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Stanford GSB Stanford MSx
Final Decision:
Status: Online with Adcom
Interviewed on: Nov 21, 2023
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10.3 years
Feb 29, 2024 07:02
"Interview lasted about 35mins. Interview was very pleasant and I really enjoyed the conversation with the (adcom) interviewer. For context, I am looking to pivot from semiconductor manufacturing into cleantech industry. I might be missing couple of questions in the list below. 1) How did you get to know about Stanford MSx program? 2) What specifically did you like about the MSx program? 3) Why is this the right time for you to pursue Stanford MSx program? 4) Why do you want to give up your well-established career/job and pursue a new path? 5) Are you open to working in larger organizations post MSx? (My short-term goal is to work in a cleantech startup) 6) Where do you plan to work geographically post MSx? Do you have a geography preference post MSx? 7) Tell me some of the challenges in your industry/company? 8) Describe your org structure and how you and your role fits in the org? 9) How many people do you have reporting to you? Are they all direct reports or do you have people managers reporting to you? 10) Tell me about your experience with a challenging situation? 11) How would you show up to a group study? 12) How do you plan to contribute to the MSx community? 13) How would you introduce yourself in 30 seconds to your future class? 14) Do you have any doubts or concerns about the MSx program?"
George Washington Full Time MBA
Final Decision:
Status: Online with Adcom
Interviewed on: Feb 8, 2024
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8 years
Feb 29, 2024 05:02
"Walk me through your resume Your day-to-day at your current work Challenges at work Strengths and weaknesses Why now and why GW Highlight in your resume"
Gabelli Fordham Full Time MBA
Final Decision:
Status: Online with Adcom
Interviewed on: Jan 31, 2024
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8 years
Feb 29, 2024 05:02
"Walk me though your resume Speficic companies for post-MBA Why MBA and why now Specific clubs Specific classes Why Gabelli Extra curricular activities to contribute in a supportive community Any other questions"
BU Questrom Full Time MBA
Final Decision:
Status: Online with Student
Interviewed on: Feb 2, 2024
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8 years
Feb 29, 2024 05:02
"- Walk me through your resume - Why MBA - Why this program - TMAT you didn’t work well and how did you tackle it - TMAT when you need to decide without enough information - TMAT you had to deal with conflicts - Societal impacts you made"
Goizueta Full Time MBA
Final Decision:
Status: Online with Adcom
Interviewed on: Feb 28, 2024
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4.7 years
Feb 28, 2024 02:02
"Interview Debrief I had my interview with Kate Piasecki. Overall pretty chill and straightforward. A lot of focus on why I chose what I did in my professional life. Also, plenty of questions were around Goizueta. Know about the courses and electives you wish to take. No tell me about yourself Why did you do Civil engineering? Why did you go to analytics from Civil engineering? About the company and my role in all organizations I was a part of. Why business? Tell me about your business? How did you come to know about Goizueta? What events of Goizueta did you attend? Short term goals? Long term goals? What are your values in a team? What values would you want from your team? Why MBA? What electives do you plan to take to reach your goals? Anything you would like to add? Any questions for me?"
Stanford GSB Full Time MBA
Final Decision:
Status: Online with Alumni
Interviewed on: Feb 11, 2024
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3.6 years
United States
Feb 27, 2024 10:02
"Honestly, I had such a wonderful interview experience-- I'd argue that was the best interview experience I've had, and I interviewed with 5 other schools. It was such a warm conversation and he asked follow-up questions about topics I wasn't expecting him to (like he asked me how my mom is doing after I told him a story about my family). I have a consulting background and he as previously a partner for a competitor consulting firm so when he asked about my work experience, he was pretty targeted with the follow up questions. For example, he asked something specific about the workstreams that I managed that I knew he could only ask because he understands how case teams are set up. I wouldn't say the follow up questions are hard; it's just stuff you would know how to answer if what you're saying is true. For the follow up questions we had an in-depth conversation about some formative life experiences he had at GSB, so he seemed super willing to open up about himself as well. Here are the questions I can remember him asking me: What is your proudest accomplishment? (this is where I spoke about my family) Tell me about a time when you developed someone or a team. Tell me about a time when you went above and beyond. Tell me about an obstacle in your professional life and how you overcame it. Tell me about a time when you were effective. Why do you want to go to Stanford? Tell me about a time you developed a business insight and how it changed the course of your project."
Oxford Said Full Time MBA
Status: Off Campus with Adcom
Interviewed on: Feb 26, 2024
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Feb 26, 2024 02:02
"Interview with a member of the admissions team, in San Francisco. General why MBA why now questions. Asked me more of why Oxford stands out and how it aligns with my goals. 1. When you meet someone for the first time, what could leave a bad impression with you? 2. What do you like about the culture at your current job? 3. What kinds of people do you think there are in the world? They had some more out there questions that made me think, and it was overall a super fun conversation. It did last about 50 minutes but time honestly flew by."
