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gmat1393 owns 2229 Kudos, gave away 199 Kudos.

nightblade354Re: Economist: If the economy grows stronger, employment will increase, an20-Aug-2018
BunuelPost link18-Aug-2018
BunuelPost link18-Aug-2018
nightblade354Post link16-Aug-2018
generisRe: As a result of the Black Death, the plague that afflicted Europe in 1315-Aug-2018
sudarshan22Post link15-Aug-2018
generisRe: The hummingbird combines upstroke wing muscles that are proportionally13-Aug-2018
nightblade354Re: Considering the current economy, the introduction of a new12-Aug-2018
generisPost link11-Aug-2018
NikhilPost link09-Aug-2018
generisPost link09-Aug-2018
boothvslbsRe: 680 Score (Q42, V41) trying to get into Duke's MiM. Retake?08-Aug-2018
generisRe: Geological evidence relating to the so-called “Face on Mars” dates06-Aug-2018
bbPost link06-Aug-2018
nightblade354Post link06-Aug-2018
nightblade354Re: Gmatclub Verbal Diagnostic test No 5, Question No 2 CR02-Aug-2018
sudarshan22Re: If 60 percent of respondents answered Yes to the first question of a02-Aug-2018
BunuelRe: One quant and one verbal question will be posted each day starting on01-Aug-2018
nightblade354Re: China wants to avoid financial collapse of their economy. In order to31-Jul-2018
BunuelPost link31-Jul-2018
nightblade354Re: Housing is one of the most effective ways to stimulate the30-Jul-2018
nightblade354Re: In broad thermodynamic terms, the distinction between solar energy and29-Jul-2018
ololoshenkagmatPost link19-Jul-2018
jmandal03Post link19-Jul-2018
yetskiIf p is an integer, is p/18 an integer?17-Jul-2018
29JPost link15-Jul-2018
BunuelPost link05-Jul-2018
BunuelPost link04-Jul-2018
BunuelRe: The Gulches is an area of volcanic rock that is gashed by many channel03-Jul-2018
BunuelPost link01-Jul-2018

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