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Dear Anderson [Kelly Mellenthin '20] [#permalink]
FROM NewsUCLA: Dear Anderson [Kelly Mellenthin '20]
[b]Dear Anderson:[/b] A series of letters written by our Class of 2020 graduates reflecting on their UCLA Anderson MBA journey.

Dear Anderson,

In the Spring of 2017, I sat in Manhattan Prep’s NYC Chelsea office at a UCLA Anderson information session led by Dean of Student Affairs, Rob Weiler. There, amidst a group of MBA-hopefuls in an uncomfortably steamy room to offset the frigid not-yet spring snowy weather outside, Rob’s boasts of an always-sunny Los Angeles campus sounded too good to be true. That said, what sounded even more absurd was Rob’s promise of a “transformative, not transactional” experience. As if – people go to business school for the degree, cooler job and higher salary, who gets “transformed”? Oh was I wrong.

I am not the same person I was sitting in that Manhattan office building three years ago. I have been pushed, stretched, challenged and molded into a leader confident to take on our world’s most complex business challenges. I am who I am today because of Anderson and the community it fosters. Because as we all know (or will learn) – it takes a village.

This village supported me through my desire to double-pivot my career, switching both industry and function, and supported me so well that I didn’t quite realize how lofty the goal was until after I achieved it. From meeting with my 2nd year ACT coaches last year, to attending countless mock interview prep sessions with essentially every Parker Advisor, to meeting with 30+ alumni (at a near 100% response rate), I attribute my success at securing my dream summer internship in Operations Strategy at Nike to the 50+ Anderson students, faculty and alumni who selflessly supported my growth to attain it.

It was in this internship that I learned the power of connection and collaboration. Up until business school, I fared very well at work without asking for help. It took Anderson and Nike to teach me that, while one can indeed be strong individually, you can be so much stronger as a part of a team. No project, whether it be for school or work, is complete without its parts, and being able to acknowledge where your weaknesses are turns them into strengths much faster than pretending you don’t have them. In June, I walk away with a better understanding of myself, and stronger ability to support others in their personal growth journey.

As I prepare to graduate in a few months, one of the thoughts I keep returning to pertains to legacy. How can we maintain this incredible culture of support and collaboration? I’m proud of my contribution to our legacy as VP Interviewing AAC, in which I oversaw the interview process of 1000+ interviews conducted by 100+ student interviewers to ensure we attract and admit candidates who believe in our culture. Selfishly, this role gave me exposure to leadership en masse and the confidence to assume leadership roles outside of school in the future. I also took on the role of Parker TA, helping our existing first year students navigate the summer internship recruitment process. Collectively, I hope my contribution in both roles generates a new class of students eager to buy into our collaborative culture, as well as a new group of soon-to-be alumni eager to support the new students as our alumni community supported me.

To Anderson: Thank you for taking the chance on a skeptic and transforming me into the leader and person I’ve become. While personal growth is a lifelong journey, I’ve never felt more equipped for the ride and attribute that entirely to the community Anderson has cultivated. While we may physically leave in 2020, Anderson is now a part of us for a lifetime and I am forever grateful.


Kelly Mellenthin

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MBA Application is Now Live...with 1 Essay! [#permalink]
FROM NewsUCLA: MBA Application is Now Live...with 1 Essay!

Our UCLA Anderson MBA Class of 2023 application is [url=]now live[/url]! We’re excited to announce key updates:

[*][b]Only 1 essay response required[/b][/*]
[*][b]Streamlined application questions[/b][/*]
[*][b]Clearer and easier to follow application and instructions[/b][/*]
Our one essay question asks:  [b]How have events of the past year influenced the impact you would like to make in your community, career, or both? [/b](250 words maximum)

The goal of our essay question is to allow you to reflect on events that influenced you in your personal or professional lives, or in society in general. Through this essay question, we are hoping to get to know you better by learning how you hope to leave your mark and positively impact those around you. We’ll give you opportunities to tell us about your specific career goals and interest in our program in other parts of our application.

With our first [url=]application round deadline[/url] a few months away, here are some next steps to get started on now to provide helpful application tips, program information, and student insights:

[*][b][url=]Start an application[/url][/b]: there’s no harm in taking a look even if you’re not sure of your plans[/*]
[*][b][url=]Explore our website[/url]:[/b] view application requirements, round deadlines, and more[/*]
[*][b][url=]Join our Virtual Events[/url][/b]: meet students, and alumni, and admissions representatives to learn more about our MBA program and admissions tips[/*]
[*][b][url=]Watch Admissions Tips by Students Video[/url]: [/b]get tips from those who were in your shoes not that long ago[/*]

Wishing you all good luck and please [url=]stay in touch[/url] with the MBA Admissions Office with any []questions[/email]!

Stay in Touch:[/b] [url=]Introduce Yourself[/url]
[b]Follow the Admissions Team: [/b] [url=]Twitter[/url][url=][/url][b]Questions?[/b] Contact us at: [][/email]
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UCLA Anderson Application Insider: Why MBA and When You Should Apply [#permalink]
FROM NewsUCLA: UCLA Anderson Application Insider: Why MBA and When You Should Apply
This blog post is part of our "Application Insider" blog post series that provides insider information, tips, and advice about applying to the UCLA Anderson MBA program.

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Awesome! You decided to invest in yourself and pursue the MBA full-time. If this is the case you likely fall into one of two categories: "career switcher" or "career enhancer". The specific reasons for pursuing the MBA are arguably as diverse as the number of applicants pursuing the degree.

[b]Career Switcher:[/b] So you've been in your industry or function for a couple years now. You're feeling a bit struck or maybe it's not something your completely passionate about. If that's the case then you're looking to transition to a different role and/or industry. Many students come to business school with plans to switch industries and/or functional roles. Here at UCLA Anderson, over 90% of our graduates pivot to a different function or industry, about two-third of the class do both. Taking the two years to fully immerse yourself in an MBA program is the quickest way to make such a career change. These changes are supported vigorously by our top-ranked [url=]Parker Career Management Center[/url] and their dedicated team of career advisers.

