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Darden Full Time MBA
Status: Online with Adcom
Interviewed on: Jan 25, 2024
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Viet Nam
Aug 30, 2024 03:08
"I just interviewed! The questions are very standard: 1/ TMAY 2/ LT ST 3/ Why MBA? Why Darden? 4/ TMAT Lead team 5/ TMAT work with people from different culture 6/ Who are you outside of work 7/ Anything you wanna ask Darden people are so nice that it makes it hard to know whether we perform well or not"
Stern Full Time MBA
Status: Online with Adcom
Interviewed on: Feb 14, 2024
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Aug 30, 2024 12:08
"Hello Everyone, R3, invited 30/01Interviewed 14/02 Interviewed by Adcom member Mrs. Catherine. six pic- travel favorite place why mba why now accomplishment weakness st/lt/, why consulting, which firms followup why region is so underbanked recruitment strategy. Didn’t ask about Why Stern. took ~27 mins Good Luck to everyone!"
Ross (Michigan) Full Time MBA
Status: Online with Adcom
Interviewed on: Feb 19, 2024
Aug 29, 2024 01:08
"Finished my interview - I think it went well! Daniel Thal was my interviewer and he was very nice. Questions for reference: 1. Tell me about yourself 2. What are your goals? 3. Why MBA and why Ross? 4. Tell me a time when you received a difficult feedback 5. Tell me a time you motivated someone to do better 6. Tell me about a time when you had to lead a project with no background or prior knowledge 7. Tell me about a time when things got lost in translation or you had a poor communication experience and how did you handle it 8. Do you have any questions about my Ross experience or about Ross in general"
Ross (Michigan) Full Time MBA
Final Decision:
Status: Online with Adcom
Interviewed on: Feb 19, 2024
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Viet Nam
Aug 29, 2024 01:08
"Just finished my interview. It was an Asian alum. The atmosphere was light-hearted, and he showed genuine interest in what I shared. 1. Tell me about yourself 2. ⁠Why MBA? 3. ⁠Why Ross? 4. ⁠Led a project that you had no prior knowledge 5. ⁠Tell me a time you led a team 6. ⁠Understood someone’s perspective to solve a problem 7. ⁠Greatest failure 8. ⁠Any questions for me"
Tuck Full Time MBA
Final Decision:
Status: Online with Adcom
Interviewed on: Feb 7, 2024
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South Africa
Aug 28, 2024 10:08
"Pretty standard: 1) Tell me about yourself and why we’re having this chat (basically why MBA) 2) Tell me where Tuck fits into this 3) Short and long term goals 4) Time when you gave feedback for something difficult 5) Time when you received difficult feedback 6) Something you’re proud of (which I think is where I should have used my planned answer showcasing my "Smart" quality, but changed my mind in the interview, which I regret) 7) Anything else you want us to know In terms of sources, I spoke to several people on this sub privately for advice, and also watched Tuck Q&A events, along with using MBA Mission’ free interview guide."
Tuck Full Time MBA
Final Decision:
Status: Online with Student
Interviewed on: Jan 21, 2024
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Viet Nam
Aug 28, 2024 10:08
"I interviewed with a second year student. They seemed to have a list of questions and then go through one by one, so it’s hard to know that it went well or not. 1) TMAY 2) Why MBA? Why Tuck? LT/ST 3) Biggest achievement & failure 4) TMAT when you deal with a difficult person / took initiative 5) Any part to add in It lasted around 45 minutes"
Tuck Full Time MBA
Final Decision:
Status: Online with Student
Interviewed on: Jan 16, 2024
Aug 28, 2024 10:08
"Just did my interview. The interviewer was a super nice second year. Very conversational. The interviewer would comment on my stories in an encouraging way. Questions are really really standard: - Walk through resume -Why mba -Why tuck -Contributions -A time when took initiatives / stepped out of comfort zone / received feedback / helped someone Good luck everyone!"
