Rotman Reviews


MBA Program rating

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August 06, 2023

Joined: May 07, 2020

Posts: 11

Kudos: 13

Self-reported Score:
690 Q47 V38

Post-MBA Placement


This review is for Rotman

Program Full Time MBA

Class of 2023

Experience during the program

The Rotman MBA is indeed a transformational experience, especially if you're an international student. You will be surrounded by extremely diverse, competitive (in a good way) and talented people- to me, that was the value of this MBA.

The major downside is that nearly half the class was still seeking employment at convocation in June, though classes wrap up by late April. I am nearly 4 months into my full-time job search in August, and I have yet to land a competitive offer. I have had interviews and offers in target pivot roles in innovation, leadership development, and product delivery, but they have been few and far between. Additionally, budgeted compensation for these roles have been below my expectations. I have been offered salaries lower than what I was making prior to the MBA...which has been surprising, given the high 5 figure and 6 figure average salaries reported in Rotman's annual employment report.

Be warned that these salaries are skewed UPWARDS due to outliers in consulting, investment banking and law. Many students are being offered salaries in the $75k-$85k range post-MBA from chatting to classmates. If you are ok with this, then do join for the experience and the network. If you're ok with making less for a career/industry pivot, then do join. There are some who are landing the $200k+ jobs, but they are NOT the majority. Do not walk into the program expecting you will be the outlier- by definition, this is not the benchmark. If compensation is not a main reason for joining the MBA, then you should be fine.

Rotman is a fine place to develop your leadership skills, meet people from all around the world and learn about yourself. It will teach you grit, perseverance, and adaptability- all important skills for the world of work. The Career Centre is mainly there for emotional support- they are not typically able to directly get you a first-round interview. They can let you know about certain jobs, but it is rare that they can put you at the front of the line when it's you vs the rest of the market. However, they are nice people who can coach you on soft skills like how to reach out for a coffee chat, how to build your network and how to negotiate your first offer. Most of the game with job-hunting is mental anyway...

About job placement process

The banks definitely like to recruit from Rotman for finance and investment banking positions. The big consulting companies have also recruited from our cohort- in my year, for internships, around 6 people were recruited (the majority were diversity hires from atypical demographic and career backgrounds) by McKinsey, and a handful by Bain and BCG.

Overall BSchool experience (4.0)
Schools contribution (3.0)
Classmates rating (4.0)

Strengths of the program:

Student body, diversity

Best fit at this program:

Investment Banking

Can be improved:

Alumni Network
Career opportunities provided by school

Read More

August 18, 2023

Thank you so much for sharing and posting the review! Really appreciate it!

PS. About the high numbers that schools report, my guess they would not report people who are still looking for jobs (since you have no salary) so the statistics gets skewed towards the top 25-50% who had jobs at graduation that paid well.

Hope things pick up in September after everyone is back from summer and things will need to get done. I have a recommendation to put out there to consider - get laser focused on a position/job. So Instead of casting a wide net for many jobs and positions, what if you recruit for a small specialized job/field. Getting highly focused in your search has many benefits and I have seen people succeed as the result. I was more of a wide net applicant, applying for anything that was open 😇

April 18, 2023

Joined: Feb 08, 2018

Posts: 52

Kudos: 4

Self-reported Score:
700 Q50 V48
670 Q48 V50

This review is for


Class of 2022

Experience during the program

Excellence can be rate as surpassable as esteemed standard for determination to achieve aim of expectations goal with dreams of top financial services and insurance industry and International relations and affairs.
by achieve excellence people in this aspect of work with interview by Company, Organisation and gorverment.

I passed through many challenges in my life.but I encountered with major crisis of challengee when I found no helpers.It is good to anticipate problem before problem solved.
I started deal with difficult situation by aknowledged my feeling and feel the pain the personal challenges that I have most recently experience were beyond my capability due to the way things happened throughout my challenges by lacking of financial and facing invisible challenges that were through enough to see the consequences and challenges that I have encountered in my life.

Grit is important to achieve in future it can help to pull through the hardest situation of is also a driver of achievement and success beyond the talent and intelligent.
I need to be naturally smart and talented in any aspect of education and organization.
I have been in race of climbed the mountains of success the breathing experience is hard to forget until I reach the top to achieve my target goals.
It is my personal journey of experience towards my education enlightenment.
If I can treated myself with kindness and understanding the others peopleI issues must be treated kindness.
I am more likely to forgive myself as part of learning and discipline.
I need to build a strong positive and relationships with loved ones and friends which can provide me in time of needed help.
It's easier to think about the grit but there's time for challenges and time to overcome.