[b]Career Enhancer: [/b]So you don't necessarily want to make a function or industry pivot because you want accelerate from where you currently are. If this is the case, pursuing a full-time MBA will enhance your leadership skills by developing those soft skills as you explore managerial roles. These skills are developed in MBA programs through the active student involvement in [url=]extracurricular leadership roles (in clubs, conferences, student government and more)[/url], and the extensive teamwork which is required of students during the program.

[b]When You Should Apply: [/b]Now that you know that you will be pursuing the MBA, the next step is to [url=]apply[/url]. Which round to apply in is a question that we always get. The honest answer to apply is when you feel your application is at its strongest. The biggest disservice you can do for yourself is submit a hastily put together application to meet an earlier round deadline. UCLA Anderson accepts top-quality applicants across all three rounds! However, like all things in life, there are pros and cons to each round and the relative competitiveness of each round varies, as the applicant pool changes from year to year.

[b]  [/b]

Round 1

[*]All 360 seats are available [/*]
[*]Earlier notices so if you get admitted, you're done with the process (if not, you have more time to apply to other programs in later rounds[/*]
[*]Full amount of merit-based fellowships left to distribute[/*]

[*]Due to earlier deadline dates, you may feel rushed to complete application process[/*]
[*]May not give your recommenders sufficient time to complete their letters[/*]
[*]Least amount of time to complete your entrance exams and you might not have enough time to re-test if you're not completely satisfied with your score[/*]

Round 2

[*]Most popular round for applicants because you have additional time to complete your application and write essays[/*]
[*]Recommenders have more time to complete your letters[/*]
[*]You have more time to learn about the school by attending admissions events[/*]

[*]Although we do not see a difference when it comes to the chances of a student being admitted in Round 1 vs. Round 2, we do receive the largest number of applications during Round 2.[/*]
[*]If you do not get accepted (which hopefully won't be the case!) you may not have sufficient time to apply to another program within the same academic year.  [/*]

Round 3

[*]You have the most time to put together the strongest application possible[/*]
[*]If you applied to other programs in earlier rounds, you will likely also be equipped with acceptance information from those schools[/*]
[*]You have ample time to take entrance exams[/*]

[*]Unlike Round 2 where it’s competitive due to the sheer number of application received, this last round is the most competitive because our class size is capped[/*]
[*] Fewer applicants are historically admitted in the last round simply due to the limited spots we have remaining to round out the in-coming class[/*]

Now that you have a clearer picture of the advantages and disadvantages of each round, below is a reminder of our application deadlines by round for this academic year:


[/b][b]DEADLINE DAY[/b]


[b] October 2, 2020[/b]
[b] December 18, 2020[/b]

[b] January 8, 2021[/b]
[b] March 26, 2021[/b]

[b] April 16, 2021[/b]
[b] May 21, 2021[/b]

[b]Check back for more "Application Insider" blog posts that will cover information and tips on the many aspects of applying to the UCLA Anderson MBA program![/b]


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UCLA Anderson Application Insider: Test Scores [#permalink]
FROM NewsUCLA: UCLA Anderson Application Insider: Test Scores
This blog post is part of our "Application Insider" blog post series that provides insider information, tips, and advice about applying to the UCLA Anderson MBA program.

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At UCLA Anderson, the standardized entrance exams are a part of your admissions requirements. I know that sounds daunting, even in a Covid-19 landscape, but hopefully this post will ease your anxiety and set you up for success. First off, we will continue to take the online version of the exams and treat them exactly as if they were in-person. We know that not every one can get to a test center, so we want to remain as flexible as possible in that regard. We also accept either the [url=|pcrid|120962081348|pkw|gmat|pmt|e&c3api=120962081348,gmat]GMAT[/url] or [url=]GRE[/url]. There is no preference with one over the other and we mean that! Both tests are evaluated equally in the [url=]admissions process[/url], so we encourage potential candidates to submit the test they feel most comfortable with. To further guide you in the decision of which test to take, reference this [url=]US News and World Report[/url] article on the key differences between the two tests.

The best advice I can give is to [b]prepare, prepare, prepare![/b] If you talk to anyone, they will tell you that test preparation is key and can be a full-time job in itself, but doing so will set you up to do the best you can. Each test assesses your verbal, quantitative, analytical writing and integrated reasoning ability. It is important to dedicate review sessions to each component of the test as the admissions team will evaluate your performance in each area. We recommend you should give yourself at least six months of preparation time before taking it and then guide the test date by the [url=]round deadline date[/url] in which you intend to apply. Keep in mind that even though it usually can take up to 2 weeks for the school to get your results, you can report your unofficial score, so if you take the test a day before our round deadline, that is still okay. Test scores are valid for five years, so if you are currently in an undergraduate or graduate program, it might be in your best interest to take the test now since you are already in an academic mode and mindset. At UCLA Anderson, we only evaluate your highest overall score, both the GMAT and GRE provide you with the option to select which test score you prefer to submit to the institution(s) to which you’re seeking admission. Regardless, we do not penalize applicants for taking a test multiple times. You'll note that we don't have GRE averages in our [url=]profile[/url], that's because we don't have too much of a pool to share those in a meaningful way. However, you can use this [url=]ETS converter[/url] to see what your predicted GMAT score will be.

For any[url=] international applicants[/url] who completed their education outside of the United States, you will also be required to submit the [url=]TOEFL[/url] or [url=]IELTS[/url] exam with your application, unless your education was solely taught in English in an English-speaking country (please contact the MBA Admissions office to confirm whether or not you are required to take the TOEFL/IELTS). The purpose of this exam is to assess your English proficiency. Given the collaborative and interactive structure of the MBA program, we want to ensure that you will be able to contribute to classroom discussions from the very first day, and these exams help us evaluate this important fluency factor. You can learn more about the TOEFL/IELTS requirement on the [url=]UCLA Graduate Division webpage[/url].

Remember that the test scores are just one way we evaluate our candidates. Your application is more than a test score and we look at all candidates holistically to determine if they will be a solid candidate for our program. Hopefully these insights will help guide you as you prepare for GMAT, GRE, TOEFL and/or IELTS as a part of the application process. If you have any follow-up questions about our requirements or admission process, please see our [url=]admissions webpage[/url], our[url=] FAQs[/url], or email us directly at [][/email].

