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IIM (All Schools)
Final Decision:
Status: Off Campus with Adcom
Interviewed on: Feb 11, 2023
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5.4 years
Feb 12, 2023 05:02
"WAT (paper pen)- 10 mins - Topic: Charity is a part of business GD- 10 mins - 9 candidates (8 men, 1 woman) - case study on Punjab farmer- whether to accept MNC offer to supply potatoes for 24L pa in lieu of existing 6L pa/family (3 families) PI- I was interviewed by 2 professors. Interview lasted for 12 minutes. Since I have a Finance background (CA+CFA), got the following ques: Many people applying for MBA from Banking industry, also from icici bank- what is the problem with banking sector? Whom should we lend during economy downturn vs upturn; which sector perform well during downturn? When do Consumer durables perform well? Do you follow Twitter? What is Poison pill? Poison pill vs hostile takeover? How do you measure Asset utilization efficiency? What is Assets turnover ratio? What is Equity multiplier? Basic EPS vs diluted EPS? How does share warrants impact EPS? Do you evaluate credit profile of borrowers as RM? Highest weightage is given to what parameter? Do you use profitability of default? How do you measure it? How do you arrive at interest rate pricing? You have mentioned articleship under work ex, is it really considered work ex? You are not married, right? What is your hobby? Interview to fellow applicants- Interview lasted for max 20 mins. GK related ques- Paris agreement (COP 21) Inland waterways in India HDFC vs Kotak Mahindra Bank working style VP of India role vs VP of USA role How do you measure efficiency of banking industry P/E ratio of banking sector What are the various Govt policies announced in Budget 2023 Why PNB called scam bank, another scam after Nirav Modi? Punjab recent unrest/riot after labour/Trade union protest What is net zero?"
IIM (All Schools) IIM Ahmedabad PGPX
Final Decision:
Status: Off Campus with Adcom
Interviewed on: Dec 3, 2022
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7.3 years
Dec 28, 2022 03:12
"Location: Bangalore. "I was interviewed by 2 professors. Interview lasted for 30 mintues. Got the following questions: 1. Extempore Topic: Are Delivery guys being exploited by the Delivery Patners such as Swiggy, Zomato, Zepto. Should they be paid a fixed component? 2. Questions about projects mentioned in SOP, Resume, and more follow-up questions on the same. 3. STG, LTG, and Organizations you want to join and why?? some questions on this. 4. Questions for us?" Advice: Go through everything in your application they basically take that, and ask everything around that.""
IIM (All Schools) IIM Bangalore EPGP
Final Decision:
Status: On Campus
Interviewed on: Nov 6, 2022
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7.3 years
Nov 28, 2022 12:11
""I was interviewed by 2 professors, and I alumni. Interview lasted for 30 mintues. Got the following questions: 1. General awareness. Mentioned some topics, they chose Inflation, and effect on India.. Discussion lasted 15 minutes. 2. Questions about projects mentioned in SOP, and more follow-up questions on the same. 3. STG, LTG, and Organizations you want to join and why?? some questions on this. 6. Why IIM B? 7. Questions for us?" Advice: Go through everything in your SOP, they basically take that, and ask everything around that."
IIM (All Schools) IIM Calcutta PGPEX
Final Decision:
Status: Off Campus with Adcom
Interviewed on: Nov 5, 2022
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7.3 years
Nov 28, 2022 12:11
"I was interviewed by 2 professors, and I alumni. Interview lasted for 25 mintues. Got the following questions: 1. About Zoom shares dipping, Guesstimates on number of people using zoom in a month in 1 state. 2. Why are Indian firms not the leaders in software development, and cloud?? Many more questions on this. 3. Instances, where I led my team to success. 4. Where u had to try something new how did you manage that team structure?? 5. STG, and Organizations you want to join and why?? some questions on this. 6. Why IIM C? 7. What is Quantum Physics? - I think it was just to push me off my balance, had some industry, and tech related questions before this. 8. Questions for us?"
