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Kenan-Flagler Full Time MBA
Final Decision:
Status: Online with Adcom
Interviewed on: Apr 1, 2024
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United States
Apr 30, 2024 01:04
"Similar interview to the other debriefs shared. Unsure if the interview was with adcom, alumni, or a representative of UNC. They try to keep things to 30 minutes, wrapped up at approx. 35 min. Lots of focus on behavioral questions. Be prepared to potentially elaborate on some of your responses in a follow-up question. - Why MBA, why Kenan-Flagler - Post-graduate goal (are you interested in general consulting or healthcare consulting?) - What are some qualities that make you a good team member - Give an experience from working in a team - What is your greatest personal achievement - What are some of your values - What is one thing that you recently have thought about regarding improving your personal character - What are some things that you would like for adcom to know about you"
Kenan-Flagler Full Time MBA
Final Decision:
Denied with Interview
Status: Online with Adcom
Interviewed on: Feb 19, 2024
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4.5 years
Feb 19, 2024 11:02
"Interviewer - Someone associated with the organization Overall - The interviewer was friendly. She told me that she has 10 questions to ask me in 30 mins. So, I should not ask her too many questions and instead focus on answering more questions. She was not conversational but definitely expressive so it worked as a great directional cue. We shared a lot of laughs while speaking of her experiences towards the end of the interview. Questions: No tell me about yourself Why MBA? What are your goals? Why Flagler? Next all Behavioral: Tell me why you do and why you don't like working in a team? Tell me what makes a good team? TMA a recent challenging situation? What is your greatest professional achievement? Constructive feedback? What are your values? What do you want the Adcom to remember about you? (2-3 things) Ended with: Do you have any questions for me? (I still had time left at the end so I asked a bunch of questions and got her to share her experiences as well)"
Kenan-Flagler Full Time MBA
Status: Online with Adcom
Interviewed on: Jan 31, 2024
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5 years
Feb 1, 2024 08:02
"Someone from the Adcom interviewed me. She said she is specifically associated with Full Time MBA only. (Don't know why she said that) 1) Started with Why MBA and Why Kenan Flagler? (Told answer was well thought out) 2) Post this ALL questions were based on my Values, Kenan Flagler's Values, Leadership traits. 3) What are your values? Describe 2 instances of this value you demonstrated recently. (I had prepared for only one instance so the second instance I quoted was not convincing) 4) How would you motivate people not contributing in your team? 5) What makes you a collaborative leader (had used this term in previous answer). 6) asked any questions, I asked one question but she avoided answering it/deflected it. Overall 30 mins, there were no interruptions but seemed to ask lot of behavioral instances or demonstrated values in current job (I don't remember 1-2 of them)."
Kenan-Flagler Full Time MBA
Final Decision:
Status: Online with Adcom
Interviewed on: Jan 22, 2024
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United States
Jan 23, 2024 08:01
"Interviewer was a member of the admissions team, whose role is solely to interview MBA candidates. She asked the following questions: 1. Why an MBA, why Kenan-Flagler and why now? 2. Short/Long-term goals 3. TMAT you got constructive feedback 4. Which professional achievement are you most proud of? 5. TMAT you got constructive feedback 6. TMAT you had to give bad news to someone 7. 2-3 things the AdCom should know about you 8. What was a recent difficult situation you were in. How did you manage to get past it? 9. How do you balance all of your commitments/activities? 10. What do you think makes an effective team? After that she opened it up to any questions I had. Best of luck to anyone reading this and preparing for your interviews. You're going to do great!"
Kenan-Flagler Full Time MBA
Status: Online with Adcom
Interviewed on: Jan 18, 2024
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Jan 18, 2024 09:01
"Just had my interview with Joshua. (someone associated with UNC) 1-Why UNC KF? 2-ST & LT Goals 3-In your experience, you would've collaborated with a lot of teams. How would you bring your collaborative and leadership prowess to KF? 4-TMAT when you had a difficult colleague or something. 5-Greatest accomplishment 6-How have I contributed in either the personal or professional space to one or more values (4i) of UNC? (I mentioned this in Why UNC) 7-Any questions for him. The complete interview lasted 30-33 minutes and was very conversational."
Kenan-Flagler Full Time MBA
Status: Online with Adcom
Interviewed on: Nov 15, 2023
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This user wants to stay Private
Jan 7, 2024 11:01
"I had my interview last night. The interviewer was someone called Joshua who definitely was not an adcom member but was somehow associated with KF. - Why UNC? - ST, LT Goals - In your experience you would’ve collaborated with a lot of teams. How would you bring your collaborative and leadership prowess to KF? - TMAT when you had to address someone coming late to work. How did you deal with that? - Personal accomplishment - What motivates you? - What Qs do you have for me? Interview lasted for exactly 20 minutes. 5-7 minutes for "What Qs do you have for me?"."
