Kudos owned by the user

Mahmud6 owns 833 Kudos, gave away 235 Kudos.

gmatimothyRedundant Words in SC03-Jun-2022
AtaulThe city of Rouen, France saw tourism decline by 10 percent last year,26-May-2022
esthergenius1Neither the late 18th century composers, such as Mozart or Haydn, nor26-May-2022
Gio96Some common patterns of Idioms22-May-2022
Singh997The Adirondack mountains, unlike other mountain ranges that lie on fau19-Apr-2022
SaurabhkarlekarSimilar to the Incan Temple at Winay Wayna, the Maya culture construct26-Mar-2022
Minhaz10Re: What is the units digit of 66^6 - 5^55?15-Mar-2022
disharmaRe: To be considered for inclusion in the Barbizon Film Festival, a film m03-Mar-2022
dharshan258Re: Unlike Ancient Greek art which saw the veneration of the animal form02-Mar-2022
Shaunak1234Re: After all the research that has been conducted in the last 30 years,22-Feb-2022
ibnatafraRe: Rules for Posting - Please Read this Before Posting11-Feb-2022
Gknight5603Re: People who browse the web for medical information often cannot discrim21-Jan-2022
Jasmeet07Re: Neither the late 18th century composers, such as Mozart or Haydn, nor20-Jan-2022
SolenjaRe: Neither the late 18th century composers, such as Mozart or Haydn, nor20-Jan-2022
JK10National debates are the engine that powers political campaigns, disse19-Jan-2022
false9National debates are the engine that powers political campaigns, disse19-Jan-2022
GAURI2828Neither the late 18th century composers, such as Mozart or Haydn, nor19-Jan-2022
KeerthannaNational debates are the engine that powers political campaigns, disse19-Jan-2022
DweeezzzRe: If Martin introduces an amendment to Evans’s bill, then Johnson and Ll12-Jan-2022
SambonRedundant Words in SC10-Jan-2022
limuengaoeyNew laws make it easier to patent just about anything05-Jan-2022
BigSenRace: 10 questions (collected) on Head Start04-Jan-2022
Niko800The rules enacted in the European countries between 2000 and 2010 prev07-Dec-2021
harsha3699The rules enacted in the European countries between 2000 and 2010 prev30-Nov-2021
varunmenon1045The rules enacted in the European countries between 2000 and 2010 prev27-Nov-2021
adityavishnuOf the companies which brought about the e-commerce revolution; the on17-Nov-2021
kapadiakeval21Major League Baseball policy prohibits use of anabolic steroids, human25-Oct-2021
MadhurantikaThe rules enacted in the European countries between 2000 and 2010 prev24-Oct-2021
maxwerner97Re: In the U.S., German luxury brands have succeeded in getting people who21-Oct-2021
srvkmr88The rules enacted in the European countries between 2000 and 2010 prev20-Oct-2021

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