October 24, 2020

Joined: May 31, 2017

Posts: 741

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Self-reported Score:
610 Q44 V31

Best Test Series for Quant


I was weak in GMAT Quant, my scores were always hover around Q40. I was looking for a reliable source that can help me improve in Quant. I realised that my basics were strong, but i faltered in practice and also especially in medium to hard questions. After some deliberations i decided to go with GMAT Club Tests, which i realised later as a excellent decision on my part. I did not use the GMAT Club tests as a Quant section tests since i was not at the level where i was pushing for Q49/50. So, I devised my own strategy.

I took the GMAT Club tests as section wise quizzes. I would read a chapter in Quant megathread and then practice the same section as quizzes in GC Tests. First i would create a set of 500 level questions, practice it and then analyze the results. Then i move to 600 level and then finally to 700 level questions. I did this for all the sections in Quant. I guess there is around 1000+ questions in question bank.

I know that this exercise takes time but the end result would be very successful. It took around 2 months to complete the entire exercise.but at the end of the exercise i was consistently scoring at Q47/48 level in all the tests and mainly my confidence in Quant increased multi fold. This is not an easy thing to say coming from a person who dreaded Quant only a few months earlier. I atrribute this success mainly to GMAT Club tests. Once you mastered the 700 level questions, i am sure you woud be at Q48/49 level in GMAT exam.

Bunuel have provided elegant solution to each and every question in GMAT Club tests. I will always look out for his solution because one can learn so many new things just be following his solution.

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