IIM (All Schools) IIM Ahmedabad PGPX
Final Decision:
Status: On Campus
Interviewed on: Nov 19, 2022
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10.4 years
Nov 22, 2022 01:11
"My interview was held at IIM Ahmedabad on 19th November. Reached the venue at 2 PM as the interview was scheduled at 3 PM. The interview was organized at the new campus building and reaching the interview room is pretty straightforward. They ask you to wait in a small room along with the other candidates which gives you an opportunity to know some of them and release pre interview jitters by talking to each other, sharing experiences and cracking nervous jokes! Anyway, I came to know there were 4 different panels taking the interview simultaneously. I don't know if they had divided the candidates between themselves at random or they had some method to sort the candidates between themselves. What I did come to know was each panel had two professors who would take the interview. The panels differed in their approach to the interview based on the personality of the professors. I heard in one panel the professor was deliberately aggressive while in other they were calm as cucumbers! :D In either case, the candidates came out with no clue how to judge the interview outcome once it was over. I already knew the extempore process and was little prepared as those who went ahead of me were reporting on the extempore topics. The topics included current topics from the corporate world. example: Should Zomato be banned due to rash driving of their delivery executives, Should quiet quitting be considered a cultural phenomenon or another word for lazy people etc. When i stepped in, the interviewers directly jumped to talking about why i had spent 10 years in the same company, what would a PGPX add to my profile now? whether i was seeking PGPX as a result of company not doing well in India etc. They then asked me about what kind of jobs would i be looking for after i finish PGPX. I replied that a product manager role would be suitable given my background. They pounced on that term and grilled me with hypotheticals. As a product manager, how would i re launch my company's product? why do i think the product failed, why go for a specific approach etc. The questions were all asked in a calm and inquisitive manner. Yet i had a hard time keeping up with their questions! Then the other panelist asked me to pick a chit and read it out loud. the topic was 'is diversity in workplace just increasing mediocrity? should companies abandon it and focus on meritocracy?'. I took a stand against it and then the usual back and forth ensued between me and the panelist. They didn't push me too much on my views but put a few simple arguments and asked me to give specific examples to back my point. The panelist then asked why choose IIM A when i've lived my whole life in Ahmedabad? I answered with my family and work history to highlight i have enough diversity and exposure. he still said MBA is an opportunity to explore new places. To which i replied if IIM A had been in Delhi i would have gone to Delhi! Since it happens to be in Ahmedabad i'm applying there :D .The other panelist gave a chuckle and the interview concluded on a positive note. In any case, I'm still not sure if i will be selected or not. As i said, you won't get an inkling of what they end up deciding once you leave the room"
IIM (All Schools) IIM Bangalore EPGP
Final Decision:
Status: On Campus
Interviewed on: Sep 10, 2022
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6.5 years
Nov 8, 2022 12:11
"The interview took place on campus at IIMB. Questions asked: 1. Motivations for MBA and alternate paths to achieve post-MBA goals 2. Questions related to my field of work and achievements mentioned in the application 3. Some follow-up questions based on my responses to the above questions 4. A few counter questions related to my essay content Tips: Just be relaxed and confident of your achievements and what you can possibly offer towards class discussions. Focus on your improving your awareness of happenings in your respective industry and possible implications to the business environment."
