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Posts published in “Admissionado”

Blog entries by Admissionado, a GMAT Club partner.

Leading a Team of Millennials (With Enthusiasm)

Admissionado 0

As of 2015, millennials surpassed Generation X as the largest working cohort, and their presence is fundamentally shifting how business is conducted.  While it’s unwise to assume an entire generation…

I Got Admitted to GSB and HBS: What Now?

Admissionado 0

Against all odds, you hold an offer from both Harvard Business School and the Stanford Graduate School of Business. And with that, you’ve entered the hallowed ranks of the “double…

How Do We Address Cheating in Remote Education?

Admissionado 0

Imagine, for a moment, that you are about to take the most important test of your life. For some, that might be the SAT. Others, the GMAT. It could be…

Insider’s Guide to Top European MBA Programs

Admissionado 0

The first MBA programs may have started in the U.S., but don’t count out top European MBA programs. Europe dominates rankings for the best non-U.S. MBA programs. While elite American…

Applying to B-School While Unemployed

Admissionado 0

As the old saying goes: “It’s easier to get a job when you have a job.” With unemployment at an all-time high in the age of COVID-19, and even some…

The Office of Financial Aid: 5 Things You Didn’t Know

Admissionado 0

Every college and university has its own Office of Financial Aid. Like the Admissions Committee, this office and its functioning may seem shrouded in mystery—one imagines a dour group of…

Pursuing an MBA Degree in Your 30s: Is It Worth it?

Admissionado 0

It’s a difficult question: for most people, a true “career” only starts around 30, after several years of education and learning the ropes in low-level positions. However, given the competitive…