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Kellogg Full Time MBA
Status: Online with Alumni
Interviewed on: Jan 26, 2024
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6 years
Viet Nam
Feb 11, 2024 09:02
"Total 65mins, 50mins for past experience, 10mins for goals, 5mins to ask questions Tell me about yourself/experiences Follow up on why I picked my major/minor Follow up on first job (how and why) Follow up on next job (how and why, what I do daily, go through some bullet points on Resume) ST/LT goals, career aspirations/ why? Why MBA, now, Kellogg? How did you choose schools? Which schools did you apply? Why not MMM program (coz my background seems suitable for MMM)? Questions for interviewer (I asked 1)"
Kellogg Full Time MBA
Status: Online with Alumni
Interviewed on: Feb 3, 2024
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Feb 6, 2024 04:02
"Duration : 45 mins Interviewed with a recent alumni. Quite conversational 1) Tell me about yourself 2) Why MBA 3) Why Kellogg 4) TMAT when you had to manage different priorities within a team 5) Motivation behind xxx volunteering 6) 2 criticisms your teammates might have about you 7) Any questions for me?"
Kellogg Full Time MBA
Status: Online with Alumni
Interviewed on: Oct 16, 2023
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Oct 27, 2023 11:10
"Interview duration : 45 min Questions : 1. Walk me through your resume while talking about why you took the career decisions you did 2. Did you get a promotion at any stage 3. What are 3 positive qualities your teammates would say you have 4. Tell me about a time when you had to rely on others to get something done and how you handled it 5. Tell me about a time when you led people 6. Tell me about a time when something didn’t go according to plan 7. Why do you need an MBA to achieve your career goals 8. Which part of Kellogg curriculum and clubs excites you 9. Is there anything else that you feel I should know about you"
Kellogg Full Time 1 Year MBA
Status: Online with Student
Interviewed on: Oct 27, 2023
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Oct 27, 2023 03:10
"1- Introduce yourself 2- Tell me about a leadership experience where you showcased a trait of your leadership style 3- Tell me about a time when you had to rely on someone to achieve success 4- Tell me about a time when you led a diverse team. What where the challenges and rewards? 5- What is your biggest strength? 6- What is yor biggest leadership weakness? 7- ST and LT career goals 8- Why MBA? Why now? 9- Why Kellogg? 10- Which clubs/extracurriculars would you want to participate in?"
Kellogg Evening/Weekend MBA
Final Decision:
Status: Online with Alumni
Interviewed on: Oct 11, 2023
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6 years
Oct 27, 2023 01:10
"The interview was online with a recent alumni. He introduced himself and talked a little about how it would proceed. Then came the questions. 1. Why did you choose the universities that you went to 2. Why MBA/Kellog 3. ST/LT goals and fit 4. Work experience/challenge 5. Criticism/feedback at work/elsewhere 6. Any questions- I asked about his experience with the program Overall it was a good experience, took around 45 minutes."
Kellogg Full Time MBA
Final Decision:
Status: Online
Interviewed on: Sep 22, 2023
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7.2 years
Oct 2, 2023 01:10
"The interviewer was a member of the admissions committee who was incredibly kind. With no small talk, she immediately explained the process. The interview was quite friendly but in a way like talking to a professor. She broke up the questions into many pieces to get quick responses. 1) Go over your college history and why you chose your major 2) Tell me about why you went to X industry right after college 3) Tell me about how you progressed at Y company in terms of your responsibilities and roles 4) Why did you quit Y company? 5) Tell me about your own startup 6) How did you find these clients? 7) What skills did your career experience help you gain? 8) Tell me about the most diverse team you worked with 9) How did you collaborate with these diverse people? 10) How would the people you work with describe you? 11) Could you compare how you were like as a leader in college and how you are as a leader now? 12) What’s changed? 13) What are your goals and why Kellogg? 14) (Because I spoke about Z club) any other clubs you are interested in? 15) Do you have a backup plan if your current plan doesn’t pan out, a plan B? 16) Do you have anything to add? There were a few more follow-up questions I cannot recall unfortunately."
Kellogg Full Time MBA
Final Decision:
Status: Online
Interviewed on: Sep 28, 2023
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7 years
United States
Sep 28, 2023 08:09
"An alumnus interviewed me, and it lasted 45 minutes with an additional 15 minutes of questions for the interviewer and general "back and forth." The overall environment was very conversational, and I was able to connect with the alumni, sharing a similar background and work experience. 1) Walk me through the various decision points throughout your career. The interviewer was specific about not walking through the resume but providing context at each role change. 2) What are your near- and long-term career goals? 3) Why Kellogg? 4) Tell me about your greatest accomplishment. 5) Tell me about a time you received constructive feedback. 6) Tell me about a time one of your direct reports was trusted to accomplish something without your direct oversight. 7) How have you progressed at each role compared to your peers? 8) What unique thing would you bring to the class? 9) What would your peers say about you if asked? 10) Tell me about your leadership style. 11) Tell me about a time you worked with a difficult person."