[b]Check back for more "Application Insider" blog posts that will cover information and tips on the many aspects of applying to the UCLA Anderson MBA program![/b]


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Get to know us -- Virtually [#permalink]
FROM NewsUCLA: Get to know us -- Virtually
This blog post is part of our "Application Insider" blog post series that provides insider information, tips, and advice about applying to the UCLA Anderson MBA program.

[b] [url=][img][/img][/url]

Get To Know Us Through Our Virtual Offerings!

When it comes to deciding what school is right for you, there is no substitute for doing your own primary research and connecting with the school representatives and students. That is why we would like to encourage to explore these offerings:

[b]Virtual General Information Sessions [/b]
These sessions are generally hosted by our student ambassadors who are eager to talk about what sets UCLA Anderson apart as well as offer you tips on how to successfully navigate the admissions process and get answers to your questions. Sessions are held on [url=]Mondays and Wednesdays at 5 pm, and Thursdays at 11:30 am (PT)[/url].

[b]Virtual Coffee Chats
[/b]Also hosted by our student ambassadors, these virtual conversations with students will allow you to get a candid and personal perspective of the MBA experience and explore ideas on how you can best leverage our resources to succeed. Grab your favorite beverage and [url=]join the conversation[/url]

[b]Virtual[/b] [b]School Tour
[/b]Nested in the one of the nicest corners of the city, UCLA Anderson is an amazing place to be and experience. This [url=]short video tour[/url] hosted by our students highlights our world-class facilities and shows you what life will be like for you in and out of the classroom.

[b]Other Special Events
[/b]Our Admissions team and students regularly host online presentations and panels targeted to specific populations and interest groups. Keep an eye on our [url=]events page[/url] to learn about more events:

[*][b]Access Anderson (Oct. 23-24, 2020)[/b] - [url=]Join our largest open-house preview event[/url] in the year where you can hear directly from our school leadership and engage in lively discussion with our community of students and recent alumni to learn all about our program.[/*]
[*][b]Career Spotlight Series - [/b]Watch [url=]pre-recorded presentations[/url] with our Career counselors and club leaders discussing resources for students interested in different career tracks at UCLA Anderson.[/*]
[*][b]Student Spotlight Liveguide Series[/b] – Review [url=]our archives of sessions[/url] featuring students sharing their UCLA Anderson insights as they pursue their personal and professional goals.[/*]
We strongly believe that participating in these activities can help you develop a stronger application and hopefully get ready to ace your future MBA interview.

Best of luck as you prepare for a great future ahead!

-- Adrian Aguirre '01, Associate Director of MBA Admissions

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Reapplying to UCLA Anderson [#permalink]
FROM NewsUCLA: Reapplying to UCLA Anderson
This blog post is part of our "Application Insider" blog post series that provides insider information, tips, and advice about applying to the UCLA Anderson MBA program.

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Reapplying to UCLA Anderson

Please do not be discouraged if you were unsuccessful in getting admitted into our MBA program in a prior application year -- sometimes there is just not enough room for all of the qualified candidates, or perhaps you needed a bit more time to strengthen the competitiveness of your application profile.

[b]We HIGHLY encourage individuals to re-apply to our program[/b] -- the good news is that the applicant pool changes every year and you have additional time to improve your candidacy. As a reapplicant, you essentially start with a fresh slate. Every year, we accept a group of highly qualified re-applicants to our program, who go on to be very successful throughout the MBA program and into their post-MBA careers.

The good news is that the process to re-apply is streamlined for those who submitted a completed UCLA Anderson full-time MBA application within the previous two years (i.e., who applied for the MBA program start in 2019 or 2020 -- if you applied prior to the previous two years, you are considered a "new" applicant and should follow those application guidelines). You will only need to submit one new recommendation and you are not required to write a new essay. Instead, we give you the opportunity in your reapplication to highlight what has changed since you last applied across different categories -- [b]Test Scores[/b], [b]Academics[/b],[b] Professional/Employment[/b], [b]Extracurriculars[/b], and [b]"Other"[/b]. This is a great place to show the Admissions Committee that you have taken this additional time to strengthen your candidacy.

To do so, we recommend that you take an honest look at your prior application and reflect on where you can strengthen your profile. Some areas you may want to evaluate include:

[*][b]Test Scores:[/b] Many of our re-applicants use the additional time to re-take the GMAT/GRE to help improve their candidacy. The higher the score, the better, but look at our [url=]class profile GMAT averages and 80% range[/url] to help you evaluate whether or not you should take the test again -- also remember that we admit individuals below (and above) these averages every year.  Ultimately, if you believe you can do better on the exam, you may want to consider re-taking it if you believe it will improve your candidacy and is worth your time, energy, and money. Note that your standardized test scores (GMAT, GRE, TOEFL and IELTS) remain on file if previously reported, [b]though scores are still subject to expiration dates.

[*][b]Academics:[/b] While you cannot got back in time to change your undergraduate GPA, if you feel your academic performance was sub-par and/or that you didn't demonstrate your ability to handle quantitative work, you may want to consider taking additional courses. The Admissions Committee will still be evaluating your undergraduate performance as a part of your profile, but additional coursework may help demonstrate your ability to handle the academic rigor of our program. [/*]
[*][b]Professional & Extracurricular Experiences:[/b] In the the time since your prior application, you should have had sufficient time to build upon your professional experiences (i.e., new skillsets, accomplishments, projects, etc.) and extracurricular activities (i.e., new leadership opportunities, volunteering, etc.). Make sure to highlight these in your re-application.

[*][b]Self-Reflection & Research: [/b]Take the time to think about what you communicated in your previous application and ask yourself some of these questions: Have my post-MBA goals changed? Did I demonstrate why now is the right time in my career path to get an MBA? Do I have a better understanding of what UCLA Anderson's program has to offer me?  Was I clear in my goals and why I want to go to UCLA Anderson? Your re-application will be a fresh start for you, meaning it is definitely OK to have new goals if you feel they have changed. [/*]

Insider tip: Do not assume that the Admissions Committee will reference your previous application. This means you need to communicate everything you want the Admissions Committee to know, even if you covered it in your prior application.  Ultimately, your reapplication gives you a fresh start and puts you on the same evaluation standards as first-time applicants, giving you absolutely no disadvantage to reapplying.