IIM (All Schools) IIM Calcutta PGPEX
Final Decision:
Status: On Campus
Interviewed on: Sep 3, 2022
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11.3 years
Oct 29, 2022 10:10
"Interview Venue – IIM-C Campus Duration – 20-25 mins Panelists – Both faculty (learnt later, no introduction), P1-Lady, young, P2-Gentleman, senior I greeted both panelists and asked if I could take my mask off, they signalled in the affirmative. Interview started with P2 asking me to show my govt ID (Aadhar) P2 started: So, you work in xyz? – Yes Where have you worked in xyz? – I said the place names only, didn’t go into any more details. Where are working now? – I said the place name He asked me which schools I had applied to and if I had received calls and if the other interviews were done – I gave him the actual facts. So, you work in xyz, do you think xyz (PSU Oil & Gas Company) should be divested?- No. Despite govt control I have seen xyz to be an agile and forward looking company. In general, what do you think about divestment? – Some of the more ancillary companies can be divested, but those which are of strategic importance, should not be. So what do you think about HMT? Tractors are of strategic importance – Yes sir, but there are plenty of private players available in the market… (I was not aware of HMT being a tractor manufacturer!) (interrupting me) But it all started with HMT, didn’t it? They destroyed (or sold or something along those lines) HMT and then the others came in, only Escorts was there perhaps.. – I nodded in consent when he said Escorts. (once again asking for my opinion on disinvestment) – I would still say, sir, that the companies which are of strategic importance to the national security, like xyz is for energy security... (interrupting me) Ok so you are talking about national security – I nodded my consent. So you passed out 10 years ago, (I corrected him, 11 years ago), (something about adapting to classroom environment and family) – I understand sir. I have been preparing for the past year for this, first for the GMAT and then for the applications. Initially it was difficult, but once I got into the groove (some phrase like that) I was comfortable. My family also knows this and supports me. You must be aware that the MBAEx course requires a fairly deep understanding of mathematics, will you be able to cope with that (not exact words) – Yes, sir. When I started my GMAT preparation, initially I was a bit rusty, but after some practice I got into the groove. So tell me, between differentiation and integration, which one is more real? Which one can we see? – I would say integration, as we are adding up the miniscule parts and getting an overall picture. So differentiation is not real? – Both are real, but we can see the result of integration but we have to imagine the elements of differentiation. So what would be the derivative of a tree? – (I was flabbergasted, but I believe I concealed my feelings well) (after a second’s pause) Well sir, trees are made of cells… so those are the building blocks… We would have to go back in time to see the differentiation into cells. (after some ramble) asks about the growth rate of trees – Yes sir, the growth rate is differential, but we cannot see the growth rate as such (at this point I was just going with the flow) But you can see the speed at which a car moves, how does the speed get calculated? – I am not aware of the exact mechanism, but it would involve counting the number of rotations of the motor… transmission system (I know, stupid answer) Yes, so you can see the speed at which the car travels… isn’t that differentiation? (goes on to further explain how the speed is calculated) – Yes that is differentiation, but can we actually see the speed? Don’t you think it is the average? Distance divided by time? .. don’t remember the entire thing … ultimately he stopped when I said that it was not average as it was the instantaneous speed and the delta-t was infinitesimal. P1 takes over So you have written so many achievements in your application, why do you still want to do an MBA – I want to get a holistic learning on professional, business and managerial skills which would enable me to handle greater responsibilities (in a somewhat sarcastic tone) Business, professional and managerial skills… I would say you have already shown those skills, what extra do you want to get through an MBA? So the first answer of why do you want to do an MBA is that I am not satisfied– (this started my downward spiral) I tried several answers – I have had a somewhat blinkered view of operations only and want to have a holistic view to broaden the scope of my work (I should have stuck to this line, but she didn’t seem convinced, and insisted that I state the real reason) At this point a staff member entered the room to offer refreshments to the panelists, while I was in the middle of an answer… This gave me an opportunity to collect my thoughts (but I had already gone down into the rabbit hole). I tried reasoning – I had quickly realised that academic prowess would not be enough to guide me through my professional career… (interrupting me) Yes, now you are coming to the point, you want to do an MBA (stress on ‘want’ in a somewhat condescending tone) – I continued without getting affected, I have wanted to do an MBA for long but couldn’t pursue an MBA because of several family constraints. I was aware of the company sponsorship available and waited till I became eligible. She hardly listened to my answer, repeating, why do you want to do an MBA? – Then the really difficult part started, I tried to explain that I wanted to be able to take more informed decisions…” So you don’t take informed decisions now?”