Tuck Full Time MBA
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Status: Online with Adcom
Interviewed on: Jan 12, 2024
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Aug 28, 2024 10:08
"Had my Tuck interview on 10th Jan. The interview was for about 35 mins. Started with standard questions Tell me about you? Why MBA? Why Tuck? How tuck will help you achieve your aspirations? what are the things you wish to do in Tuck? what do you bring to tuck? Then onto some behavioural questions: Tell me about a time you failed? tell me about a time you handled conflicts? what is your biggest accomplishment and why. And then there were a few off topic questions: Do you want to talk about something that is special to you (not exactly worded like this, but this was kind of what they were asking) Then towards the end, “do you think I should have asked you something but I didn’t, you can talk about it” Then questions I have for the interviewer. The interviewer was very friendly and nice, I felt at ease from the word go. Fingers crossed 🤞"
Tuck Full Time MBA
Final Decision:
Status: Online with Adcom
Interviewed on: Dec 20, 2023
Aug 28, 2024 10:08
"The interviewer was very nice and welcoming. Had the standards questions: - tell me about yourself - why MBA? - why Tuck? - why should Tuck consider you? - biggest strength and weakness - a time when I received critical feedback - a time when I had to give critical feedback - talk about the project that I am the most proud of - any questions for the interviewer"
Tuck Full Time MBA
Final Decision:
Status: Off Campus with Adcom
Interviewed on: Nov 1, 2022
Aug 28, 2024 09:08
"Hey, interviewed last year in round 1, guaranteed interview slot (not admitted) These were the questions I was asked: 1. Walk me through your resume 2. ST/LT goals 3. Why MBA, Why Tuck, Why Now? 4. What is the accomplishment you are most proud of (personal or professional) 5. What was the most difficult thing in achieving this? 6. On the flip side, biggest failure? 7. Tell me about a time you went out of your way to learn something new. 8. What activities/clubs do you expect to be involved in, and how will you contribute? 9. The most important feedback you have given someone. Interview ran for about 45 minutes, pretty casual and conversational"
Kellogg Full Time MBA
Final Decision:
Status: On Campus with Adcom
Interviewed on: Feb 5, 2024
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Viet Nam
Aug 28, 2024 03:08
"My debrief: Total 65mins, 50mins for past experience, 10mins for goals, 5mins to ask questions Tell me about yourself/experiences Follow up on why I picked my major/minor Follow up on first job (how and why) Follow up on next job (how and why, what I do daily, go through some bullet points on Resume) ST/LT goals, career aspirations/ why? Why MBA, now, Kellogg? How did you choose schools? Which schools did you apply? Why not MMM program (coz my background seems suitable for MMM)? Questions for interviewer (I asked 1)"
Kellogg Full Time MBA
Final Decision:
Status: Online with Adcom
Interviewed on: Jan 20, 2024
Aug 28, 2024 03:08
"I just did kellogg interview -got adcom who’s also alum (she’s in TX) Asked very detailed resume questions Diverse team situation What to contribute to Kellogg Why Kellogg I can tell she’s very proper (follow the timing and process exactly). If you get her, don’t be alarm if she wants all the answer to be very short (Very different from my experience at Tepper, Fuqua, Darden, Tuck and Simon) Last about 40 minutes (30 mins interview + 10 mins Q&A)"
Kellogg Full Time MBA
Final Decision:
Status: Online with Adcom
Interviewed on: Jan 10, 2024
Aug 28, 2024 03:08
"I got mine. 1. Tell me who you are outside of your resume, essays and submitted materials. 2. Tell me about a time when there was conflict between two team members because of which a task could not be completed. How did you resolve and what did you lean? 3. Tell me about a time that inspired you to pursue post graduation? This should be apart from work and acadmeics."