[b]Check back for more "Application Insider" blog posts that will cover information and tips on the many aspects of applying to the UCLA Anderson MBA program![/b]

-- Ilana Van Allen '13, Director of Strategy & Marketing, MBA Admissions

Stay in Touch:[/b] [url=]Stay Connected[/url][b]Follow the Admissions Team @uclaMBA: [/b] [url=]Twitter[/url][url=][/url][b]Questions?[/b] Contact us at: [][/email]
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UCLA Anderson Core Qualities [#permalink]
FROM NewsUCLA: UCLA Anderson Core Qualities
This blog post is part of our "Application Insider" blog post series that provides insider information, tips, and advice about applying to the UCLA Anderson MBA program.

[b] [url=][img][/img][/url]



[url=]Share success, think fearlessly and drive change[/url]. The are the qualities that make up the #AnderFam. When we think about "fit", we look for students whose values align with the culture of the program and will thrive in our community. For you to succeed in any MBA program, you will need to find a place that allows you to be your authentic self. It is only when you find that, will you be able to take advantage of all the resources that will help you grow professionally and personally during your two years.

When showing an admissions committee why a program like UCLA Anderson is right for you, you must ask yourself three critical questions and incorporate the answers into your application:

[*][b]Why MBA?[/b] Tell us why you are pursuing the MBA.[/*]
[*][b]Why now?[/b] Tell us why you are pursuing the MBA at this point in time. [/*]
[*][b]Why Anderson?[/b] Tell us why the MBA from UCLA Anderson makes sense for your personal and professional goals.  [/*]
As an applicant, think in terms of playing your [b]“ACE” card[/b] to make yourself a strong candidate for UCLA Anderson:

[*][b]A[/b][b]cademic Profile:[/b] The core curriculum is pretty quant heavy we expect our students to master the business fundamentals in order to be successful in their academics and eventually, their career. Academics will be a combination of your test score and your undergraduate grades. However, those are just two (or three) data points to a story within academics. We will take a deeper dive in your academic profile by determining the rigor of your undergraduate school, major, and coursework, your trends in grades, as well as other academic achievements to get a better sense of the context of your achievements.[/*]
[*][b]C[/b][b]ontribution to Anderson:[/b] As mentioned at the beginning, sharing success is embedded into the UCLA Anderson ecosystem. We need students who will engage with their peers in a meaningful and impactful way during their time here and after. Our students support one another by creating opportunities and changes that benefit all. This might mean taking on leadership roles in our [url=]Anderson Student Association (ASA) and 50+ clubs[/url] or leading one of our [url=]Anderson Career Teams[/url]. We will assess this by looking at your prior involvement and/or leadership on-campus during your undergraduate studies, in the workplace, and/or through your community. All students need to add something special to the class, so we look for those who will bolster the diversity of voices here from different backgrounds, regions, and interest areas. To gain a good understanding of our students, the average UCLA Anderson student is a part of eight different clubs and holds leadership roles in three. [/*]
[*][b]E[/b][b]mployability:[/b] [url=]Accelerating your career[/url] is one of the top reasons to pursue an MBA, so how prepared are you to achieve your goals? How focused and attainable are your goals? Your resume and letters of recommendations will guide us in determining which transferable job skills will carry you to future roles, especially if you are looking to pivot function or industry. We also want to see personal skills such as communication, coachability, interpersonal skills, collaboration, and how you receive feedback. Career progression is important as well, so we will take into account promotions or taking on greater responsibility over time and driving change within your organization. As always, we evaluate progress in the context of the time you had and in terms of a bridge to the future.[/*]
Through each of these areas, we can compile a complete picture of you and how your core qualities align with our community here at UCLA Anderson in sharing success, thinking fearlessly, and driving change.

[b]Check back for more "Application Insider" blog posts that will cover information and tips on the many aspects of applying to the UCLA Anderson MBA program![/b]


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Student Perspectives: Deciding Where (and When) to Apply [#permalink]
FROM NewsUCLA: Student Perspectives: Deciding Where (and When) to Apply
About Mareena: Mareena Haseeb (’22) is a 1st year at Anderson with a background in auditing. Prior to Anderson, she lived in San Francisco and worked at BDO in their Asset Management Practice. Outside of the academic and professional world, Mareena loves performing - whether it be singing or dancing - and loves eating lots of pizza! 

Deciding to go back to school for an MBA is an exciting yet nerve-wrecking task. There are a lot of things to consider when choosing if getting an MBA is the right investment for you, with two important things being where to go to school and when to apply. 

Applying to b-school can be expensive with each application costing between $150-250 plus GMAT fees, transcript fees, gifts for your recommenders, flying to schools for interviews, etc. Most people tend to apply to around 2-5 schools to help limit costs. You might be thinking, “There are so many amazing b-schools out there! How do I choose which one is right for me?” Well, I’m here to help you narrow down your list because trust me, there is a right fit for you!

First, let’s focus on the WHERE

In deciding where to apply to business school, there are lots of factors to consider. Here are a few that really help you to limit down your list:

  • Location
    • Can you handle cold winters, or do you prefer to live somewhere where it is 80 degrees in November?  
    • How far is the school from home? Will you have to be in a long-distance relationship? Can you handle long-distance? 
    • Do you want your alumni base to be stronger on the West Coast or East Coast? 
  • Teaching Methodology
    • Does the faculty utilize the case method of teaching? Do you prefer a traditional lecture-based method? 
    • Do you prefer group projects and team-based learning or more traditional exams? 
  • Clubs/Campus Opportunities
      What clubs are you interested in joining? Does the school offer you both professional and identity clubs to join? Are there outside opportunities such as research or mentorship programs available? 
    • Are there special programs or dedicated spaces such as Leadershipanderson or the Venture Accelerator? 
  • Culture 
    • Is the school heavily student-run? Are you comfortable with students running the show as opposed to staff? 
    • Is there grade non-disclosure?  
If you are able (whether in-person or virtually), I would highly recommend a campus or class visit to a few schools. You get a feel for where you will be spending 2 years of your life and the type of people you will be interacting with.  