… Yes, I do, but sometimes I don’t get time to analyse the entire situation and have to act on instincts… “So how do you take decisions?” – (I was getting defensive and she could sense victory) I analyse the pros and cons.. ¬– Right, so that’s what an MBA teaches you, to analyse the pros and cons, doesn’t it (looks at P1)… I said something about being able to take decisions under pressure situations and she kept grilling, how do you take decisions under pressure – sometimes I have to act on instincts… Is this a pressure situation for you – I guess so. (Somewhere in this conversation she had asked whether I wanted to do an MBA because everybody does so, and I had denied that being the case) I was not sure how to respond. She continued (smiling), forget you are in an interview, forget what your contacts, internal and external, have told you, and give us an honest answer as to why you want to do an MBA… I asked for permission to drink some water to gather my thoughts once again but I realised it was a losing battle. (with an air of resignation, yet that of being absolutely honest and frank) So, since you want an honest answer, although I have already been giving honest answers but since you seem to differ, I would say that I like challenges and I have seen my batchmates do this course and I believe that I can do it also. She was glowing with an air of victory and looked at P2 signalling she was done. She then asked which schools I had applied to and which ones I had got calls from – I gave the same answer that I had given to P2. P2 then, almost as an afterthought, leafed through my application one more time, stopping at the extra curriculars, and said, so you have interests in quizzing, photography and travel blogging – Yes, I do Where have you travelled to – (I was relieved finally at having a comfortable question) In my first solo trip, I went to Paris. I have also been to Switzerland, Norway, Belgium, New Zealand and Bangladesh. And in India, where have you travelled – Well thanks to having been posted in multiple locations, I have seen many parts of India. I have covered most of Maharashtra & Gujarat. I have also been to Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh… (didn’t let me continue) P1- So you are from xyz University – Yes Which year? – Mine was the 2011 batch 2011 to? – (I was surprised by this because I had thought my previous answer was clear enough) – No actually, it was from 2007 to 2011 She looked at P1 with a broad smile and they both nodded, and I was thanked and asked to leave. (Not given the chance to ask them questions)"
IIM (All Schools) IIM Ahmedabad PGPX
Final Decision:
Denied with Interview
Status: On Campus
Interviewed on: Sep 10, 2022
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6.6 years
Oct 17, 2022 05:10
"No. of Panelists: 2 (Both professors) They were playing good cop, bad cop throughout the interview. One of them was asking work profile related questions in expectation of honest answers and the other was trying to counter my answers in order to put me under pressure. Extempore topic: Should Large firms allow their talented employees to have a spin off and start their own companies with buy back options. Questions: Would you prefer working for a large firm or a startup? What type of customers you deal with? (I am from sales and marketing background) What is the breakup of the revenue you have generated for your firm in terms of customer segments? What are the main negotiations you have with your customers? (Product Price, Payment terms, Delivery time, T&C) Who are the competitors of your firm? Which is better, your firm or the competitor firm? Why do customer prefer your firm over your competitors? Why are you sitting here? What do you expect from this program? (A lot of cross questioning on this.) What was the chess event that happened in Chennai recently? (Since I am a Chess enthusiast) Who won the event? Where did India stand in the event? Who was the star performer from India in this event? Do you have any questions for us?"
IIM (All Schools) IIM Bangalore EPGP
Final Decision:
Status: Off Campus with Adcom
Interviewed on: Sep 9, 2022
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0.7 years
Sep 30, 2022 12:09
"I was inteviewed by a panel consist of 2 profs and 1 alum. My interview was short. I think it lasted 15 mins. 1. Tell me about your work experience. 2. One of the prof knew Total Environment (where I worked) very well. Couple of questions on the organisation. 3. How did you land up in these organisations. (Directors are college alumni, basically through network. Prof said - Tum toh apna job bina placement ke laga loge) 3. About 1 year career break. 4. Why MBA. 5. Why do you want to go back to your industry (i.e Real estate) when you will have plethora of options after MBA? - Grilling on these part. 6. Conversation moved to Construction technology. Fews questions on state of construction tech adoption in india 7. Why take Job not run construct tech consulting after MBA. 8. For Alumni - My work experience was going bouncer. He bluntly told me that I am able to grasp your work ex. He asked which are good construction tech startup? Location? And Revenue? Gave me cookies when interview concluded."