Scheller Full Time MBA
Final Decision:
Status: Online with Adcom
Interviewed on: Feb 21, 2024
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Feb 24, 2024 01:02
"I was interviewed by an adcom member and a second year student. Interview went on for about 40 mins including the three questions I asked. It was conversational although they were peppering me with questions. 1. Started with an intro. They asked to not mention my work experience details as they had already gone through my resume and essays 2. Why Scheller? Why now? 3. You will be added to a team right away. How would you contribute to the group assignments and projects? 4. Talk about a time when you gave a presentation. Provide some context and how it went. 5. Getting visa sponsorship is tough. What would you do to position yourself to secure a sponsorship from your company. 6. How would your colleagues/peers describe you? 7. What do you look for in a teammate? 8. How would you contribute to the class and to the community? 9. Any question you wish you were asked? 10. I was given time to ask questions which they responded to very warmly."
Haas Full Time MBA
Status: Online with Alumni
Interviewed on: Feb 22, 2024
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4 years
Feb 23, 2024 09:02
"It was a very positive experience overall. At the outset of my interview, I encountered difficulties joining the Google Meet session and later faced persistent internet connectivity issues, unfortunately. However, my interviewer demonstrated great understanding throughout. We managed to proceed partially with the interview despite the challenges, but she eventually had to conclude due to a prior commitment. She kindly suggested rescheduling to delve deeper into our discussion. Her friendly demeanor and reassurance that such hiccups are common made me feel at ease. Subsequently, we reconvened, seamlessly picking up where we had left off, and successfully concluded the interview. Here are the questions that were posed during the interview: - Introduction - Long-term and Short-term Goals? - Why Haas / Why MBA / Why now? - Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Experience? - Tell me about a time when you had a heated argument/discussion and were proven wrong. How did you react? What actions did you take? How did you feel? - Tell me about a time when you influenced someone to collaborate on a project outside of their scope. - Describe a moment when you took a risk in your professional career. - Any Questions for me? Towards the end of the conversation, after she answered my questions, she inquired about the other schools to which I had applied. I provided an honest response that I have applied to 5 schools including Haas and named them. I also emphasized the rationale behind my choices and highlighted that they were not arbitrary selections or solely based on prestige. Additionally, she asked if I had received interviews from any of the other four schools. I openly shared that I had interviewed at one additional institution, specifying its name, and mentioned that I am currently awaiting responses from the other schools. Although this conversation occurred more informally towards the end, it may have been part of the interview process."
Simon Full Time MBA
Final Decision:
Status: Online with Adcom
Interviewed on: Feb 22, 2024
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7 years
Feb 22, 2024 04:02
"A conversational interview with adcom members lasted about 35 minutes. 1. TMAY 2. Why MBA, why now, and why Simon 3. A short goal: how do you achieve that? 4. TMAT the experience with culture shift 5. TMAT: You face challenges at work. What did you do? What was the result? 6. What will you bring to Simon diversity? 7. question for me it was a pleasant chat"
Anderson Full Time MBA
Status: Online with Student
Interviewed on: Feb 22, 2024
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Feb 22, 2024 09:02
"1. tell me about yourself 2. why mba 3. why anderson 4. what clubs you wanna join 5. a time you were challenged at work 6. your strengths and weaknesses 7. questions for the interviewer very chill and engaging conversation"
Columbia Full Time MBA
Final Decision:
Status: Online with Adcom
Interviewed on: Feb 20, 2024
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Feb 21, 2024 08:02
"Basic questions (30 min) - walk me through your resume - startup questions - why MBA/why now/why Columbia - how will you contribute at CBS - how did you contribute in your community - TMAT teamwork with peers - then time for me to ask questions (15 min)"
Booth Full Time MBA
Status: Online with Student
Interviewed on: Feb 19, 2024
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4 years
Feb 19, 2024 11:02
"It was a very nice experience. The interviewer was very friendly, and the interview was very conversational. It lasted roughly 50 minutes. These were the questions that were asked: - Introduction - What kind of team do you work with best? What kind of roles do you shine the most? - Long Term Goals & Short Term Goals? - Why MBA? Why Booth? Why now? - A person whom you have met who has broadened your horizon? - How do you juggle multiple priorities? - Anything you wanna tell us which any of the questions couldn’t cover? - Any questions for me? The only advice I can give to future applicants is to think of it as more of a conversation rather than an interview. Don't overprepare - as that might make you robotic, instead think of it like talking to a friend who is curious about why you are doing an MBA or what are your plans. You know your life, you can answer any question that will be asked. Make it like a conversation and you will do just fine. That's what I did and my interview was better than I could have ever imagined. All the best, y'all! :)"
Kenan-Flagler Full Time MBA
Final Decision:
Denied with Interview
Status: Online with Adcom
Interviewed on: Feb 19, 2024
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4.5 years
Feb 19, 2024 11:02
"Interviewer - Someone associated with the organization Overall - The interviewer was friendly. She told me that she has 10 questions to ask me in 30 mins. So, I should not ask her too many questions and instead focus on answering more questions. She was not conversational but definitely expressive so it worked as a great directional cue. We shared a lot of laughs while speaking of her experiences towards the end of the interview. Questions: No tell me about yourself Why MBA? What are your goals? Why Flagler? Next all Behavioral: Tell me why you do and why you don't like working in a team? Tell me what makes a good team? TMA a recent challenging situation? What is your greatest professional achievement? Constructive feedback? What are your values? What do you want the Adcom to remember about you? (2-3 things) Ended with: Do you have any questions for me? (I still had time left at the end so I asked a bunch of questions and got her to share her experiences as well)"
Booth Full Time MBA
Final Decision:
Status: On Campus with Student
Interviewed on: Feb 16, 2024
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Feb 19, 2024 09:02
"The interview was on-campus with a 2nd year MBA student. The interview was blind and it was pretty conversational. The total time was about 45 mins with some time at the end for questions. 1. Tell me about yourself. 2. How do you prioritize among conflicting tasks? 3. How do you ask for help? 4. Why MBA? Why now? 5. Why Booth? 6. Tell me about a time when someone disagreed with you. How do you resolve it? 7. How do you motivate others?"