Now let’s focus on the WHEN

I decided to apply to business school when I was only 1 year out of college. I began at UCLA Anderson after only 20 months of full-time work experience. Sometimes I wonder, should I have waited another year? Hearing about my classmates’ experiences in managerial positions makes me wish I had just one more year of work experience under my belt. It would come in handy in providing me with a larger pool of experiences to draw from in interviews. On the flip side, while some of my peers are settling down and starting families, I have a few more years to figure out my career before settling down. Whether you are on the earlier side like me or you have worked for 5+ years, here are some questions to ask yourself:

  • Do you enjoy the type of work that you are doing? 
  • Do you enjoy being around your co-workers? 
  • Do you feel like there is still room for growth at your current employer?  
If you answered no to any of the above questions, ask yourself the following:

  • Do you find yourself bored at work and feeling like you are not reaching your fullest potential? 
  • Have you reached a plateau where you are not gaining or learning much in your position at work? 
  • Do you find yourself interested in wanting to have more of a business foundation to help you better approach problems at work? 
If you answered yes to any of the above questions, then it might be a good idea to start looking into MBA programs! Most people who come to b-school are looking to pivot their careers into a different industry, function, or location. They have reached a point in their career where they are looking for either something different or something more. If that is you, I promise you there is a school out there waiting for you!  

In terms of applying Round 1, 2, or 3, I’m going to be very real with you: applying to multiple schools in a round is exhausting! However, it is extremely rewarding once you get that phone call from admissions welcoming you to the family! My advice: after looking at all of the “where” factors above, pick your top 2 schools and apply during Round 1. There are more scholarship opportunities available at that time and the schools know that you are heavily interested in their program. If you don’t feel confident about your application just yet, Round 2 works too! The important thing to remember is to submit your application when you feel it is in its best shape. Whatever your top 2 schools may be, try your best to apply to them no later than Round 2 so that you still have a good chance at receiving scholarships and have plenty of time to make a well-informed decision.

Wherever and whenever you choose to apply, I am confident that you will find the right fit for you :)

Student Blogger: Mareena Haseeb ‘22

Undergrad: UC Berkeley – Haas School of Business, ‘18

Pre-MBA: Experienced Assurance Associate at BDO

Leadershipanderson: 1st Year Director, Admissions Ambassador Corps; Director of Dance, Creatives at Anderson; Forté Ambassador; Riordan Scholars Mentor

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UCLA Anderson Application Insider: The Interview [#permalink]
FROM NewsUCLA: UCLA Anderson Application Insider: The Interview
This blog post is part of our "Application Insider" blog post series that provides insider information, tips, and advice about applying to the UCLA Anderson MBA program.

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Here at UCLA Anderson, the interview is a required component of the admissions process. However, the interviews are invite only. They take place in every round and it is possible to receive an interview invitation at any point before the decision release date of the round in which you applied. If you are selected for an interview, you will be notified after the admissions committee has reviewed your application. For this year, all interviews will be conducted virtually via Zoom. There is no difference between interviews conducted on-campus or Zoom, as the virtual option was an option that we always had before Covid-19 restrictions. All interviewers are trained to evaluate communication skills, focus, reasoning, passion, and understanding of the opportunities that a UCLA Anderson MBA provides.

So if you're invited to an interview, that is great news! That means you're one step closer in the admissions process. I know that it can be a little intimidating to think about your MBA interview but there really isn't any reason to worry. The purpose of the interview is to get to know you better, confirm that you are the person portrayed through your application, and gauge your [url=]fit for the program[/url] (as well as our fit in your future plans). To make this even less nerve-wracking, the interview is with a current 2nd year student! Think of this as a conversation with a peer where you're talking about your career goals and personal interests. At the end you also get to ask questions about what their student experience has been like here at UCLA Anderson.

The questions that will be asked of you are things you should already know because they will be asking about your professional goals and your interests! The only person that will know that is you. Just remember though, the only application material the student interview gets from you is your resumé, so anything you put on there is fair game for them to ask.

Here are a few tips to help you prepare for your interview:

[*]Be yourself. Don't over analyze and try to strategically create a persona that fits what you think we are looking for, just be sincere. There is no cookie cutter profile that we are searching for, nor do we want you to fit into a specific mold. We want to learn about who you are as a person, what is unique about you, and how you will add to our community. [/*]
[*]Remember that this is a conversation and as such it should not be limited to a simple question and answer format. You should be ready to provide complete and succinct responses to any question but let the conversation take its natural course.[/*]
[*]Be ready to answer questions about yourself and why you chose [url=]UCLA Anderson[/url] as one of the schools to apply to. This includes knowing how you could contribute to the [url=]community and how you see yourself getting involved[/url].[/*]
[*]Be professional and respectful regardless of who you're interviewing with. Interviewing with a student does not mean the interview is any less important.[/*]
[*]Do not expect your interviewer to provide you with feedback - literally or figuratively.[/*]
In summary, relax, be prepared, and give us an opportunity to get to know you.


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Extracurricular Activities and Leadership [#permalink]
FROM NewsUCLA: Extracurricular Activities and Leadership
This blog post is part of our "Application Insider" blog post series that provides insider information, tips, and advice about applying to the UCLA Anderson MBA program.

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Extracurricular Activities and Leadership

When you apply to Anderson, your extracurricular activities and leadership roles in your undergraduate studies, workplace and/or community can help to show us how you have exhibited qualities that leave an impact. There are multiple places to share your involvement in our application, including the "Activities" section, resume, essay, and interview.

The Admissions Committee is looking for the [b]QUALITY [/b]of your involvement and leadership roles, [b]NOT quantity[/b]. We look to your prior involvement since we believe your past is a good predictor for how involved you will be on Anderson's student-run campus. Did you know that our [url=]40+ student clubs and leaders[/url] help to host over 400 events every year? Recruiters and employers also see your past leadership experiences and involvement at Anderson as signs of your future leadership interest and potential in their organizations.

