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Jones Rice Full Time MBA
Final Decision:
Status: Online with Student
Interviewed on: Nov 28, 2023
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4.3 years
Dec 8, 2023 08:12
"My Business Community Assessment was with an Indian second-year student (Emil Mathew Binny). It was relatively short and lasted for almost 25 minutes. He asked the following questions in order - 1. Tell me about yourself. 2. Why MBA? 3. Short-term and long-term goals? 4. Why Rice? 5. If you receive admits from multiple B-schools for an MBA program, what factors will you consider to determine the right school for you? 6. Rice gives huge importance to DEI and has the tagline "You belong here." How do you wish to promote diversity and inclusion in this community, or how have you experienced DEI personally and professionally? 7. How will you contribute to the Rice community? 8. Any questions for me?"
Jones Rice Full Time MBA
Status: Online with Student
Interviewed on: Oct 25, 2023
Nov 14, 2023 09:11
"Just got done with my VA , my questions were 1. what is your stratigy to enshure you have a diverse group of people in a work envoirment 2. If you failed your 1st major test at Rice how would you cope ? 3. Why Rice"
Jones Rice Full Time MBA
Status: Online with Student
Interviewed on: Nov 3, 2023
Nov 7, 2023 03:11
""My community assessment was with a second-year student. It lasted for about 30 minutes, and it went quite well." 1. Tell me about yourself 2. Why MBA? 3. Short and long-term goals? 4. Why rice? 5. How will you choose between two schools? Is scholarship a factor you consider? 6. How important is DEI to you? Experience with DEI personally and professionally? 7. How will you contribute to the Rice community? 8. Any questions for me?"
Jones Rice Full Time MBA
Status: Online with Student
Interviewed on: Oct 24, 2023
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5.1 years
Oct 25, 2023 01:10
"1. Tell me about yourself 2. Why an MBA at this point? 3. What is your short-term and long-term goal? 4. Rice is known for the tagline "You belong here". So how do you wish to promote diversity and inclusion in this community? 5. If you get admitted to other MBA programs, what are the factors will you consider determining the right school for you? 6. Any questions for me? The interviewer was very amiable- he appreciated my entrepreneurial experience too, and I really felt like embracing the inclusive environment at Rice MBA program through the casual and inspiring conversation!"
Jones Rice Full Time MBA
Final Decision:
Status: Online
Interviewed on: Feb 15, 2023
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Feb 15, 2023 09:02
"My interview was conversational one. It lasted for 30 mins. The questions asked were- 1. Tell me about yourself 2. Why MBA 3. Why rice? 4. Tell me about your diversity experience 5. Short term/Long Term Goal 6. Any questions for me."
Jones Rice Full Time MBA
Final Decision:
Status: Online
Interviewed on: Feb 15, 2023
Feb 15, 2023 09:02
"I just finished my Community Assessment! it was great, super conversational with a 2 year student 1. Tell me about yourself 2. Why MBA, why now? 3. Why Rice? 4. Short-term and long-term goals 5. Tell me about your experience with diversity, working in diverse groups 6. How will you decide which business school to attend 7. What would you do if someone from your core team were not participating or doing their part 8. Is there anything you would like to tell the admissions team that I haven’t asked you? 9. Questions for me"
Jones Rice Full Time MBA
Final Decision:
Status: Online
Interviewed on: Feb 13, 2023
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10 years
Feb 14, 2023 12:02
"I had my interview (CA) yesterday. I consider was the most friendly and easy interview at the moment. It was a 2nd year student from India, and he went for the typical questions. 1. Tell me about yourself 2. Why Mba 3. Why Rice 4. What factor will drive your decision if you need to decide between XYZ B-school (Location? Ranking? Professors? Community? Scolarship? 5. Tell me about your experience you had with diversity and how you would contribute to promote the diversity in the Rice community? 6. If selected What will you bring or contribute to the Rice community? 7. Anything you would like to add or tell to the Adcom team that was not addressed previously? 7. Any question for me? 25 min interview Good luck!"
Jones Rice Full Time MBA
Final Decision:
Status: Online
Interviewed on: Feb 8, 2023
Feb 10, 2023 04:02
"I had an amazing interview with a 2nd year student. It was a two way conversation that I really enjoyed. After each answer I gave she would add a little insight or feedback. “You’re right, Rice does sound like a great school for your goals”; “I know a lot of people in that club they have a really tight bond”; “Another thing at Rice that could be really helpful to you is…” She shared her story and really helped me see how Rice helps their students. They questions were standard but we would chat after most of them and there were personal follow-up questions. It was truly an interview for me and for them. Tell me about yourself / resume. What are you post mba goals? Why an mba? Why Rice? What will you bring to Jones? What kind of experience do you have with diversity? How will you decide which school to attend? Is there anything more you’d like me to share with the adcom? What questions do you have for me. The interview took about 20 minutes and it was so friendly we talked for another 20 minutes after about Rice, the Houston community, and everything else."
Jones Rice Full Time MBA
Final Decision:
Status: Online
Interviewed on: Jan 18, 2023
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Feb 7, 2023 11:02
"Community assessment experience. Same Qs as the debrief posted. However, 1 question to add (that honestly made me a little uneasy): "what’s your alternative plan if MBA doesn’t work out?" (not just short term alternative plan, but the degree altogether itself). Did anyone get asked this question before? Everything else - the interviewer was informative and conversational."
Jones Rice Full Time MBA
Final Decision:
Status: Online
Interviewed on: Jan 25, 2023
Feb 7, 2023 11:02
"Just standard questions: Why MBA? Why Jones? TMAT when you resolved a conflict. TMAT a time when you lead a team. How would you contribute to the community?"
