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GMAT Question of the Day (Aug 8): Arithmetic and Sentence Correction

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Math (PS)

What is the value of k if the sum of odd, consecutive, positive integers from 1 to k equals 441?

(A) 47
(B) 41
(C) 37
(D) 33
(E) 29

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Verbal (SC)

In addition to having a greater number of students than Lexington Community College, the students in Vaughn College are academically stronger than those in Lexington, with more national achievement award winners among their ranks.

(A) the students in Vaughn College are academically stronger than those in
(B) Vaughn College is home to students who are academically stronger than those in
(C) the students in Vaughn College are academically stronger than they are in
(D) Vaughn College’s students are academically stronger than they are in
(E) Vaughn College has students stronger academically than

Answers to the questions: B, B
For explanations please see these threads: math and verbal

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  1. Charles Davison Charles Davison

    based on the following formulae:
    sum of the first consecutive ODDS is N^2
    sum of the first consecutive EVENS is N*(N+1)
    => 441=N^2 => N=21 => k=21*2-1=41

    Ans = B

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