Kellogg Full Time MBA
Final Decision:
Status: Online
Interviewed on: Sep 27, 2023
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5.3 years
Sep 27, 2023 02:09
"A member of the admissions committee interviewed me. The interview lasted 45 mins. It was a mix of conversational and deep dives. 1) Walk me through your resume 2) Tell me about your college experience. Then, follow-up questions on ECs. 3) Deep dive into movement in between roles on my resume 4) Why MBA & why now 5) Why Kellogg 6) Tell me about a time you worked in a diverse team—merits, demerits, and learnings 7) Tell me about a time you worked with a difficult person 8) Greatest accomplishments 9) Strengths & what would people say about your leadership style 10) Tell me other things you want me to know that's not on your resume."
Kellogg Full Time MBA
Final Decision:
Status: Off Campus with Alumni
Interviewed on: Jan 29, 2023
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4.9 years
Viet Nam
Jun 4, 2023 07:06
"The interviewer (a Kellogg 2Y alum from my home country) was nice and straightforward, asking questions related to points on my resume and then the typical Why MBA now/why Kellogg (which was closer to the end of the interview, surprisingly). She seemed genuinely curious about my career transitions, my work and community service, and my values as a collaborative team player. The interview lasted about an hour, with the last 10-15 mins for me to ask her some questions about her exp at Kellogg. Here is the list of questions: Walk me through your resume Were current community service part of your work at your current startup? More clarification on what current community service is, and it is not related to your current startup in terms of recipients Asking about the transition from the first corporation to current startup - why and was it a seamless transition? Tell me about a time that you work in a team with people from different backgrounds A follow-up question on the teamwork question - did my team talk directly with the customers? If your co-workers have to describe you in 3 words, what would be these words? Tell me about a time when you work on feedback from other members Tell me about a time when you have to bring people from different viewpoints together A follow-up on the question above about the roles of the people in the story What is your biggest contribution/impact in your current professional role? A follow-up on the question above about how long the current product in the current startup is on the market Why MBA now? Why Kellogg? For your career goal, why don’t you continue to work in your current startup and then lateral before building out your own company instead of going to business school? What will be the biggest challenges as you attend Kellogg?"
Kellogg Full Time MBA
Final Decision:
Denied with Interview
Status: Online
Interviewed on: Mar 14, 2023
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0.3 years
Mar 18, 2023 02:03
"Interviewed with an adcom member who seemed kinda bored and unimpressed throughout. Someone had already told me that some of the Kellogg interviewers are poker-faced serious note-takers so I tried to not let that affect my confidence. She often asked me to repeat myself which made me a little worried cause I thought either she's not paying attention to what I am saying or I am not speaking with clarity. It could also either just be that she wanted to get the details correct for her notes. 1. Walk me through your resume 2. How many people do you manage in your current role? 3. What do you love about your current role? 4. Example about working in a diverse team. 5. Biggest career achievement. 6. ST and LT goals - what would you do right after MBA. 7. Why Kellogg 8. Anything else? 9. Any questions for me?"
Kellogg MBAi
Final Decision:
Status: Online
Interviewed on: Feb 28, 2023
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6.3 years
Mar 17, 2023 06:03
"I was interviewed by a member of the admissions committee. It was very conversational and mostly around my experience and some behavioural questions. We started with talking about my journey since I joined undergrad. What were the highlights. Moved to Jobs (why this job, role, growth in responsibilities, project examples, teams you worked with etc) and overall career trajectory. Followed by behavioural questions: How would your colleagues describe you? How has your Leadership evolved? Difference because of diversity in a team? How? What? How would you uniquely contribute to Kellogg community? Hope this helps. Goodluck"
Kellogg MBAi
Final Decision:
Waitlisted with Interview
Status: Off Campus with Adcom
Interviewed on: Feb 9, 2023
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5 years
Mar 11, 2023 05:03
"Had the interview with an AdCom. It seemed to be a blind interview (she had only gone through my resume) that lasted around 45 min (35+10). Following are the questions that she asked: 1. Roles and responsibilities in jobs. 2. Why Kellogg? 3. Why MBAi? 4. How would your teammates describe you? 5. What is your leadership style? 6. When did you receive constructive criticism and how did you respond to it? 7. What challenges do you think you would face at MBA? 8. STG and LTG? Plan B? 9. How would you contribute to Kellogg? 10. Most significant accomplishment? 11. TMAT when you displayed leadership? 11. What does DE&I mean to you? 12. Anything you feel I did not ask? 13. Questions for me? Overall it was very interactive and conversational. Fingers crossed now."
Kellogg Evening/Weekend MBA
Final Decision:
Status: Online
Interviewed on: Feb 25, 2023
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United States
Mar 3, 2023 11:03
"I was interviewed online by the admissions committee member, also a Kellogg alum. Interview questions, 1) Tell me something that is not on your resume 2) Walk me through your roles and responsibilities at work 3) Short-term and Long-term goals 4) Why MBA 5) Why Kellogg 6) Is there something you want us to know that we might have missed 7) Any questions for the interviewer The interview went for 45 minutes, and it was very interactive."
