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Re: Unconventional answers about management consulting [#permalink]
You talk about selling projects as a director/partner. Can you describe this process? How do you sell? Where do the clients come from? How hard is it to sell a client? etc.

Thanks once again for this thread. You should be racking up kudos!
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Re: Unconventional answers about management consulting [#permalink]
thanks so much paradosso! this is really invaluable!
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Re: Unconventional answers about management consulting [#permalink]
Very good thread, I have a few questions if you don't mind.. I'm tossing out the idea of MC for myself but want to fully understand the lifestyle in comparison to mine currently (government IT consulting).

-What are the major differences between government and MC (not public sector)?
-How many women executive-levels do you see? Is it not that many or a decent amount?
-Is the travel always M-TH?
-Will a name like Booz Allen Hamilton or 'lower-level' firms hurt a candidate's profile post-MBA?
-Are there a lot of 'lifers'? Is there an average amount of time before people get burnt out?

I'm sure many of my questions are dependent on the firm, but I thought I'd throw them out there ;)

Thanks in advance!
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Re: Unconventional answers about management consulting [#permalink]
I will answer to jjloa21 before I answer to terp since jjola asks very quick questions I have the time and mental energy (2am here) to address, which is not the case for terp's (excellent) question.

What are the major differences between government and MC (not public sector)?

I have never worked in government (much less the US public sector!) so I'm not entitled to answer. Yet I feel differences would be HUGE: in MC bureaucracy is kept to a minimum whereas proactivity counts far more than seniority. So if you can't bear public, you should research MC.

How many women executive-levels do you see? Is it not that many or a decent amount?

Definitely not that many. Out of 22 partners in my office, only 2 are women. Few girls at the manager level too. 80-20 split at the junior level (yet I've yet to meet a girl who I think could be a lifer, and many tell me of their plans "for when I leave"). Discount this for Italy's despicable cultural attitude towards female work, it's still strong evidence.

Two main factors: a) MC does not play well with children, it really does not unless you have a stay-at-home dad. Most managers and partners have their wives at home. b) MC seems to call for a "manly" attitude. I am grossly generalizing here, but selling like a rabbit, as directors do, does not quite appeal to a woman. Women tend to have more definite career goals/dreams and even those who do really well as analysts/associates usually leave to pursue them. They are also less money sensitive, again for cultural reasons that will change over time but slowly.

I would go as far as to say that if you are a woman and you are undecided about MC, then it's not for you. If you are a man, by the way, it's exactly the same.

Is the travel always M-TH?

Nope. It really depends on the nature of the assignment (if you take the rough distinction I made before, operational excellence calls for M-TH or often F, while A&D can have a T-T routine --I worked entire weeks in the office as well), the client-office distance (the more it is, the more at the client you will stay) and the plain need to be there (how much live talking you need, documents that cannot exit the client's HQ, etc.). So anything goes, M-TH still being an average.

What matters IMHO is: away time is going to be a lot. This will not be pleasant even for the hotel fanatic, but if you dread working away from home, just stop investigating this career. It takes a toll on your relations, and sometimes you're away with no real motive other than showing the client you're "on it". That's stupid and is going to change over time, but ever so slowly and only to some extent (just as the female dynamics I've told before).

You will have some of the funnies and memorable situations and develop a deep sense of camaraderie with your colleagues, brainstorming over Japanese food at 11pm. Your ego will be inflated (sometimes too much). But in all that clangor, you will also miss your loved ones.

Will a name like Booz Allen Hamilton or 'lower-level' firms hurt a candidate's profile post-MBA?

If you have Booz (not government) before your MBA that's a plus, assuming you want to land a Big 3 job after it. It means you need less training (remember the key thing the analyst/associate has to do: free the time, and possibly the mind, of the engagement manager). Just have a reason for why you did not join a big 3 in the first place (don't say you were dinged unless you're interviewing with the same company in the same country as they will know).

Are there a lot of 'lifers'? Is there an average amount of time before people get burnt out?

Very similar to investment banking, except I would not talk of "burnout". MC work fewer hours so it's kind of sustainable long-term if you like to travel. The thing, as I've said, is that most people are just not cut for the work, so they don't like it. They may be hanging on waiting for exit options and whatnot, but they are going (the bottom performers are let go, but that's just a variation of the above really).