Resilience is one of most challenges to stay stronger in time of bounce back in hardship situation of life.the process of adapting in time of facing stress in under pressure as myself an intensely devoted student and practice resilience as psychological strength to cope with stress and hardship such as many factors that play an important role in resilience.these include coping skills, emotional regulations,and social support.

Innovation is crucial to the continuing success of any organization, innovation in company is a driver that keeps companies moving forwards with new strategic plan and development.
For new development and investment management will come from internal and external sources.
Investment management entity that need to improve in order to operate performance.

Externally,the pressure to improve come from various kinds of sources include investment management and development to create new strategic plan for investment management and development as new company is not easy as an industrials company that owns strong procedures in standards startup company required the value of solid capital strategic planning.with impact of new planning as solid organization executives are responsible for generating development and management and ability to work successful ly.
Innovation and International affairs that can support to drive the global economy as possible as ensure to proceeded need for global policies.
Economy is one of the greatest impacted in global affairs by innovation.

My ambition is to become professional finance and International relation and affairs I believed in most relevant element and achieving desired goals in advance esteemed level in life.
First inspired my passion for investment management leading in the financial services and insurance industry in diversified companies in institutional development and management. Where I was be able to achieved a fanatic understanding on systematical and global finance in global economy to increase financial investment in global business

Also my ambition in international relations and affairs the important series has designed to make relevant contribution and organization for development and management in esteemed way to handle and treat the global issues and problem solvings such as defend, security and Peace,diplomatic and International institutional, Economics, Energy,Health, Human right.Humanitarian Aid, International Law,Documents.
Official Languages, Sustainable Development and Climate Action,Global issues
The world is need the individuals intelligent and experience as professional who have esteemed ambition that really want to make positive impact in global issues.

The present global political situation is critical and desperately order public awareness and concern on global problem that Connor be solved easily I must be psychological study of major global problem.solution to the world issues such as End poverty.End hunger and improve nutrition and sustainable. agriculture,Promote well being for all ages.
Ensure equitable and quality. educationAchieve gender equality.
Ensure water and sanitation for all.
Ensure access to modern energy for all.

By Israel

Overall BSchool experience (5.0)
Schools contribution (5.0)
Classmates rating (5.0)

Strengths of the program:

Alumni Network
Career opportunities provided by school
Specialization in a particular area (e.g. Finance, Consulting, Healthcare, etc)

Best fit at this program:


Can be improved:

Alumni Network
Career opportunities provided by school
Culture & Student Support
Specialization in a particular area (e.g. Finance, Consulting, Healthcare, etc)

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March 28, 2023

Joined: Mar 28, 2023

Posts: 2

Kudos: 0

Rotman needs to adapt


This review is for Rotman

Program Full Time MBA

Class of 2021

Experience during the program

This school was probably great in 2004. The world has completely changed, and employers want specialists now. Read "Canada's MBA problem" in the globe and mail. Sums up the problem with this school well. I graduated 2 years ago, and here are my observations so far:

1) If you do end up going here and want to switch careers, stay away from programs without internships. They don't really care about you and your job prospects if you're a non-full-time student. They don't tell you how little they will help you land a job in a new career when they market alternative programs to you. It's all sunshine and butterflies.

I know at least 5 students who are still struggling to find jobs across different programs after graduating. They're getting kind of desperate now, and some have resorted to freelance work.

2) The school floods the market with MBAs by letting in a million people.

3) They should have targeted career planning for students and not let in students who don't think they can help find good jobs.

One of our profs referred to us as the school's product. Well... if we're the product, they should do a better job in making sure the product is ready for the job market.

4) They should have a product management specialization and product courses. It's one of the highest-paying non-finance/consulting jobs... why don't they teach it? Kellogg teaches it. Get with the times

5) $100 thousand is wayyyyy too much for a non-ivy league business school in Canada. 10% of students will get top finance and consulting jobs. It's worth it for them. For the rest of the students,... no way. It'll take forever to pay that off. And it's not like they help you out if you can't find a high-paying job... nope. you're on your own. Too bad, so sad.

6) If you take CDL thinking you're going to get a job offer with a startup... prepare to be disappointed. I only know of one student in my cohort that this happened to, and the class had like 200 people.