You may have been involved in activities you've since forgotten or have had varying levels of involvement in depending on other events in your life. Here are some examples to hopefully remind you of your involvement and even potentially inspire you to get involved's never too late to start! --

[b]University/College Activities[/b]

[*]Leadership roles in a campus club and non-profit organization[/*]
[*]Writer or Editor of a campus publication[/*]
[*]College athletics: Team captain? Most Valuable Player? Operations manager?[/*]
[*]Orientation leader or campus tour guide[/*]
[*]Fraternity/Sorority involvement and leadership[/*]
[*]Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC)[/*]
[*]Case competitions [/*]
[*]Tutoring, mentoring and other community service[/*]
[b]Post-University Activities[/b]

[*]Involvement/role in non-profits or professional organizations[/*]
[*]Leadership role in an alumni association or undergrad interviewing[/*]
[*]Workplace engagement teams and employee resource groups[/*]
[*]Volunteer team leader[/*]
[*]Public speaking or teaching roles[/*]
[*]Active role in political organizations or local campaigns[/*]
[*]Founder of a non-profit or community event[/*]
You may be asking why are your university and post-university activities are of relevance and of interest to the Admissions Committee?  If you think about it, these past experiences mirror the MBA program to some degree in that you will be be balancing many different priorities -- including career, social, and academics. Your past involvement gives us some indicator of your ability to contribute to your community while succeeding in these other areas at the same time. That said, if you didn't have time in the past or could not balance these activities successfully, let us know how you have grown professionally and personally to be able to manage effectively as an MBA student. In the end, we value all contributions, big and small, that our students make to create the amazing environment and culture that we have on campus!

[b]Check back for more "Application Insider" blog posts that will cover information and tips on the many aspects of applying to the UCLA Anderson MBA program![/b]

-- Ilana Van Allen '13, Director of Strategy & Marketing, MBA Admissions

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Choosing an MBA Program [#permalink]
FROM NewsUCLA: Choosing an MBA Program
This blog post is part of our "Application Insider" blog post series that provides insider information, tips, and advice about applying to the UCLA Anderson MBA program.

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Choosing an MBA Program

With our Round 1 decision release date coming up soon, we wanted to share some advice that you may want to think through as you consider your options. Below are some recommended action items to take to help you make a decision on which MBA program is the right one for you. If you are applying in Rounds 2 or 3, hopefully this post will give you a quick look into what to expect once the applications and interviews are all done!

[b](1) Connect (or re-connect) with students and alumni:
[/b]Once you have been admitted into a program, it's natural that the type of questions you have will change. Share the good news with people you interacted with along the way, and take this opportunity to set up follow-up conversations to discuss your questions. At UCLA Anderson, we pair you exclusively with a student buddy and an alumni buddy once you're admitted so there will be two more additional resources for you, too!

[/b][b](2) Save the date for admit events:
[/b]We highly recommend participating in our many events and activities we host for admitted applicants! These events are the best way to assess a school's offerings, culture and overall environment, in addition to providing the opportunity to get to know your potential future classmates. Anderson's Round One Week (AROW) and Anderson Days (A-Days for Rounds 1 and 2) feature sessions with our top-ranked Parker Career Management Center, faculty spotlights, 1-on-1 loan advising sessions, and more.

[/b][b](3) Consult your personal "Board of Advisors":
[/b]At the end of the day, you want to attend the best program possible for you and your goals. Assemble a list of the people in your life who are your personal and professional mentors that can advise you. Don't forget your "gut feelings", too -- those intangible qualities about a school that leave you feeling more empowered, inspired, and included can make the difference between an "OK" MBA experience and a life-changing one.

We also encourage you to think beyond the immediate post-MBA job. I am proud to call UCLA Anderson my home because of what our school stands for -- sharing success, thinking fearlessly and driving change - and how we live those values every day.  My classmates and professors pushed me to a new level of potential, and I am so excited that UCLA Anderson could be a part of your journey!

[b]Check back for more "Application Insider" blog posts that will cover information and tips on the many aspects of applying to the UCLA Anderson MBA program![/b]

-- Ilana Van Allen '13, Director of Strategy & Marketing, MBA Admissions

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Top Frequently Asked Questions by Applicants [#permalink]
FROM NewsUCLA: Top Frequently Asked Questions by Applicants
This blog post is part of our "Application Insider" blog post series that provides insider information, tips, and advice about applying to the UCLA Anderson MBA program.

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Top 10 Frequently Asked Questions

Below is a compiled list of our top Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) we have received from prospective applicants via e-mail, phone calls, and in person. We hope the answers below help you on your MBA information gathering and your application journey.

[b]Question 1: How can a prospective student learn more about the UCLA Anderson MBA program?
[/b]UCLA Anderson offers group information sessions, student chats, webinars, and more as opportunities for prospective students to get to know us. To sign up, you can visit our [url=]Admissions Events webpage[/url] to register for events that work for your schedule. Please note that some of these events have capacity limits. More events will be added at the start of the new year.

[b]Question 2: Can I be connected with a current student?
[/b]Yes and we highly encourage it! You can reach out to our current students through our [url=]Connect with Our Students portal[/url]. Here, you can submit a question to student and also get access to a database of students representing our 40+ clubs so you can find someone with specific career goals, interests, and backgrounds.

[b]Question 3: Do I need to submit my official transcripts and/or official test (GMAT, GRE, TOEFL, IELTS) scores when I apply to UCLA Anderson?
[/b]No, you do not need to submit your official transcript documents or official test scores when applying. For your initial application, uploaded scanned unofficial copies of your transcripts and documents, and self-reported test scores are perfectly sufficient for the Admissions Committee to begin evaluations. If invited for an interview, you will be asked to provide hard copies of your transcripts and official test scores (more specific details will be provided at that time).

