Login to GMAT Club Forum and click account you have used to subscribe to GMAT Club YouTube channel and allow us to view your YouTube account.


Subscribe to GMAT Club's YouTube Channel - Receive 1 Week of Forum Quiz

You can use this page to get 1 week of GMAT Club Forum Quiz Mode subscription if you are subscribed to GMAT Club YouTube channel.
Please note that as of July 10, 2021, we no longer offer free access to GMAT Club Tests. Only GMAT Club Forum Quiz Access is provided.

To activate:
  1. You must be logged in to the GMAT Club Forum to proceed. If you are not a GMAT Club member, please register here and refresh this page to continue.
  2. Make sure that you are subscribed to GMAT Club YouTube channel. If not, please subscribe now and refresh this page to continue.
  3. Click the button "Sign in with Google" and login with Google account you have used to subscribe to GMAT Club YouTube channel.
  4. We (our application) will ask you for a permission to view your YoutTube account. We need this in order to check if you have subscribed to GMAT Club YouTube channel
  5. We only check if you are subscribed to GMAT Club YouTube channel. We do not do anything else.
  6. If we confirm that you are subscribed to GMAT Club YouTube channel and that we haven't granted you the Forum Quiz Mode access on this ground before we (the application) will automatically provide you with 1 week of GMAT Club Forum Quiz Mode subscription.
  7. If you did not get Forum Quiz Mode Access, please log out of your GMAT Club account, log back in, reload this page and try again.

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