They brought in a CDL alum when selling the course to students, and it's always the one alum who is doing the best right now. That guy is the exception to the rule and not the norm. Most CDL students are definitely not CEOS of the startup they worked with LOL. Give me a break.

If I were to pay for the stuff I learned at Rotman on the open market, it would probably be 25 grand max. Throw in another 15-20 for the network. This is, at most, a $45k degree... and I think I'm being generous here.


I liked my classmates, though. They were nice, hard-working people, and it's not their fault that the school overpromised and underdelivered. The pink stairs are nice too. Good job on the stairs, Rotman.

Overall BSchool experience (1.0)
Schools contribution (1.0)
Classmates rating (4.0)

Strengths of the program:


Best fit at this program:


Can be improved:

Curriculum, Classes, Professors
Career opportunities provided by school
Specialization in a particular area (e.g. Finance, Consulting, Healthcare, etc)

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October 25, 2022

Joined: Jan 10, 2017

Posts: 7

Kudos: 9

Verified GMAT Classic score:
740 Q51 V38

Don't have top-tier school expectations when you walk in.


This review is for Rotman

Program Full Time MBA

Class of 2023

Experience during the program

Rotman has one of the strongest reputations in Canada, and I found the alumni network to be superb in terms of career support. People look at you with different lenses when they know you are from Rotman in a good way. If you are looking to have a great network after your MBA, Rotman is the way to go. Its location, brand name, and alumni network will benefit you in the long run, I suppose, but only time will tell.

Overall, I had very high expectations from Rotman since its ranking, location, and strong alumni network, but the school didn't fully deliver on the promises that they made in marketing materials. Students pay top dollar to get into the program, but the program doesn't quite justify it. It is the location and future career aspect that justify the money that you will be paying. You are paying for opportunities.

About professors, classes and curriculum

Unfortunately, I find the professors, classes, and curriculum poorly designed. Often, my curriculum reminds me of my high-school years in Asia. It is textbook-heavy, largely theory-based, and disconnected from the real world. As an MBA student, I expect more of a story-telling / case-based approach.

The professors are regarded as the experts in their relative fields, publishing world-renowned books and winning awards. However, most of them pay little interest in teaching the students. Our previous cohort offered keen feedback to all the courses only to discover that the school didn't change anything for the following year. This feedback pattern has been here for some time since several cohorts of students. If you ever find yourself in a position appealing for a re-grade, expect the professors to push back on you harshly. Personally, I find it disappointing.

About job placement process

Career service at Rotman is okay-ish. My point of reference is a U.S public school, where the number of career coaches is limited to a large student body. Rotman career coaches are helpful in mock interviews and resume, but if you have to seek extra resources if you need to personalize your materials more (common among schools). However, I feel like career coaches have their agendas and KPIs. Meaning when they give you advice, they will look after their interests too. They want to accept an offer as soon as possible because it will look good on their performance review, not superb for your career interest. You have to be in the driver's seat for that 100%.

Job opportunities are plenty if you are easygoing, but top-tier companies are competitive. School reputation does give you an edge, but it is only so much it can do.

If you are looking to enter Rotman, please do your research and reach out to people who are in the program or graduated recently. It is even better to find someone with similar career aspirations since their advice will be more relatable to you. At the end of the day, MBA is a degree and an asset you have for your career development.

Overall BSchool experience (1.0)
Schools contribution (2.0)
Classmates rating (2.0)

Strengths of the program:

Alumni Network

Best fit at this program:

Investment Banking

Can be improved:

Curriculum, Classes, Professors
Student body, diversity
Career opportunities provided by school
Culture & Student Support
Admissions Team
Specialization in a particular area (e.g. Finance, Consulting, Healthcare, etc)
Faculty's teaching ability

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February 11, 2019

Joined: Jun 29, 2016

Posts: 103

Kudos: 92

Self-reported Score:
660 Q47 V34

It is what you make out of it


This review is for Rotman

Program Full Time MBA

Class of 2019

Experience during the program

Your journey in Rotman depends on how you craft it. It depends on you whether you will make the most out of it. I joined various activities and extra-curricular activities that have exposed me to awesome opportunities. Other people might just choose to chill out of tiredness.

Pros: Leadership development lab was my favorite. Hands down. Allowed me to explore who I am and gave us techniques how we can improve ourselves and know what we really want. Maja Djikic is a goddess.

