In what labour officials and lawyers view to be a ground breaking case that involved workers and social media, the National Labour Board has accused a company of illegally firing an employee after she criticized her supervisor on her Facebook page.
1) view to be - not the best doesn't look wrong...
2) In what labour officials and lawyers view to be a ground breaking case involving workers and social media, the National Labour Board accused
verb accused is in past simple, but the first verb LO&L VIEW is in present simple...something doesn't add up...B is out.
3) Labour officials and lawyers view as a ground breaking case that involved workers and social media, the National Labour Board has accused
2 IC connected with a comma...out! moreover, the meaning is not clear...
4) In what labour officials and lawyers view as a ground breaking case involving workers and social media, the National Labour Board has accused
looks good.
5) In what labour officials and lawyers are viewing as a ground breaking case involving workers and social media, the National Labour Board is accusing
present continuous is wordy here i guess...they are not constantly viewing...NLB is not continuously accusing...
D looks good for me.