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New Year’s Countdown: Top 10 Myths About Your GMAT Score—Debunked!

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Hit your target GMAT score and get into the MBA program you want!

Don’t buy into the myths about your GMAT score. Practice the strategy and critical thinking skills you need to dominate the test!
Photo Credit: Peter Van Lancker via Compfight cc

At Kaplan Test Prep, we talk to future MBAs every day, so the GMAT is a hot topic of conversation, and those conversations come with their share of myths that are just begging to be busted. As we count down to New Year’s, we’re also counting down the top-10 GMAT myths … and then debunking them!

10. GMAT math is really tough. 

False. GMAT math is deceptively simple—high-school-level simple. The GMAT assumes that you have mastered those basic concepts, and it challenges you to a mental duel based on them that requires critical thinking and a strategic approach.

9. I can always pull out my trusty calculator!

Sorry, but you can’t. Other than on the Integrated Reasoning section, there are no calculators allowed on the GMAT. The bad news: if you’re uncomfortable with mental arithmetic, you will struggle. The good news: no calculator means that the GMAT will only include questions that could reasonably be solved without a calculator, so you will be expected to think—rather than compute—through the problem.

8. The GMAT tests intelligence; you either have it or you don’t.

Think again. The GMAT, like all standardized tests, is a skills-based test. Yes, it assumes a modicum of basic knowledge, but at its core, it tests your critical thinking and reasoning skills. As such, you can (and should) build your GMAT math, verbal, integrated reasoning, and writing skills through practice and strategy.

7. Getting a good GMAT score is great, but it won’t help you finance your MBA.

Wrong. Programs that offer scholarships and fellowships to MBA students look for exceptional candidates. In fact, they often determine your eligibility with the exact same qualifications you’re reporting on your business school applications. Your GMAT score, therefore, along with your GPA, personal statement, and resume or extracurricular work, plays a large role in that decision.

6. Once I’m in school, the GMAT won’t matter.

Quite the contrary. Your GMAT score will come in handy when you’re applying for internships, and you can also put it on your resume when applying for jobs—especially those in consulting. These positions are likely to be particularly interested in your performance on the integrated reasoning section.

5. The GMAT will be irrelevant during my MBA program and beyond.

Try again. The skills you master while you practice for the GMAT—critical thinking, strategy, and high-level reasoning ability—will prove extremely useful in both the classes you take in business school and the jobs you’re up for after graduation.

4. I need a 750 to get into a top-10 MBA program.

Close, but no cigar. You know that a low GMAT score can be an application killer, but when it comes to gaining admission to elite business schools, don’t be blinded by averages. Mathematically, half of students admitted will fall below the average GMAT score.

Not only that, but once you’ve crossed that 700 threshold, it’s no longer about your GMAT score but about the rest of your outstanding credentials. The strength of your GPA, personal statement, and extracurricular activities should all point toward a complete picture of you as a great candidate.

3. I don’t need a great GMAT score.

Sorry, Charlie. Undergraduate institutions, employers, and volunteer experiences all vary, but the GMAT is the only standardized measurement of applicants on which business schools can base their decisions, so of course admissions committees are going to pay attention!

Don’t count on the other parts of a strong application to camouflage a low GMAT score. You need to show your potential MBA programs that you are prepared to reason and perform at a top level.

2. Since the GMAT is adaptive, I should spend most of my time on the first 10 questions.

Fallacy. This myth assumes a few things: that spending more time on questions equals more correct answers—which is not necessarily the case—or that you can answer the first 10 questions correctly without sacrificing answers at the end.

Trust us: Don’t do it. The algorithm is pretty solid, and you’re not likely to outsmart it no matter how much you practice—unless you’re someone like Good Will Hunting, in which case you probably don’t have too much to worry about anyway.

1. I did well on the SAT so I don’t need to study for the GMAT.

This is a big whopper. While you shouldn’t let the GMAT intimidate you, it’s also not a good idea to underestimate it. Even if you’re a natural born test-taker, a few months of solid prep can take you from a decent GMAT score into the stratosphere. Your future is worth the investment.

As you’re counting down the days to New Year’s and GMAT Test Day, get an idea of how you’ll fare on the GMAT by taking a free practice test

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