to Z (here’s a hint: most resources aren’t that great). Take your time and be patient in learning. It’s a pretty tall order to expect to know how to prepare for the GMAT in one month - or less; though if you’re masochistic, I suppose that just might be up your alley.


And since I’m slightly more of a GRE jockey myself, I can tell you GMATers that you when you get bored studying the same old 100 practice problems, or you feel bogged down with data sufficiency, try your hand at figuring out how to solve complicated GRE math problems. Pick some quantitative comparison questions and you’ll be surprised at how much less pressure you feel in answering them. After all, you’re not exactly aiming for Stanford GRE scores, are you? You’re just taking a little GMAT break (read: pressure break), while flexing that math muscle.


This post was written by Chris Swimmer an analyst at Magoosh who spends his time helping folks out with their math hang ups while studying for the GRE and the GMAT.

  1. Matt Matt

    Just what I needed! haha thanks…

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