Kellogg Full Time MBA
Final Decision:
Status: On Campus with Student
Interviewed on: Oct 23, 2024
Aug 28, 2024 03:08
"Just got done with my interview. It was with a 2Y student. It was pretty QnA based and targeted. Sharing the questions below (paraphrased) - walk me through your resume - what are your top achievements - why mba - what is your leadership style - what is the biggest problem you solved - how will you contribute to kellogg - what is something that is not on your resume, and that we have not discussed till now - do you have any questions for me"
Columbia Full Time MBA
Final Decision:
Status: Online with Adcom
Interviewed on: Feb 16, 2024
Aug 27, 2024 10:08
"I interviewed today, sharing some q resume St, lt Whats your leadership style inside and outside of work Leadership exp Why mba, why cbs, why now CBS Community engagement how Share example you helped community"
Booth Full Time MBA
Final Decision:
Status: Online with Adcom
Interviewed on: Feb 16, 2024
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Aug 27, 2024 09:08
"Hi, interview invite 31/01, interviewed 16/02, with 2y student, ~47 min wmtyr st/lt why booth tmat ask for help what did you improve by time on yourself motivate a team"
Booth Full Time MBA
Final Decision:
Status: Online with Adcom
Interviewed on: Feb 5, 2024
Aug 27, 2024 09:08
"Hi all - just finished interview today (R2) - sharing some q (Virtual interview with alum in NYC (Background in MBB)) Walk me through your resume ST/LT goals Why did I pursue my current career Why MBA, Why now, Why Booth What clubs/activities do you wanna get involved Share about times when you deal w difficult challenges Share about times when you convince your peers for your ideas 3 qualities your friend describe you What’s your key strength Anything else you want to tell me Q&A Last about 55~ minutes interview"
ISB Full Time MBA
Final Decision:
Denied with Interview
Status: Off Campus with Alumni
Interviewed on: Feb 17, 2024
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6.5 years
May 31, 2024 10:05
"ISB R3 applicant. Bangalore. Physical interview. 8/8/7 profile Background in Automotive and Chemicals Industry 6.5 work ex GMAT 700 3 panelists - very cordial and friendly Questions 1. Tell me about yourself highlighting family background, education and jobs 2. Elaborate 3 greatest challenge that you face on your day to day work 3. Tell me how you overcome them 4. How do you do product costing benchmarks 5. How you negotiate with vendors 6. Do you manage any team 7. What technology will you use to increase process efficiency while keeping the workflow same 8. Why MBA and what about your short term and long term goals? 9. Why consulting and why focus on operation 10. What is stopping you from applying to consulting now? 11. What kind of subjects will you focus on during MBA to bridge the knowledge gap 12. What are your other options apart from consulting? Are you open to different opportunities? 13. What are the other schools that you are applying for 14. Why focused only on Indian schools 15. Why not applied for MBA earlier 16. What if you are not getting selected this year at ISB? 17. Any questions for the panel? (Asked 2)"
Babson College Full Time MBA
Final Decision:
Status: Online with Adcom
Interviewed on: May 21, 2024
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5.8 years
May 21, 2024 12:05
"Interviewer: Adcom 1. TMAY 2. Why MBA? Why Babson? 3. What’s your leadership style and give examples of when you showed them. 4. What are your strengths and weaknesses? 5. Will you return to your country or remain in the US? What companies are you targeting? 6. What will happen to your small business during your MBA? 7. What do you do for fun? 8. What other schools are you applying to? 9. How will you finance your MBA?"
Other Schools The Crosby MBA
Final Decision:
Status: Online with Adcom
Interviewed on: May 16, 2024
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This user wants to stay Private
May 16, 2024 04:05
"School: Case Western Reserve: Weatherhead Interviewer: Dan Rein Program: FTMBA - Short and long-term goals - Why CWRU - The thing you’re most proud of in life - How you are as a leader. Talk about yourself in leadership roles - Tell me a time that you had to deal with an ethical issue - If you worked with a group of people and they didn't perform well, what will you do? - What are the weaknesses you’d like to address in the program?"