I would not advise to enter MC if you already think it's not where you want to be. If you need the money, go to IB and make lots more. If you need the network, just enter the desired industry right after the MBA. It's a good place to be if you don't really know what's next for you, though this should not be the case after an MBA, should it? :)

To answer the second part of the question, I think turnover is at around 20%, but this has a high variance, so the important dynamics are the ones above and they are specific and personal.
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Re: Unconventional answers about management consulting [#permalink]
Thanks for your honest answers!
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Re: Unconventional answers about management consulting [#permalink]
Wow am I glad I stumbled across this thread. Thank you so much for answering these questions for us.

I have some myself (I am sure will sound totally absurd to you) But i really need advice from someone in MC.

Background: Due to various personal reasons I am not in a position to quit work and do a full time MBA. Hence a PT from NYU Stern it will be. Currently, I work as an Environmental Consultant for the Water Industry (more traditional engineering consulting). Given that background here are my questions.

Q1: Is there a trend in the industry where you see the Big 3 are making a shift to strategy consulting for climate change, GHG etc. Almost all websites have a section dedicated to it. But is this more PR or really a direction they will pursue.

Q2: Is there a hesitancy to hire Part Timers? I get a sense that PT MBA isn't as valued and it is harder to make the shift.

Q3: If you are lucky to break into the top tier consulting league, do you still start at the bottom even if you go in with 8+ years of experience (counting the experience while doing the MBA)?

Thanks a ton for taking the time to answer these questions.
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Re: Unconventional answers about management consulting [#permalink]
- attention deficit disorder
- love scribbling and writing with a pen
- like teaching
- like film-like situations
- as few habits as possible, of whatever type
- being a nerd of not-being-a-nerd
- love the quick and dirty more than the polished and perfect
- like time alone
- astuteness, sometimes deception
- thrive on others' consideration of you

I have a question about this list.

1) Why is ADD good for MC? I was diagnosed with ADHD when I was younger and have been trying to control it my entire life.
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Re: Unconventional answers about management consulting [#permalink]
- attention deficit disorder
- love scribbling and writing with a pen

I have a question about this list.

1) Why is ADD good for MC? I was diagnosed with ADHD when I was younger and have been trying to control it my entire life.

I don't think Paradosso meant ADD literally. I think he meant more a desire to keep working on something new/different, continually have variety and not be limited to one project for a long period of time
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Re: Unconventional answers about management consulting [#permalink]
Hey all, soory for the hiatus as I was finishing my R2 apps!

I will answer to the posted questions over the upcoming days.
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Re: Unconventional answers about management consulting [#permalink]
What do you think about joining smaller consulting firms out of undergrad? Good idea, bad idea?
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Re: Unconventional answers about management consulting [#permalink]
Paradosso, I'd love to get your thoughts on PE_Wharton_Guy's post (what he says about consulting): 133-t74861

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Re: Unconventional answers about management consulting [#permalink]
Paradosso, I'd love to get your thoughts on PE_Wharton_Guy's post (what he says about consulting): 133-t74861


I second this. I'd love to hear what you think, Paradosso.
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Re: Unconventional answers about management consulting [#permalink]
Is there anyone on this forum that is in MC in the US? I'd like to know your opinion on the industry and how it differs Paradosso's input.
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Re: Unconventional answers about management consulting [#permalink]
This was an amazing post. Wow, can't believe I missed it Before +1
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Re: Unconventional answers about management consulting [#permalink]
All those whose questions I have not answered yet: bear with me, I've been hit by peak time :)

I will get back to you.
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Re: Unconventional answers about management consulting [#permalink]
Excellent thread, Paradosso! +1

I work in a non-strategy consulting practice for a Big 4 firm, and am looking to move to a M/B/B or boutique firm post-MBA. Though the Big 4 strategy practices can be quite different from the strategy-only firms (I've worked on some strategy projects, and I don't want to move to our firm's practice for the exact reasons Paradosso mentioned), in general the lifestyle and project management structures are similar for us as well.
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Re: Unconventional answers about management consulting [#permalink]
Just stumbled on this thread :) wow !

Paradosso, not sure you're still around - but just in case you are I have a couple of questions :)

- Do you think its easier to get a position with MBB in Italy compared to London? I ask this because I can speak Italian fluently - its not my native language but I grew up watching Italian TV etc and I can speak it very well, although not on a level on par with an italian

- How do consultancies view the GMAT in interviews - both for undergrad and MBA recruitment? Do they expect 700+ or is this a non-factor?

Hope you're still around, awesome thread
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