IIM (All Schools) IIM Ahmedabad PGPX
Final Decision:
Status: Off Campus with Adcom
Interviewed on: Sep 10, 2022
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Sep 10, 2022 10:09
"There were two interviewers: a male prof (age 35-45), a female prof (age 35-40) The male Professor comes out of the room and calls me; I follow him inside. He seemed a pretty kind human being. He asked me to sit and asked me if I wanted water. I said yes. He went to bring a glass of water from the other corner of the room. Meanwhile, I was standing. He asked me to sit down and make myself comfortable. He brought water. I drank and thanked him. Then, the interview started. Part 1: Extempore The male prof said, "You can randomly choose a chit (which contains extempore topics). If you like the topic, you can go ahead. However, you can choose to select another topic. If you choose another topic, that will be your final one. However, you should have a position on the topic." I went ahead and picked one. The topic was that platform startups are overhyped, and their valuations are unjustified. I skipped the topic and went for another one. The next topic was that midday meal schemes are an unnecessary expensive freebie and should be stopped. I asked for some time to take notes. It took 15-20 seconds. As soon as I had a few points, I started speaking. I was against the statement and stressed that the mid-day meal scheme was necessary as it increased attendance and reduced malnutrition. Then the lady prof said, why not let people earn and fend for themselves? I said- is it your premise that sufficient means of earning will be created by investing the mid-day meal money in another way in the economy. I argued that when economic opportunities are created, people at the bottom are usually not in a situation to benefit from them. People with middle incomes grab such opportunities. Therefore, people at the bottom need a safety net. Then, the male prof posed a lot of arguments. The arguments went on for 10-15 minutes, ranging from whether liberalization lifted people out of poverty to whether people voted for development. However, I firmly stood my ground. Part 2: Profile Related Lady prof: I see that you have experience in asset management and mining industry. Do you have any idea why Vedanta's delisting failed? I clarified that my asset management experience meant asset maintenance, not financial assets. She said, but still, it was in the news, you should be able to answer. I asked her to repeat the question. She did so. I said, "I don't know, so I would take a guess". I put some context that Vedanta delisted from London Stock Exchange and tried delisting from India. Indian delisting failed probably because of the holding structure and because it could not win over the voting of minority shareholders. She said, "No, there were some other asset management-related issues." Male prof: Can you give me an example from your recent professional background where you solved a client problem? I explained one in detail (a faux pass: once I kept saying 12 am as 12 pm. They corrected me). He probed a bit about our recommendation to the client and seemed satisfied with the answer. Lady prof: If the owner of Vedanta, Anil Agrawal, walks up to you and says what do you want us to do? I said the first thing I would tell him is sustainability, second- to invest in technology, and the third - to invest in skills. I gave the example of how Vedanta's tamil nadu smelter plant got closed because there were allegations of ground water contamination. She said, "Talks of sustainability and ESG is overblown. My position is that you cannot do mining without damaging the environment". I replied that it was about minimizing, even if the damage is not zero. I gave an example of a UK-based plant I worked with last year. That the plant is located in a city and has been running since 1908, there were no major incidents even when it was using explosive hydrogen gas in its process. Then she said, you consultants come in and say anything is possible. Tell me concretely how it is possible. Is there some technology? What technology would you suggest to eliminate all these problems? I replied that it was not about technology. It is about commitment. I said that if you see Indian plants, they run at 95%+ availability. European plants run at 80-85%. In India, if you need a month shutdown, you get only ten days, and you take risks to prioritize production. Male prof: I see that you are earning quite good. Do you know our median placement salary? I said that it is around 34-36. He said, "Are you sure you want to do an MBA? Why do you want to do it?" I explained that I want to prepare myself for leading businesses, and I do not want to leave any blind spots when I do it. Male prof: There are a lot of entrepreneurs who are from a technical background and are thriving. I replied that most such entrepreneurs had to undergo a lot of failures before they could succeed. Business education will decrease my probability of failure and increase my chances of success. That was all. I thanked them and came out. There was moderate level of seriousness, sometimes a bit lighter. Pretty happy from the experience."
