GMAT Practice Tests

Ace your GMAT Preparation with GMAT Club Tests!
Hardcore Questions and Brilliant Analytics
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25+ Computer Adaptive Tests (CATs)

1,500+ Premium Quality Questions

In-Depth And Insightful Explanations

Custom Test Creation

Advanced Analytics With GMAT Score Report

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Optimize Your GMAT Prep with our Adaptive Tests!
GMAT Club Tests include:

• 25+ Quantitative Tests

• 10+ Verbal Tests

• 5+ Data Insights Tests

• 5+ Full-length Tests
Similar to the actual GMAT Exam, each of these tests is adaptive, mimicking the real GMAC algorithm and adjusting to your skill level by selecting questions based on your performance.
Furthermore, the entire test interface is meticulously designed to mirror the actual GMAT exam, ensuring you familiarize yourself with it to be fully prepared for the real test. GMAT Club Tests provide a realistic testing experience, preparing you for exam conditions and boosting confidence to alleviate anxiety and remove stress on test day!
Enhance Your GMAT Learning with Detailed Solutions!
Each question in GMAT Club Tests comes with detailed solutions carefully crafted by our top experts.
These explanations go beyond simple answers, delving into the underlying concepts behind each question, providing a comprehensive understanding of the theory at hand to prepare you for the GMAT Focus test.
They also include useful tips, hints, and shortcuts to equip you with essential techniques for effective time management and mastering complex areas.
Additionally, each question has its own dedicated discussion forum where you can ask further questions and receive support, ensuring you're ready for the real exam.
To evaluate GMAT Club Tests please try our FREE GMAT practice test.
Achieve GMAT Excellence with our Top Questions!
Challenge yourself with our collection of over 1,500 premium quality GMAT practice test questions, recognized as the most original, tricky, and hardest available on the market. .
These questions are specifically designed to test every topic covered on the real GMAT Focus test, ensuring comprehensive preparation.
Crafted to push your limits, these GMAT Focus practice test questions will sharpen your skills and ensure you're ready for the highest level of GMAT difficulty. These challenging questions will push your limits and ensure you're fully prepared for the GMAT Focus test.
To evaluate GMAT Club Tests please try our FREE GMAT practice test.
Customize Your GMAT Prep with Tailored Practice Tests!
With our Custom Test Creation feature, you can tailor your practice to precisely target your weaker areas.
Choose the difficulty level, category, and number of questions to create personalized GMAT practice tests that align with your specific needs.
This personalized approach allows you to focus your GMAT preparation on enhancing your understanding and performance in areas where you need the most improvement, making your study time more efficient and effective.
To evaluate GMAT Club Tests please try our FREE GMAT practice test.
Refine Your GMAT Strategy with Advanced Analytics!
Our Advanced Analytics tool provides in-depth insights into your performance, equipped with a variety of metrics for a comprehensive analysis of your GMAT practice tests.
In addition to these analytics, we also offer a Test Score Report, mirroring the one provided on the real GMAT Focus exam, to give you a realistic sense of your expected score.
Designed to pinpoint your strengths and weaknesses, our tool offers tailored advice to improve your skills and ensure you're fully prepared for test day.
To evaluate GMAT Club Tests please try our FREE GMAT practice test.

What is the source of GMAT Club Questions?

We provide exclusive questions crafted by GMAT Club's own experts, ideal for preparing for the new GMAT Focus Edition exam. Our tests do not include questions from the Official Guides or GMAT Prep. The questions follow the syllabus of the new GMAT Focus Edition. You can check sample GMAT practice questions HERE.

Are the GMAT tests adaptive?

Yes, both sectional and full tests are adaptive, just like the real GMAT Focus test. This mirrors the structure of standardized tests, making it a great tool to simulate the real exam experience.

How close are GMAT Club Test scores to the Actual GMAT scores?

GMAT Club test scores align closely with official GMAT scores. Typically, you can expect to score about the same or 1-2 points higher on your real GMAT Focus test or GMAT Focus Official Prep mock tests. You can review actual scores of GMAT Club users posted in nearly 1,000 GMAT Club Test Reviews.

Can I put my access on pause?

Yes, Elite Package subscribers have a one-time option to pause their GMAT practice tests for up to six months, allowing flexibility in your study plan.

Can I reset the Tests?

Yes, Pro and Elite package subscribers can reset each sectional question bank (Quant, Verbal, or Data Insights), as well as all questions in Full Tests or Custom Tests. A reset will mark all questions as unattempted in that question bank, allowing you to practice previously attempted questions again.

Is it a recurring subscription?

No, GMAT Club Test packages do not renew automatically.

Why choose our GMAT practice test?

Our GMAT practice test offers a highly realistic experience, closely aligned with the real GMAT Focus exam. Crafted by experts, the tests are adaptive, simulating the actual exam's difficulty level. You can access both sectional and full GMAT practice tests online, with the option to reset and review previous attempts. Whether you're looking for a free GMAT practice test or premium options, our platform helps you efficiently prepare for the GMAT Focus exam and improve your scores with targeted practice to get accepted by your desired business school.