May 05, 2023

Joined: May 05, 2023

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
720 Q46 V42

Fast & Excellent Consultative Experience


I decided to apply to business school very late in the process (didn't take the GMAT until mid-November, and then only had a month and a half to submit applications!). I was understandably stressed out, but after surveying the options out there, I had no hesitations about making an investment to partner with SBC to help me put my best foot forward in the MBA admissions process.

Esther Magna gave me a very accurate assessment of my chances at multiple top schools and encouraged me to apply even though I had doubts about my own candidacy. She matched me with Margaret Orenstein, who was instrumental in guiding me as I crafted my story with such great responsiveness, insights, and personalization to me. She also had such care for me as a person and was so invested in empowering me to be successful! Caryn Altman also provided invaluable feedback on my application.

Ultimately, I was accepted at Harvard Business School and the Stanford Graduate School of Business, which I think would not have been possible without the support of the team at SBC to help me navigate an unfamiliar process.

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