Jones Rice Full Time MBA
Final Decision:
Admitted from WL
Status: Online
Interviewed on: Jan 28, 2022
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7 years
Apr 7, 2022 03:04
"The interview was taken online (via Zoom) and lasted for about 25 minutes. An AdCom member took the interview. She was accommodating and friendly. The questions were: - Why an MBA? - Post-MBA goals and backup plan - Why Rice? (with a follow-up question) - How would you contribute to Rice? - Experience with diversity in personal and professional life - On what basis would you choose if you were admitted to different schools? - Anything else that you want the AdCom to know? - Do you have any questions for me? I'm also adding the questions from the Kira interview that I completed earlier: Q1. Hold a photo ID to the camera and tell us your name. (3 min) Q2. In a team setting, someone is not performing well. What would you do in that situation? (2 min) Q3. How do you maintain a work-life balance? (2 min) Q4. How do you implement change when you feel a change is required? (2 min) Q5. How do you want to manage your time in this rigorous MBA program? (2 min) Q6. Tell us about a time when you completed a task without prior information. (2 min) All of the questions were of video type and prep time was 15-20 seconds for each."
Jones Rice Full Time MBA
Final Decision:
Status: Online
Interviewed on: Jan 28, 2022
Jan 28, 2022 01:01
"Was interviewed by a second year student. She was friendly and engaged and right off the bat, said that she wanted it to be a 2 way conversation rather than an interview. Questions: 1.Tell me about yourself 2.Your career seems to be going great-why pursue an MBA? 3.Why Rice? 4.How would you contribute to the class? 5.What kind of experiences have you had with diversity? 6.What factors will you consider while choosing a school? 7.Is there any other information about you that you want me to take back to the admissions committee? 8. How are you preparing for an MBA (apart from the application process)? Any questions for me? Interview ended with her giving me some helpful advice about how to connect with current students and alumni."
Jones Rice Full Time MBA
Final Decision:
Waitlisted with Interview
Status: Online
Interviewed on: Nov 18, 2021
Nov 19, 2021 02:11
""Interviewed by a second-year student Lasted 30 min He introduced himself and set up the expectations for next 30 mins 1. Tell me about yourself 2. Immediate goals 3. Why Rice 4. How would you contribute to Rice 5. Your experience with diversity pro/personal 6. What factors would you consider while choosing a school upon invitation 7. Any questions or me - I spent 10 mins asking questions It was extremely friendly and highly conversational"
Jones Rice Full Time MBA
Final Decision:
Status: Online
Interviewed on: Nov 15, 2021
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Nov 15, 2021 05:11
"Interviewed by a second-year student Lasted 40-45 min 1. Tell me about yourself 2. Immediate goals 3. Why Rice 4. How would you contribute to Rice 5. Your view on diversity 5. Talk about leadership 6. Talk about failure - professional only 7. What factors would you consider while choosing a school upon invitation 8. Any questions or me Goodluck!"
Jones Rice Full Time MBA
Final Decision:
Status: Online
Interviewed on: Nov 12, 2021
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Nov 12, 2021 01:11
"I was interviewed with a current 2nd-year student. It lasted for a total of 25-30min. 1. Walk me through your resume. 2. Short term goals and alternative plans 3. Why Rice? - some follow-ups there. 4. Experience with diversity on a personal and professional basis. 5. On what basis would you choose if you're admitted to all the colleges you applied to. 6. How would you contribute to Rice? Followed by my questions to the interviewer."
Jones Rice Full Time MBA
Final Decision:
Status: Online
Interviewed on: Nov 12, 2021
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Nov 12, 2021 12:11
"I was interviewed by a second-year student. Total interview time - 25 mins. Tell me about yourself What are you planning to gain professionally through MBA? Why Rice? Goals Your contribution to Rice? TMAT when your diversity became instrumental to the team? What will be the factors you will consider while deciding which school's offer you want to accept? Anything you want Adcoms to know? My questions for her."
Jones Rice Full Time MBA
Final Decision:
Status: Online
Interviewed on: Nov 5, 2021
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Nov 8, 2021 01:11
"Interviewer was a 2Y FTMBA and was quite personable and made me at ease right off the bat. 1. Tell me about yourself 2. Why MBA, Why Rice? 3. Tell me about a time you helped a person feel included 4. How do you plan to "give back" at Rice Then I was given an opportunity to ask questions. Interview lasted 41 minutes."
Jones Rice Full Time MBA
Final Decision:
Status: Online
Interviewed on: Nov 2, 2021
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15.7 years
Nov 3, 2021 01:11
Jones Rice Full Time MBA
Final Decision:
Interviewed on: Feb 1, 2021
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8.3 years
Feb 16, 2021 02:02
"Be well prepared with what is on your resume. The student described the interview structure and how it was going to be conducted. 1. Walk me through your resume. 2. Current responsibilities. 3. How do you work in a diverse environment? 4. How do you handle a situation of conflict? 5. Having in mind that the university has students from multiple countries and cultures, how do you handle a difficult conversation? 6. Why Rice? 7. What are your goals? 8. Questions for me? Lasted a little more than half hour. She took notes during the interview."
Jones Rice Full Time MBA
Final Decision:
Interviewed on: Feb 8, 2021
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9.8 years
Feb 8, 2021 05:02
"Interviewed by a second-year student. Lasted for about 30 minutes. Very friendly and structured. Started off with his introduction and explain to me how the interview is structured. Questions were 1) "So tell me, who is X?" - Replace X with your name. There was a follow-up question to this. 2) "What does a leader mean to you?". This was followed up with another question. 3) "Tell me about a time when you had to deal with failure or challenging time at work" 4) "Why MBA" 5) "Why Rice" 6) "Any questions for me" He was taking notes on his computer all along and also informed me about this. He kept himself on mute while typing so that I don't get distracted."