IIM (All Schools) IIM Bangalore EPGP
Final Decision:
Denied with Interview
Status: Online
Interviewed on: Dec 20, 2021
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Feb 25, 2022 01:02
"It was the most absurd interview experience I have experienced throughout my career. There was a panel of 1) Finance Professor 2) CA & Senior Alum from South Delhi (he mentions this in particular on his LinkedIn profile) 3) Adcom member or Professor- couldn't understand what he was saying as he had poor connectivity. It was a stress interview. They did not ask for an introduction, about what i do or about my career goals or achievements. Background - Entrepreneurship / Consumer Products / Marketing Questions Asked: 1) What is the best way for a Tech company to give excess cash to their shareholders and why? There was a lot of grilling around this 2) What is Advance Tax? Why is it levied? How does it help the government? Lot of grilling on this. 3) So you have done CFA L1 - which is your fav subject? i said quants/probability 4) How does the government use the probability models in advanced tax? Constant Grilling around this. 5) Where have you applied Probability Models and How? 6) Oh you should have said you applied it here. Why didn't you say that? 7) So why do you want to do an MBA? i think it doesn't make sense for an entrepreneur to do an MBA. 8) Any questions for us? 1 panelist constantly kept making faces and yawning while i was answering. 1 panelist constantly kept giving a fake wide smile. Other panelist was quiet throughout. The only time he spoke was during questions around advanced taxation. he kept on pressurising with couple of more questions. This is the worst method of taking an interview. You don't let the interviewee speak up or talk about relevant things. The panelists just wanted to talk about topics of their field of experience and were very narrow-minded. Loved going through such a grill though, keeps you level headed for the future engagements. In addition, realised that IIMs are too academic and book-oriented. Glad I didn't get through as I was looking to have a more holistic and out of class learning experience. Got into the college of my top preference though! :)"
IIM (All Schools) IIM Bangalore EPGP
Final Decision:
Status: Online
Interviewed on: Dec 25, 2021
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6.5 years
Jan 9, 2022 10:01
"My Background: 6+ years of work ex. in the Construction/ Infrastructure Industry. Skilled in Operations, Project Management, and stakeholder management. Client Facing role. Interview Panel- 3 people. No introduction, but I think they were professors. I had mentioned in my application about Pragati Portal(The platform is aimed at addressing common man’s grievances, and simultaneously monitoring and reviewing important programs and projects of the Government of India as well as projects flagged by State Governments). I was grilled on this. Why a new portal? Who operates it? What's the benefit? How is it better than the way the review that was done earlier? Is it of any benefit? This was the majority part of the interview. Thereafter, some questions from my application and CV: About my current role- 1-2 specifics that I had mentioned in my SOP. what is the size of the team I lead? If at any instance, I've had to say NO to the client? The interview ended with me asking them a question. The interview lasted for about 20- 25 mins. There was a lot of cross-questioning. I was hardly able to complete my answers. At times, I had to mark that I'll answer this question first and then the next. My assessment: Above Average but I could have performed better."
IIM (All Schools) IIM Calcutta PGPEX
Final Decision:
Status: Online
Interviewed on: Nov 21, 2021
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5.2 years
Nov 27, 2021 10:11
"1. Tell me about yourself, what do you do, and what brings you to MBAEx? (All in one question :P) 2. What is the difference between sales and marketing? (Since I stated that my post-MBA goal was in marketing space in the previous question) 3. What marketing tools have you used in your work? 4. How have you used online research in your work? (Since I mentioned that my work in analytics and data science involves a lot of research about algorithms, tech, and business context) 5. What are the actions that your company is taking to be more environment friendly? (Since I work in an energy company). 6. One question about five lions and a sheep in a field. If a lion eats the sheep, it transforms into a sheep. What might be the outcome? You can make any assumption that comes to your mind. (I think they wanted to test my thought process) 7. Why do loss making startups have high valuation? (Question came since I worked in an analytics startup before) 8. Questions on farm laws that were the trending news in India. Was asked about my perspective on how I would have reacted as a policy maker. 9. Any questions for the panel? Interview went on for 25-30 mins."