[b]Question 4: Do I need to take the TOEFL/IELTS?
[/b]We require all international applicants to provide TOEFL or IELTS scores (with exception of some countries -- please contact the MBA Admissions office to check), regardless of the language of instruction during your undergraduate studies. This is a [url=]requirement from UCLA Graduate Division[/url], which is the authority that oversees all graduate admissions.

[b]Question 5: Do you offer a GMAT/GRE waiver?
[/b]We do not offer GMAT/GRE waivers. All applicants must submit either GMAT or GRE scores (only current UCLA School of Law JD or UCLA School of Medicine MD students have the option to submit the LSAT/MCAT scores respectively in lieu of the GMAT or GRE).  We recommend you take the test you feel most comfortable with, as there is currently no preference for either exam in the admissions review process. At this time we are also accepting the at-home versions of these exams, too.

[b]Question 6:  Can I submit updates to my application after I have submitted it?
[/b]Unfortunately, we do not accept official updates to the application once it has been submitted. If you do wish to add information after your application has been submitted, it can be added to your file but there is no guarantee it will be used in the admissions review process. If you would like, you can request that your application will be moved to a later round for consideration if you want to ensure any updated information is included during evaluations (assuming this request gets submitted in time).

[b]Question 7: Do you accept transfer students or credits from other MBA programs?
[/b]No, we do not accept transfer students or credits from other MBA programs. We believe that part of the Anderson experience is developing relationships with classmates during the two years of attendance in the MBA program.  You may still apply, but you would be required to begin as a first-year student. It may be possible to test out of some core courses to be replaced by MBA elective courses of your choice.

[b]Question 8: Is there a minimum GMAT/GRE score or GPA required for admission?[/b]
There are no minimum test scores or GPAs required to be admitted. Many factors are considered in our holistic decision process. Admissions decisions are not made solely on the basis of grades and test scores. However, you may want to note our average and range of scores in our most recent [url=]class profile[/url] and ensure that your GMAT or GRE score (including Writing Assessment) represents your ability. If you do not believe your score reflects your ability, we recommend that you consider retaking the test if you are able.

[b]Question 9: If I earned a three-year undergraduate degree, am I still eligible to apply?
[/b]Yes, you are still eligible to apply. We do admit students with 3-year degrees but the rest of your application needs to be strong to compete against other applicants. If you would like your academic records to equate to a 4-year degree, you would need to either complete a Master’s degree or other Post Graduate Degree/Diploma.

[b]Question 10: Can I begin the MBA program in the winter or spring?
[/b]We do not offer spring or winter admission.  All students in the Full-Time MBA program start at the same time (end of summer).

We hope this information was helpful -- to get more answers to your questions, visit our [url=]Admissions FAQ webpage[/url].

[b]Check back for more "Application Insider" blog posts that will cover information and tips on the many aspects of applying to the UCLA Anderson MBA program![/b]

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UCLA Anderson Application Insider: Letters of Recommendations [#permalink]
FROM NewsUCLA: UCLA Anderson Application Insider: Letters of Recommendations
This blog post is part of our "Application Insider" blog post series that provides insider information, tips, and advice about applying to the UCLA Anderson MBA program.

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Letters of recommendation are an integral part of the application process. They provide the admissions committee with insight into your management and leadership ability and continued potential. As noted in our [url=]application requirements[/url], [b]we require two letters of recommendation [/b](but just one for re-applicants). This blog will provide you with guidance to help you ensure that you receive supportive letters of recommendation. We’ll also provide you with some advice on who to consider if you cannot request a letter of recommendation from your current supervisor, are working in a family business or have an entrepreneurial background.

[b]Who should write my letters of recommendation?[/b]
Your letters of recommendation should ideally come from [b]a direct supervisor and/or manager[/b] who will advocate on your behalf and can speak to your work performance, capabilities, and potential for graduate studies and future career success. Your recommenders should be able to provide us with detailed and insightful information in response to our [url=]recommendation questions[/url]. They should be able to address how they know you, how you compare to others in your organization, and your potential to continue growing into a strong leader. Keep in mind that we are more concerned with how well your recommenders know you, and not their titles, so don't worry about getting a letter of recommendation from the CEO of your company if they don’t really know you.

[b]What if I cannot request a letter of recommendation from my current supervisor?[/b][b]
[/b]If you cannot request a letter of recommendation from your current supervisor, you can always contact a former employer. If you do choose to reach out to a former employer, make sure that it is someone that you have remained in contact with and can speak to how they’ve seen you develop since you worked with them. You want to make sure that their feedback is not restricted to speaking to who you were when they knew you, two, three, or five years ago.

If you are an entrepreneur or are working in a family business, in addition to considering previous employers, you can consider clients, vendors, as well as supervisors from volunteer organizations. It is not advisable that your recommender be someone who you are related to since they will most likely be biased in your favor.

[b]What does the admissions committees hope to learn from a letter of recommendation?[/b]
The admissions committee wants to learn about your leadership potential, your teamwork skills, as well as your ability to overcome challenges. Letters of recommendation allow us to see you through the eyes of your direct supervisors/managers; individuals who have witnessed your career progression. They can speak to what you have accomplished in your career, how your career to date can position you for future success, and help support your post-MBA goals. For this reason it’s important to make sure that your recommenders are familiar with your MBA plans. Take the time to speak with your recommenders about why you are interested in pursuing an MBA and what you hope to gain. Share a copy of your resume and remind them of some of your professional accomplishments. By sharing your plans, you will help them write a more compelling letter of recommendation.

[b]How and when should letters of recommendation be submitted? [/b][b]Letters of recommendation can only be submitted electronically. You will need to enter each recommender’s details in your application so that they can be sent the link to the recommendation form[/b]. Recommendations should be submitted by the round deadline in which you are applying, to ensure that your application is evaluated on time. Make sure to inform your recommenders of the deadline and stay in touch with them to confirm submission of your letters.

[b]One last bit of advice[/b]:
Don’t forget to thank your recommenders for taking the time to write your letters and for supporting your future.

Good luck with your letters of recommendation and make sure to keep checking back with us to learn more about our process and our program!

