Kudos owned by the user

Bunuel received 5 Kudos for post If x/23 is a positive integer with a factor of 6, which of the followi.

SS.56If x/23 is a positive integer with a factor of 6, which of the followi02-Dec-2022
GinoRakoIf x/23 is a positive integer with a factor of 6, which of the followi20-Apr-2022
SanjuktaMukherjeeIf x/23 is a positive integer with a factor of 6, which of the followi09-Dec-2021
darshit36If x/23 is a positive integer with a factor of 6, which of the followi23-Jul-2021
Antony2021If x/23 is a positive integer with a factor of 6, which of the followi15-Jul-2021

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