Conclusion: music directors are entitled to some of the revenue from ringtone sales too.
Given: Revenue is generated in two ways:
1. Sales of music albums -> Film producer keeps the complete revenue from here
2. Licensing deals for advertisements -> some of the revenue is shared with music directors
Prethinking: if music directors are entitled to some of the revenue from ringtones we need to find an option that relates the ringtone sales to deals for advertisement.
Option Analysis:
A. Whether revenue from licensing deals is at least as much as revenue from music album sales.
Irrelevant - We do not care about the amount of revenue.
B. Whether music directors want to accept the money from ringtone sales.
Irrelevant - whether the Music Directors want to accept or not is out of scope here
C. Whether music directors will produce better music if they are given a share of ringtone sales revenue.
Irrelevant - We do not care about the quality of music here
D. Whether a separate version of music needs to be created to make it more compatible for sale as a ringtone.
Irrelevant - Still does not link advertisements and ringtones
E. Whether the use of music as ringtone is more comparable to the use of music in advertisements than in music albums
Perfect! - we found the option that compares advertisements and ringtones
P.S - A similar question from the
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