IIM (All Schools) IIM Ahmedabad PGPX
Final Decision:
Status: Online
Interviewed on: Oct 31, 2021
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5.2 years
Nov 27, 2021 10:11
"Extempore topic - Should usage of cannabis be legalized in India? - Took my stand. But as usual, they had counter points for the same. Went on for 3-4 mins. Honestly, I couldn't judge whether they were good with the response. 1. What do you do? 2. Specific questions on the numbers mentioned in my resume - I was asked multiple follow-up questions on the analytics approach I used for solving a pricing problem 3. Why MBA and why PGPX? 4. What is your dream industry and company? 5. Any questions for us? Interview was over in 25 mins."
IIM (All Schools) IIM Bangalore EPGP
Final Decision:
Denied with Interview
Status: Online
Interviewed on: Oct 27, 2021
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5.2 years
Nov 27, 2021 09:11
"WAT topic - How can citizens contribute to solid waste management? (Not the exact words - something on these lines) 1. What do you do? Tell me exactly. (I'm a data scientist) 2. What data do you use? 3. Do you work with a team? - stakeholders and business 4. One question on the intriguing opening I wrote in my SoP. 5. How does MBA fit in your plans? 6. Few perspective and opinion based questions on my current company. 7. What role you want to get into? 8. What is your dream company? 9. Any questions for us? Interview was wrapped up within 15 mins."
IIM (All Schools) IIM Ahmedabad PGPX
Final Decision:
Status: Online
Interviewed on: Oct 31, 2021
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This user wants to stay Private
11 years
Nov 24, 2021 02:11
"Extempore Topic: Startup valuations are too high to justify their potential. VCs need to take a hard look at their investments. - Spoke for the topic & was able to give alternate pespectives on the topic. If you are able to bring some fresh ideas, I feel you can score some brownie points. Supplementary Qns: 1. Why Commercial Bank's not coming to fund Startups Interview Qns: 1. Introduction to my background, how I came to BFSI sector. 2. Why PGPX 3. Current Role 4. Micro and Macro level challenges at the Bank and solutions. 5. How do you see fintech change the shape of banking in India 6. Challenges for PSU's to convert to a neo bank 7. Post MBA plans 8. How you'll fund the course fees 9. Any questions for the panel ? Interview time: 25 minutes - Be confident & give them the confidence to select you. - Treat it as a conversation with people who wish to know you better. - Try to use the craft of story telling, combined with facts, figures and insights. Keep it crisp and interesting. - Think of all the questions they can ask you. Refer previous debriefs. Prepare a structural response and practice your answers. - If possible, try to prepare early for the interview. Dont wait till shortlists are out. - Reach out to current batch students or alums to understand more about the college, teaching methods and their insights on the admission & interview process."