Kellogg Full Time MBA
Final Decision:
Status: Off Campus with Student
Interviewed on: Feb 16, 2023
Feb 18, 2023 06:02
"Had my interview with a current student. The interview was very conversational. He listened patiently to all my answers and provided invaluable insights while answering the questions I asked. Questions asked - 1. Walk me through your resume. 2. Most significant accomplishment. 3. TMAT when you led a diverse team. 4. What is your short-term goal? 5. What’s your leadership style? 6. Why MBA? 7. Why Kellogg? 8. What is the weakest part of your application? 9. Any questions?"
Kellogg Full Time MBA
Final Decision:
Status: Online
Interviewed on: Feb 7, 2023
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4.2 years
Feb 9, 2023 01:02
"Interviewed by an alum. The interview was split in 2 parts, 30 mins for the actual interview and 15 mins for Q&A. The interviewer started with a personal introduction and gave an overview of what the interview would be like. 1. Tell me about yourself/experiences you have had so far 2. What is one achievement that you are proud of and why. 3. What has been the biggest challenge you have faced so far and how did you deal with it. 4. How did you convince your team to take up a new project and how did you deal with the challenges. (very specific question to something I had mentioned earlier) 5. How would your team members describe you. 6. Why MBA, why now. 7. Why Kellogg. 8. How will you contribute to the class at Kellogg, what differentiates you. 9. What is one area you seek to improve. I had multiple follow-up questions on each individual question. Overall it was very conversational and the interviewer paid attention to every word I said so was asking very specific questions based on my profile."
Kellogg Full Time MBA
Final Decision:
Denied with Interview
Status: Online
Interviewed on: Feb 7, 2023
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3.3 years
Feb 7, 2023 11:02
"Had an interview with a first year Full-time MBA student. It lasted for about 50 minutes. 1. Walk me through your resume / TMAY 2. Why MBA? Why now? 3. What are my ST and LT goals 4. TMAT you worked with diverse teams. Challenges and learnings 5. What is my leadership style 6. Most significant career accomplishment till date 7. How will I contribute to Kellogg? 8. Anything that I wished he had asked me 9. Any questions that I had for him It was a blind interview and was indeed very conversational. 30 min interview and 20 min follow-up question"
Kellogg Full Time MBA
Final Decision:
Status: Online
Interviewed on: Feb 1, 2023
Feb 4, 2023 03:02
"My Kellogg interview just got over yesterday and it went very well! A second-year MMM dual-degree student was my interviewer. He was convinced with all my answers and even said that I was an ’accomplished person’ :-) It lasted for about 45 minutes. Most questions revolved around the following: 1. Walk me through your resume 2. What do I like the most and least about my job 3. What is my leadership style 4. Most significant career accomplishment till date 5. A time when I worked with a diverse team to achieve something 6. Why second MBA (I already have a PGDM from an Indian B-school) & Why Kellogg 7. Short-term and long-term goals and what challenges do I see in accomplishing them 8. Anything that I wished he had asked me 9. Any questions that I had for him It was a blind interview and was indeed very conversational. Fingers crossed now!"
Kellogg Full Time MBA
Final Decision:
Status: Online
Interviewed on: Feb 1, 2023
Feb 4, 2023 03:02
"Hi everyone, I had my Kellogg interview yesterday, sharing the questions asked for everyone’s reference. 1. Walk me through your resume 2. Tell me about yourself (outside of work) 3. Tell me about an instance where you created a big impact at your organization 4. Tell me about a time where you received constructive feedback from your supervisor & your reaction to the same 5. Goals (Short & Long) 6. Why Kellogg? 7. Any questions for me? It felt more like an informal conversation tbh. My interviewer was warm and that made it really easy for me to be comfortable. Hope this helps, good luck to all!"
Kellogg Full Time MBA
Final Decision:
Denied with Interview
Status: Online
Interviewed on: Jan 26, 2023
Feb 4, 2023 03:02
"Hello everyone, I had my Kellogg 2 days back with an Alum, pretty much similar questions - 1. Tell me about yourself 2. Short and Long Term goals 3. Tell me about a time you managed a team. 4. Why MBA? 5. Why Kellogg? 6. When did you receive constructive criticism and how did you respond to it? 7. Tell me about a time that you worked in a diverse team. 8. What is your Plan B if your Short term goals don’t work out? 9. Any questions for the interviewer (1 - 8) => 25 Mins 9 => 5 Mins I hope this helps, All the best!"
Kellogg Full Time MBA
Final Decision:
Denied with Interview
Status: Online
Interviewed on: Feb 3, 2023
Feb 4, 2023 03:02
"Interview- with Alum 1. Introduce yourself. 2. How do you see yourself in the future? 3.WHy MBA at this point? 4. STG and LTG? 5. He pointed out my career choice "what if you won’t get sponsorship after MBA"? 6. Why Kellogg? 7. Any questions? Overall a good experience, 35 mins in total."