Cons: Career support is not that great. You are basically on your own.

Given a second chance, I would go to Rotman again.

Overall BSchool experience (5.0)
Schools contribution (4.0)
Classmates rating (5.0)

Strengths of the program:

Student body, diversity
Culture & Student Support

Best fit at this program:


Can be improved:

Curriculum, Classes, Professors

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July 24, 2021

Hey guys, Im planning to pursue MBA in Supply Chain Management from Rotman. Any views whether the course and placement is good at Rotman?

April 23, 2018

Joined: Dec 22, 2015

Posts: 8

Kudos: 10

Self-reported Score:

Not worth for its price!!


This review is for


Class of 2019

Experience during the program

Rotman has a very strong research faculty. No doubt that its world class but the biggest problem is the fact that they cant teach very well. I really hope that they hire faculty based on how effective they are in delievering a lecture than based solely on their research competence.

I really feel that the crowd at Rotman is very polluted. They have student with less than 520 GMAT. None the less the experience level is not at par compared to some of the other B schools.

I would highly encourage future applicants to look either into a B school which is not as expensive as Rotman or look for schools in US or elsewhere.

Overall BSchool experience (2.0)
Schools contribution (1.0)
Classmates rating (2.0)

Strengths of the program:

Curriculum, Classes, Professors
Student body, diversity

Best fit at this program:


Can be improved:

Alumni Network
Career opportunities provided by school
Culture & Student Support
Admissions Team

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July 24, 2021

Hey guys, Im planning to pursue MBA in Supply Chain Management from Rotman. Any views whether the course and placement is good at Rotman?

January 29, 2018

Joined: Nov 19, 2014

Posts: 10

Kudos: 2

Make it your own


This review is for Rotman

Program Full Time MBA

Class of 2017

Experience during the program

You have to take ownership of your own experience. Although all the resources are available on campus to successfully achieve your goals, no one will spoon feed you. You must guide your own path. I enjoyed my time at Rotman and it definitely met my expectations however there is always room for improvement. Rotman has the potential of being listed at the top based solely on its diverse alumni base. The career center needs to use this valuable resource in order to develop stronger relationships with corporations. The student body should be encouraged to connect with alumni who will always provide a supportive hand.

Overall BSchool experience (5.0)
Schools contribution (4.0)
Classmates rating (4.0)

Strengths of the program:

Curriculum, Classes, Professors
Student body, diversity

Best fit at this program:

Investment Banking

Can be improved:

Alumni Network
Career opportunities provided by school

Read More

July 24, 2021

Hey guys, Im planning to pursue MBA in Supply Chain Management from Rotman. Any views whether the course and placement is good at Rotman?

January 27, 2018

Joined: May 05, 2014

Posts: 1

Kudos: 0

Canada's #1 - Promising future, but way to go


This review is for Rotman

Program Full Time MBA

Class of 2019

Experience during the program

I would like to point out my reasons for coming to Rotman, and I believe everyone should consider these two key factors - its location in Canada and its outstanding faculty.

Location-wise, there are two aspects worth mentioning. The first one is the fact that it is in Canada. Toronto is a thriving city, and the more the US will turn inwards, the more will Toronto thrive. It also helps that Rotman is Canada's best business school and located in a beautiful campus near downtown.

Second, the Rotman faculty is very research-driven and truly outstanding. Although this was no factor in my decision to come here, I started to appreciate it when I took my first courses. You're not going to a business school for your first job after graduation; you'll hopefully get some good lessons for your entire career. Having great input from great professors helps.

Now to the shortcomings. Obviously, its ranking could be better (and the weak Canadian dollar doesn't help as a major part in calculating those rankings is the post-graduation salary in US$). Also, most job opportunities are in Canada or of Canadian companies. Therefore, if you're looking to make a career in Canada, Rotman is the place to be -- the career centre has excellent contacts. However, if your end goal is the US, Rotman offers you limited help, and you have to invest more time on your own. I am sure that in the near future, Rotman will be one of the top business schools in North America, but that time hasn't come yet. Therefore, when you are graduating in a few years, your job opportunities will not be as good as for Ivy League grads (they are, however, still very good!).

Overall BSchool experience (4.0)
Schools contribution (3.0)
Classmates rating (5.0)

Strengths of the program:

Curriculum, Classes, Professors
Student body, diversity

Best fit at this program:


Can be improved:

Career opportunities provided by school

Read More

July 24, 2021

Hey guys, Im planning to pursue MBA in Supply Chain Management from Rotman. Any views whether the course and placement is good at Rotman?

