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Tuesday Q&A: Can getting an MBA help your networking opportunities?

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career in management

Can getting an MBA help your networking opportunities?


Yes, of course, this is one of the main keys to going to a great MBA program. Again it is critical to go to a program with smart kids, good networking opportunities, good contacts, etc. Nothing would be more of a waste than to spend $50K per year on a low tier program, after which you have neither great contacts or a better job. That would be a waste of time.

But at a great program (and I also recommend LARGE programs, so that your network is, yep you guessed it, large) is key. No matter what field you want to go into, your network will be worth its weight in gold going forward.

Here’s an example: Jon wanted to go into real estate after I graduated from business school. Harvard has no real Real Estate program to speak of. But that doesn’t matter. It’s Harvard. No matter WHAT I wanted to do, having Harvard on my resume would get me any job I wanted. So I went there anyway.
While there, I met finance guys (they can finance my deals), I met bankers (they can finance my deals), I met consultants (they can help me run my other businesses) and I met cool musicians/people (they will make my life happy and well rounded).

The network is WILDLY, wildly valuable.

And frankly, networking opportunities and that part of the MBA experience can begin the second you get in. Don’t wait until you arrive on campus; start networking as soon as you get your first admit. Time is of the essence.

– Jon Frank