IIM (All Schools) IIM Bangalore EPGP
Final Decision:
Status: Online
Interviewed on: Sep 22, 2021
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5 years
Nov 13, 2021 04:11
"Hi Everyone, Mine was an online interview with 5-panel members. Below is the IIM B interview debrief: Day to Day Work: 1.What do you do in your current role?--- They wanted to understand what I exactly do. There was cross-questioning. 2.What is my company trying to be relevant for the future?--- Discussion on the long-term vision of my company. Hobbies: What are your hobbies?-- A small conversation on my hobbies. Without any further probing. Industry Related: 1.Since I am in the credit card industry, they checked my knowledge about BNPL, its examples, and its impact on the overall business. 2.Future of the credit card industry Investment: 1.Where do I invest?-- I said crypto and gold. They further probed on the difference between ethereum and Bitcoin 2.Why Gold? What makes gold a valuable investment? Across the interview, they tried to measure the depth of my knowledge in whatever I had done, be it work or investing. Best of luck! Thanks"
IIM (All Schools) IIM Ahmedabad PGPX
Final Decision:
Status: On Campus
Interviewed on: Sep 17, 2021
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5 years
Nov 10, 2021 04:11
"Hi Everyone, Set up in Round 1 2022 intake : 1. Interviews happened at the center. 2. My center was in the VC room at MGF metropolitan mall. ( Professors were on a video call) 3. the interview timing was 8:30 AM. It started around 9:10 ( Duration: 30 mins) Interview debrief : Q: What is your current location? Q: Why was Gurgaon not Ahmedabad since the latter was closer? Gurgaon was my job location. Q: What is your preference among WFH/WFO? Why does your company still not provide WFO? Answered: I started defending the stand. There were multiple follow-up questions. Q: What are the other colleges where you applied? Answered: IIM A and IIM B. Q Why not ISB? Answered: Class size is one of the reasons. Q: Which college will you pick between IIM B and A? I explained my decision to join IIM A is driven by discussion from alumni Q: He asked names of different alums to whom I contacted? Q: Introduced my topic: ”Since government employers are overworked, It is justified to take bribes.” I started with the point that the bribe is unethical. Interviewer 1 interrupted and mentioned your company might be doing the same. I started defending my company again. They pulled multiple incidents, which I tried to justify by providing counterarguments. Interviewer 2 (Majorly silent) did you feel lost in your career and what you do in these scenarios. They started asking about my hobbies and ended the interview. Hope it helps Best of luck"
IIM (All Schools) IIM Bangalore EPGP
Final Decision:
Status: Online
Interviewed on: Oct 25, 2021
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5.5 years
Oct 25, 2021 07:10
"WAT Topic: What is the best link language considering India's diverse linguistic diversity? 30mins 250 words. Interview 3 panelists: 1 alum, 2 professors Duration: ~30mins Professor 1: Tell us about yourself? Why IIMB EPGP? What do I do in my current work? About my salary - am I happy or not? Alum: Mostly around work and industry About the industry, How I make a sale? Are you good at negotiation? Professor 2: (Stress Interview) Meaning of my name and its origin Difference between sales and marketing Debate: 1. Why do you say helping rather than sales? Lots of to and fro arguments around this. How are you going to help IIMB How did I help my undergrad 2. Who are the Stakeholders (mentioned in the application). Lots of to and fro arguments around this. Asked the author of a book I mentioned. How did your undergrad books help you? How many districts in Tamilnadu Name 3 entrepreneurs from Tamilnadu Any questions Tips The interview was fast-paced. So give straightforward answers and then add your supporting points. Stay calm and give thoughtful answers (even under stress) that touches upon your different qualities."
IIM (All Schools) IIM Bangalore EPGP
Final Decision:
Status: Online
Interviewed on: Sep 20, 2021
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5.8 years
Oct 16, 2021 03:10
"Written Aptitude Test - The topic I was given was "The current challenges of online education and the future of the same". I had 30 minutes to read and write my views in 250 words. It was a pretty easy topic to cover and the only hard part was fitting my points of view within the word limit. Interview - The panel consisted of two professors from the Decision Sciences and Public Policy departments. The interview started off with a basic introduction. I was then asked about my previous role (With specifics on day to day activities) and about my experience working abroad. Then the questions went on to my domain which is infrastructure/construction. I was asked on my view points on the construction of the Statue of Unity (a project I was on) and whether that money could have been used in a better manner. After that it went on to a few ethical based questions such as - As CEO, would you take up projects just based on the finances or would you base your decision on the nature and kinds of project. Most of the questions involved giving 3 reasons for or against the topic. I was asked for 3 big takeaways from my previous job, 3 main factors while considering a project and so on. I was also asked a few questions about the infrastructure plans in India such as NMP and NIP and what the biggest barrier to entry is for Public Private Partnership projects. Finally, I was asked some generic questions about my hobbies, and what books I read, what my takeaway was from the last book I read, why MBA, what my short term goals are and whether I wanted to stick to the same industry. Overall, it was a very conversational interview and lasted for around 45 mins."