January 27, 2018

Joined: Jul 25, 2014

Posts: 42

Kudos: 6

Self-reported Score:

This review is for Rotman

Program Full Time MBA

Class of 2017

Experience during the program

- Fantastic courses in Strategy and Finance: such as Tiziana's Power and Influence, Anne Bower's Corporate Strategy, Dr. J. O'Dwyer's and Brendan Calder's GettingItDone, and Tim Rielly's Case Analysis and Presentaion!
- Fantastic support for professional development from their Self Development Lab, Industry Clubs; all of which help your presentation skills, resume writing, case preparation

Opportunities for Improvement:
- Marketing courses were subpar at best (e.g. Marketing Strategy, Branding), except for Delaine's Marketing research, where she brought in industry experts. It was unfortunate that the mediocre marketing courses, I that decided to drop my marketing specialization to pursue one in strategy
- Industry Advisor's did not have the alumni network power as communicated. I was extremely surprised to see that some of the network to be dated
- Perhaps similar to many schools, but the job employment rate, whether it's internship/full-time, is not as rosy as it sounds (e.g. 85% for internships, this number is inflated by small jobs, some of which last a week). I would say that it's important to be honest with your students as it is very stressful for them who have taken a lot of risk to enroll in such an expensive program

About job placement process

Rotman has a very good network with finance and consulting, and given their location, they bring in lots of opportunities in these spaces.

Overall BSchool experience (3.0)
Schools contribution (3.0)
Classmates rating (4.0)

Strengths of the program:

Specialization in a particular area (e.g. Finance, Consulting, Healthcare, etc)

Best fit at this program:

Investment Banking

Can be improved:

Curriculum, Classes, Professors
Career opportunities provided by school

Read More

June 10, 2020

Hey. I can see this comment is very very old, so I dont know if this will be seen or not. But I am thinking about pursuing a marketing specialisation from Rotman, and I want to get into CPG Brand Management or Tech PMM. The employment report states that they send about 12% of their class into marketing functions, the third biggest chunk after finance/consulting. But you obviously had a very different experience. Could you explain a little bit more about how your experience with marketing specialisation at Rotman?

January 27, 2018

Joined: Oct 27, 2014

Posts: 53

Kudos: 7

Journey so far at Rotman


This review is for Rotman

Program Full Time MBA

Class of 2019

Experience during the program

Going into the program, I pictured life as a management consultant, although having never worked in consulting before. As the program started and the networking opportunities commenced, I realized soon enough that management consulting is not my cup of tea and that I had to pivot. Even if I had stuck with that end goal, I'm not sure if I'd have made it, since it's fairly difficult for career changers to make it work here in Toronto.

Having said that, I've enjoyed every bit of the MBA experience so far, and Rotman being in the thick of things here in Toronto, it's fantastic. Be it the location, the professor's, your peers, or those frequent visits from Justin Trudeau, life is good, but also stressful. Rotman is known to have a demanding course and boy do that m they deliver! Life in year 1 has been extremely hectic so far, in pursuit of that decent grade, and the hunt for the summer internship. Life isn't easy, but if you work hard, it is very rewarding.

To those considering to apply, be realistic about switching careers completely and how you want to go about it. I'm not saying it won't happen, but a lot of groundwork is necessary before going into the program. Once classes start, you won't know what it you. On the other hand, interacting with your peer group with such diverse backgrounds and interacting with industry professionals is what sets rotman apart and make sure you make the most of it.

Overall BSchool experience (5.0)
Schools contribution (4.0)
Classmates rating (4.0)

Strengths of the program:

Curriculum, Classes, Professors
Student body, diversity

Best fit at this program:


Can be improved:

Career opportunities provided by school

Read More

March 06, 2018

This is extremely helpful to me. If you don't mind, what career were you coming from? What was it that turned you away from consulting? Where has your focus pivoted to?

This is essentially the path I am considering and would love to hear more of your insights. Pls feel free to private message me.

January 19, 2019

Hi, I have the same question as @mp1416. Would be great if you could share your current focus & internship /recruitment experience as well!

July 24, 2021

Hey guys, Im planning to pursue MBA in Supply Chain Management from Rotman. Any views whether the course and placement is good at Rotman?

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