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5 reasons why it’s not "too soon" to launch MBA admissions campaign

The MBA Exchange 0
The old fable of "the tortoise and the hare" was never more applicable.  Many future applicants believe that there's nothing they can or should do before the new applications are published in spring 2015. And, sadly, many admissions consultants reinforce this procrastination by discouraging individuals from getting started sooner rather than later. 
The reality is that time is the most valuable asset for a determined MBA applicant. Here are 5 reasons why launching your 2015-16 campaign in 2014 could help you gain a competitive advantage.
Starting now will give you ...
1. More time to optimize your MBA candidacy.
Whether this means taking on more meaningful work assignments to enhance your resume, earning an "A" in an extension course to bolster your transcript, or pursuing a leadership role in a non-profit, such tactics require persistence because they're not all within your control. The first step is getting an objective, expert evaluation of your strengths and vulnerabilities.
2.  More time to connect with the b-school community.
If you plan to apply in Round 1, that doesn't leave enough time for meaningful campus visits.  And you'll find that students, faculty and administrators are extremely busy during the fall when classes begin. So, if you want to experience the school's culture and connect with members of the MBA community, the best time to do so is in February/March, after the 2014 application deadlines.
3. More time to cultivate your recommenders.
As essays are now fewer in number and shorter in length, the recommendation has greater important than ever.  What makes a rec truly valuable is having a recommender who knows you -- professionally and personally -- and who feels like a stakeholder in your future success.  Cultivating that kind of relationship cannot be rushed.  Allows 9-10 months to bond with a recommender could make all the difference in the world for your candidacy.
4. More time to reflect on and refine your post-MBA goals.
Convincing the admissions committee that you know where your career is headed is essential to their decision that you merit a seat in their MBA class.  Developing and articulating a relevant yet challenging goal requires research, conversations and reflection.  
5. More time to develop and refine the applications.
By devoting several months to optimizing your candidacy, connecting with the MBA community, bonding with recommenders and framing your goals, you'll be ready to focus on the new applications as soon as they are published. This will allow you to ease into the process, with far less stress, and to produce multiple iterations until you've attained the highest quality. No all-nighters. No settling for rough drafts.
So, is January 2015 too soon to start your 2015-16 MBA admissions campaign? No, not if you really want to get admitted to your dream b-school!  Any questions?  Ask The MBA Exchange.  We're ready to help you get started ... today.