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Preparing Your Resume Early Help Build a Path to the Future

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Preparing Your Resume Early Help Build a Path to the Future

mbamission-2We at mbaMission try to encourage business school candidates to get as much “noise” out of the way as possible before the schools begin releasing their essay questions. We want our applicants to have the freedom to reflect on their experiences, formally and thoroughly brainstorm, choose ideas, prepare outlines and then truly focus on crafting powerful essays. Essentially, we want them to be unfettered as they engage in what is, for many, one of the most significant creative challenges they will ever face.

So, a simple step such as preparing your resume now will allow you to focus better on the other elements of your application in the future. By working on your resume now, a process that can require several rounds of revisions, you can dedicate the required time to do so at a more leisurely pace, before “crunch time” hits. Further, you will lay the foundation for brainstorming for your essays later, by reminding yourself of your most significant accomplishments.

If you prepare your resume now, you will not even feel the effects later (except in a good way), and you will definitely thank yourself for having completed this task early on.

Note: We recognize that you may achieve additional accomplishments in the next few months. We suggest that you still update your resume now, however, and then revisit and amend your most recent entry one to two weeks before your application deadlines.

Check out the mbaMission Resume Guide for guidance on writing a strong admissions committee–focused and results-driven resume!

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