Kenan-Flagler Full Time MBA
Status: Online with Adcom
Interviewed on: Nov 15, 2023
Jan 7, 2024 11:01
"My interview was with an external interviewer, but still very friendly and conversational. My questions: 1. Why MBA/Why UNC 2. What qualities will you bring to the MBA class 3. What are the values you live by that are most important to you 4. Biggest personal or professional accomplishment 5. What are you most looking forward to learning at UNC Basic follow up questions for some answers, but generally just spoke about his own experiences which related to mine. Had 10 minutes left for questions after. Almost felt like a chat with someone I was meeting casually for the first time"
Kenan-Flagler Full Time MBA
Final Decision:
Status: Online with Adcom
Interviewed on: Nov 15, 2023
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Jan 7, 2024 11:01
"I had a good interview I think, the interviewer was super friendly, I don’t think she was 3rd party. These were the questions asked: 1. Why mba? Why now? 2. 3 things ad com should know about you 3. TMAT you had to give a bad news to someone (I took about 30 secs to gather my thoughts here) 4. Which values are the most important to you? 5. Short term goals 6. TMAT you got a constructive feedback She seemed pretty involved in my answers, no follow up questions but had some comments after every response like ‘yes I understand how it must have been for you etc.’ Still had around 5 mins for questions, I asked if she has had any weird/interesting interview experiences, laughed about them, spoke about life chapel hill, places she’s been to etc. very casual and informal like message"
Kenan-Flagler Full Time MBA
Final Decision:
Status: Online with Adcom
Interviewed on: Nov 22, 2023
Nov 23, 2023 01:11
"Just concluded my interview Taken by member of admissions and career staff Length:35 min 1. TMA your career trajectory 2. Why MBA 3. Why now 4. Why Kenan-Flagler 5. ST and LT goals ( he asked me to answer them in any order) 6. A challenge you faced during work and how did you overcome that challenge 7. TMAT you received a constructive feedback 8. What according to you differentiates a leader from a manager 9. Any questions for me ( I asked two) Overall very chill and conversational interview"
Kenan-Flagler Full Time MBA
Final Decision:
Denied with Interview
Status: Online with Adcom
Interviewed on: Nov 18, 2023
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4.3 years
Nov 17, 2023 01:11
"I just had my UNC KF's AdCom interview. The interviewer (Jean Elia) was a very senior representative of AdCom itself. She's worked at Kenan for 25 years (with 10 years in the Dean's Office and for some duration as the Chief Education Officer as well) & was the initiator of the Online MBA program at Kenan back in the day. She mentioned that she retired 3-years ago and now participates in these Admissions Interviews in a way to give back to the school and community in whatever way possible. The entire conversation was very formal throughout the interview questions and then, in the end, it switched to completely informal. She had a set of questions that she asked in order - 1. Why an MBA at this point in your career? What are your short-term goals? 2. Why Kenan Flagler is the right place for you to get an MBA? 3. What makes you unique or different than your peers? 4. How would your manager describe you? 5. What was a recent difficult situation you were in? How did you manage to go past it? 6. What do you think is the difference between a Leader and a Manager? 7. What motivates you? 8. What does leadership mean to you and what's your leadership style? 9. What two or three things beyond your application would you want the Admissions Committee to remember about you? 10. Any questions for her? She was very warm and considerate. She took her time to listen to and understand each word of my answer and prompted me to repeat wherever required (because of intermediate network issues as Kenan has its own Interview portal instead of Zoom or Google Meet). At the end, she mentioned that she loved talking to me and that it was a great conversation!"
Kenan-Flagler Full Time MBA
Final Decision:
Status: Online with Adcom
Interviewed on: Nov 15, 2023
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Nov 15, 2023 08:11
"I had a good interview I think, the interviewer was super friendly, I don’t think she was 3rd party. These were the questions asked: 1. Why mba? Why now? 2. 3 things ad com should know about you 3. TMAT you had to give a bad news to someone (I took about 30 secs to gather my thoughts here) 4. Which values are the most important to you? 5. Short term goals 6. TMAT you got a constructive feedback She seemed pretty involved in my answers, no follow up questions but had some comments after every response like ‘yes I understand how it must have been for you etc.’ Still had around 5 mins for questions, I asked if she has had any weird/interesting interview experiences, laughed about them, spoke about life chapel hill, places she’s been to etc. very casual and informal"
Kenan-Flagler Full Time MBA
Final Decision:
Status: Online with Alumni
Interviewed on: Nov 14, 2023
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3.7 years
Nov 14, 2023 10:11
"Had a nice interview experience with a third party. All standard questions Why UNC Kenan Flagler? TMAT leadership, underperforming employee - how you dealt with it, most significant personal achievement, what can you bring to the cohort, ideal attributes of a team Asked him about the North Carolina community and the weather (Also discussed about the traffic), what should I do during the MBA given my career goals, had a fun ending by asking what he thought about my name - "Harsh". Fingers crossed for 11th of December!"