Tepper Full Time MBA
Final Decision:
Status: Online with Adcom
Interviewed on: Feb 19, 2024
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Feb 19, 2024 09:02
"The interview was online with an ad-com, not blind (ad-com would have already read your essays and resume). It was very short: 25 mins an official interview + 5 mins for Q&A. Interview was with Amy Lasota and it feels conversational. 1. Tell me about your yourself. 2. What does DEI mean to you? How do you contribute? 3. How do you resolve conflict with a co-worker? 4. Tell me a time you fail. 5. Why Tepper? 6. Why MBA now? 7. What is your post MBA goals?"
Ross Michigan Full Time MBA
Final Decision:
Status: Online with Alumni
Interviewed on: Feb 19, 2024
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4.7 years
Feb 19, 2024 08:02
"Interview took about 45 minutes Walk me through your resume Why MBA, why Ross and why now? Tell me about a time when you had to work with people from different backgrounds + some other behavioural stuff What's your leadership style What do you think you'll get out of an MBA How will you contribute to the Ross community"
ISB Full Time MBA
Final Decision:
Status: Off Campus with Alumni
Interviewed on: Oct 7, 2023
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3.3 years
Feb 18, 2024 07:02
"1. You have worked with teams in different geographies, tell me one difference in the work culture and work 2. So, describe us the A industry landscape and pitch a company to us 3. You have worked on life insurance, it is one of the very difficult sectors. Could you tell us a couple of challenges you faced with life insurance and the project? 4. So, you have mentioned about badminton? Why didn’t you play competitively after that? 5. Sports teaches us a lot, what learning did you have from badminton? 6. Investment banking is very lucrative career, why do you want to switch? 7. So you want to start a business of your own, have you thought of anything? Any particular reasons you prefer the chosen industry? 8. We understood you at your workplace, who are you beyond your workplace. We want to understand your motivation behind social work? 9. So you want to start a business in fintech, and you have a knack for impact. Can you suggest me a way to bring the underprivileged to the formal banking sector? 10. Any questions for us?"
Ross Michigan Full Time MBA
Status: Online with Alumni
Interviewed on: Feb 17, 2024
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Feb 17, 2024 11:02
"Recent alum; 45 minutes length; digged deeper into my career goals and recruiting plan. Behavioral questions caught me off guard a little bit; Asked several “what would you have done it differently” after my responses. 1. Tell me about yourself (I incorporated Why MBA in my response) 2. Why do you have to get an MBA in order to achieve your long-term goal? Isn’t the experience in your current position and country enough? 3. Why Ross? 4. Then some detailed recruiting-related questions, basically wanna see whether I understand the process and challenges and how I would leverage the school resources 5. Tell me a time when you faced an organizational change 6. Tell me a time when you faced conflicts and had to persuade someone 7. Tell me a time when you worked with someone from different backgrounds 8. Tell me a time when you had to be in an unpopular position in your workplace"
Columbia Full Time MBA
Final Decision:
Waitlisted with Interview
Status: Online with Alumni
Interviewed on: Nov 13, 2023
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4 years
Feb 16, 2024 07:02
"Since Interviewer was recent grad, interview was very structured with standard questions. Was friendly and smiling but asked many pressing questions. First she said she would be asking a few questions, and in the last minute I can ask her any questions. Gave introduction of herself as well. Walk me through your resume. How did your undergrad prepare you for your current role? Why MBA and Why CBS Why now How will CBS help you fulfill your short-term goals Tell me about something you are particularly proud of in current role Tell me about a time you disagreed with someone What is your leadership style and tell me about a time you had to adopt the leadership style Contributions to CBS Any other clubs you would love to join Any questions for me"