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"First things first" for first-year MBA students

The MBA Exchange 0
As soon as our clients joyfully inform us of their admissions success at top business schools, they immediately ask the same question:

“So, what should I do to make the most of my education as soon as I arrive on campus?”
For all those who are anticipating the start of their journey as a b-school student, here are 8 timely tips from The MBA Exchange:
1.    Find the quietest classmate with whom no one is conversing – and initiate a conversation. You’ll instantly feel less nervous yourself, and will make a new friend for life.

2.    Form a study group among classmates from different industries and functions rather than trying to clone yourself. The various perspectives will be valuable. But act quickly while you have the most options.

3.    Check out every student club that might interest you, and then make a quick decision on which three will be most valuable for you. Stretch yourself beyond your comfort zone, not only slightly.

4.    Reach out to a professor whose research or publications relate to your background or goals. Set up a coffee chat to learn more about him or her, and to start a new relationship with unlimited potential.

5.    Visit the career services office, before everyone else bombards them. Establish and maintain a respectful relationship with a staff member before you really “need” anything from them. That way, when internship recruiting crunch time hits, you’ll have a go-to resource.

6.    Find a “private” place to study where you won’t be distracted by chatty classmates. Start to study immediately after class while the content is most familiar rather than leaving it until the evening when you’re tired and stressed.

7.    Exercise daily, get at least 6 hours sleep a night, and eat balanced meals to stay healthy and fresh. Being out of commission for even a few days due to a common cold can prove costly.

8.    Socialize, but stick to a max of 1-2 alcoholic beverages per evening. Never drive a car when feeling buzzed – or ride with a classmate who does. Remember: nothing good typically happens after 3+ drinks or after 3am.

9.    Have fun! The next two years at b-school are going to fly by. So, make the most of every minute. You’ve earned it!