Hi DominicRaj,
Rightly I picked the Option D. But for some reason, I dont like the Option D for at least two reasons
1. Therefore is being used as a Conjuctive adverb and hence the structure is wrong.
2. in the second part of the sentence 'They' is used; The word they can easily reflect the nearest noun People. I would repeat the word Cicades again.
what are your thoughts. No doubt Option D stands better.
D is best among the rest. Only D and E have cicades after the comma rightly modifying the first clause.
In E the which wrongly refers to threatening while being wordy as well. "when" does not refer to any specific time as well.
Both D and E have an ambiguous "they" which can refer to cicades as well as people.
Hence D is best among the rest.
Hi Shriramvelamuri,
I am not sure if using a conjuctive adverb "
therefore" is wrong in the way it has been used.
For Eg. see this sentence:
The true mushroom itself is to a great extent a dung-borne species,
therefore mushroom-beds are always liable to an invasion from other dung-borne forms.
But like I have mentioned previously, in option E the "which" reference and "when" reference is wrong and both D and E carry ambiguous "they".
So best among the rest is D.