Kenan-Flagler Full Time MBA
Status: Online with Adcom
Interviewed on: Nov 13, 2023
Nov 14, 2023 09:11
"Very similar to some of the other people in this chat’s experience. It was with a 3rd party, they were very engaged. Asked about my background and then a lot of behavioral questions (biggest accomplishment, core values, leadership style, etc). Since they were not a staff member at UNC, I asked questions about what they currently do and what lead them to to that path."
Kenan-Flagler Full Time MBA
Status: Online with Adcom
Interviewed on: Nov 13, 2023
Nov 14, 2023 09:11
"My interview was with an Adcom. I had a very similar question to this. At the end, the adcom asked what questions I was hoping she would ask and if I had anything else I would like to add. Which I thought was unique and wanted to share."
Kenan-Flagler Full Time MBA
Status: Online with Adcom
Interviewed on: Nov 11, 2023
Nov 14, 2023 09:11
"Mine was by an adcom member and she was very warm, friendly and was grinning all through the interview. Simple and straight interview questions. Kinda liked me talking as well I think. Then I asked about how long she has been there, what she does and why she’s doing the job. She was really ecstatic to talk about it and that was all really. It was a surreal and swell conversation."
Kenan-Flagler Full Time MBA
Status: Online with Adcom
Interviewed on: Nov 10, 2023
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Nov 14, 2023 09:11
"Oh sure. I had mine Yesterday. It was held by a third party interviewer who didn't seen to know so much about the school itself so it was sort of robotic and she had a set of questions. No follow-up's. 1. why MBA, why KF, why now 2. three things you’ll want adcom to know about you 3. TMAT constructive criticism/feedback 4. TMAT challenge at work and lessons 5. How do you prioritise work and extra curricular 6. Attributes of ideal team 7. core values important to me and why 8. example of leadership experience that stands out 9. Leadership style. About 40 mins in total and i asked her one question"
Kenan-Flagler Full Time MBA
Status: Online with Student
Interviewed on: Nov 7, 2023
Nov 14, 2023 09:11
"Done with my interview just now: Not a blind interview definitely. Directly started away with the questions: 1. When did you first hear about UNC and why have you kept your belief and interest in UNC KF despite getting rejected the last time? 2. Which leadership trait do you believe is necessary to succeed in life? 3. Mention one professional accomplishment you have that you achieved having worked upon your EQ. 4. How do you manage a team when there are people with different perspectives? 5. Talk about one core value in life that you preach and follow. 6. Any questions that you may have for me, do ask. (I am a reapplicant) It went on for 35 minutes. The interviewer was super friendly, maybe because they were asking some questions that you will not find commonly in any debrief. But I guess that’s how the reapplicants’ debrief goes."
Kenan-Flagler Full Time MBA
Status: Online with Student
Interviewed on: Oct 31, 2023
Nov 14, 2023 09:11
"Hello everyone, Done with my interview. Was a UNC undergrad alum. Pretty conversational. Questions were as follows: Why did you choose your university? Why an MBA now? Why UNC? What are your long- and short-term goals? TMAT when you had to face a challenging situation as a leader in your team? What questions do you have for me? Also, it was not blind they have read your application"
Kenan-Flagler Full Time MBA
Final Decision:
Status: Online with Adcom
Interviewed on: Nov 9, 2023
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Nov 10, 2023 01:11
"I had my interview Yesterday. It was held by a third party interviewer who didn't seen to know so much about the school itself so it was sort of robotic and she had a set of questions. No follow ups. 1. why MBA, why KF, why now 2. three things you’ll want adcom to know about you 3. TMAT constructive criticism/feedback 4. TMAT challenge at work and lessons 5. How do you prioritise work and extra curricular 6. Attributes of ideal team 7. core values important to me and why 8. example of leadership experience that stands out 9. Leadership style. About 40 mins in total and i asked her one question"
Kenan-Flagler Full Time MBA
Status: Online with Adcom
Interviewed on: Nov 6, 2023
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Nov 10, 2023 11:11
"My experience was good but suprising. The Interviewer was very direct: 1. Why UNC Kenan 2. Your leadership Style. 3. How do you react to marginalization? 4. What do you do when a team member have different perspective."