[b]Check back for more "Application Insider" blog posts that will cover information and tips on the many aspects of applying to the UCLA Anderson MBA program![/b]


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From the Dean's Desk: Round One Decisions Released Today [#permalink]
FROM NewsUCLA: From the Dean's Desk: Round One Decisions Released Today
This post is part of our “From the Dean’s Desk” series, where we hear directly from our UCLA Anderson leaders across the school.

Just after midnight today, we released all of our decisions to our full-time MBA Round 1 applicants for our Class of 2023! Admissions officers also called each admit, so we had the chance to break the news to many surprised candidates. It was so wonderful to hear the joy and excitement on the other end of the phone line!

All Round 1 applicants received an email to check their [b][url=]Status Page[/url][/b] for their decision letter, as we use that secure site to display letters rather than actually sending by email.  If you applied but did not see the notification email, please check your spam folder, or just go directly to your [url=][b]Status Page[/b][/url] to view your admissions decision.

We are already receiving Round 2 applications and we know, as always, it will be our biggest round of the year.  We look forward to seeing many more excellent candidates in the new year by the Round 2 deadline of January 8 (or Round 3 deadline of April 16).

Thank you to everyone who took the time to complete our application for Round 1, good luck to those working on applications for Rounds 2 and 3, and congratulations to all of our new admits!



-- Alex Lawrence

Assistant Dean and Director - MBA Admissions and Financial Aid


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Best Wishes for 2021 and How to Reach MBA Admissions [#permalink]
FROM NewsUCLA: Best Wishes for 2021 and How to Reach MBA Admissions

As 2020 is drawing to a close, we are filled with hope that 2021 will be a better year for all. Thank you for getting to know us this year (primarily virtually!) and for sharing your stories and Anderson spirit in person, online, and in your applications.

Please note that the MBA Admissions and Financial Aid Office will be closed during the University closure at noon on [b]December 18, 2020  through January 3, 2021[/b]. During this time, we will check emails sent to the MBA Admissions inbox ([][/email]) but responses may be a little delayed. Regular operations will resume on Monday, January 4.

You still have the opportunity to learn more about our MBA program throughout December directly from current Anderson students by [b][url=]signing up for a Virtual Student Chat.[/url][/b]

We wish you a wonderful and healthy holiday season and all the best in 2021!

-- MBA Admissions & Financial Aid team



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Meet Us! Virtually [#permalink]
FROM NewsUCLA: Meet Us! Virtually
Our students are back for winter quarter after taking some time off to recharge from some serious screen time during the fall. The [url=]Admissions Ambassador Corps (AAC)[/url] is back to work with our [url=]Virtual [/url] offerings, including [b]Group Information Sessions (GIS), Faculty Perspectives, Anderson Perspectives, a virtual tour, and virtual chats[/b]. These events are all great opportunities to learn more about the [url=]MBA program[/url], our [url=]culture[/url], and individual experiences at UCLA Anderson. We encourage you to explore multiple session as it is the best way to immerse yourself into UCLA Anderson and really get a feel for the program. Here's a breakdown of what each experience entails:

[b]Group Information Session (GIS)
[/b]Learn about what distinguishes our leading MBA program and how to successfully navigate the admissions process. This quarter, sessions are generally held on Mondays and Wednesdays (at 5:00 PM) and Thursdays (at 11:30AM). These are hosted by a group second-year student ambassadors.

[b]School Tour
[/b]Unfortunately, due to Covid-19 restrictions, campus is still closed. However, we made a [url=]video[/url] so you can stroll through our beautiful campus and surrounding grounds with student ambassadors to see how our students make the most of our world class facilities.

[b]Faculty Perspectives
[/b]Join a group of first-year students as they have a discussion with some of our favorite UCLA Anderson professors to learn about their teach style and what makes their class unique. Check back shortly for a final schedule!

[b]Anderson Perspectives
[/b]Join our first-year student ambassadors as they discuss a variety of experiences when considering applying to business school and choosing Anderson. Topics can range from "Ask Me Anything" to "Applying as a Black and Latinx Student" to "Recruiting for Consulting". There's something for everyone.

[b]Virtual Chats
[/b]Hear from a current student all about our culture and the wonderful opportunities at UCLA Anderson. Grab your own favorite food or beverage and join the casual conversation on Zoom.

We hope you will join us to learn more about the [url=]UCLA Anderson[/url] difference!

-- John Lee, Associate Director of MBA Admissions


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MBA Application is Now Live! [#permalink]
FROM NewsUCLA: MBA Application is Now Live!

Our UCLA Anderson MBA Class of 2024 application is [url=]now live[/url]! Here are some highlights of our application:

[*][b]Only 1 required essay question[/b][/*]
[*][b]Streamlined application questions[/b][/*]
[*][b]Clear and easy-to-follow application and instructions[/b][/*]
Our one essay question asks:

[b]How have recent events influenced the impact you would like to make in your community, career, or both? [/b][b] [/b](250 words maximum)

The goal of our essay question is to allow you to reflect on events that influenced you in your personal or professional lives, or in society in general. Through this essay question, we are hoping to get to know you better by learning how you hope to leave your mark and positively impact those around you. We’ll give you opportunities to tell us about your specific career goals and interest in our program in other parts of our application.

With our first [url=]application round deadline[/url] a few months away, here are some next steps to get started on now to provide helpful application tips, program information, and student insights:

[*][b][url=]Start an application[/url][/b]: there’s no harm in taking a look even if you’re not sure of your plans[/*]
[*][b][url=]Explore our website[/url]:[/b] view application requirements, round deadlines, and more[/*]
[*][b][url=]Join our virtual events[/url][/b]: meet students, alumni, and admissions representatives to learn more about our MBA program and admissions tips[/*]
Below are the application deadlines by round for our Full-time MBA program:

[*][b]Round 1: October 5, 2021[/b][/*]
[*][b]Round 2: January 4, 2022[/b][/*]
[*][b]Round 3: April 12, 2022[/b][/*]
Wishing you all good luck and please [url=]stay in touch[/url] with the MBA Admissions Office with any []questions[/email]!

Stay in Touch:[/b] [url=]Introduce Yourself[/url][url=][/url][b]Questions?[/b] Contact us at: [][/email]
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