Kudos owned by the user

Nevernevergiveup owns 2770 Kudos, gave away 79 Kudos.

MBAAD21In casual conversation, people experience little psychological13-Mar-2022
ageesanshul786Contrary to popular belief, bats are not blind, and in fact12-Mar-2022
angevilRe: Research has shown that impoverished people in this country09-Mar-2022
Markella24For each trip, a taxi company charges a fixed fee of $2.00 plus $0.7506-Mar-2022
rohitashva24Re: The controversy regarding whether video-games can be considered art-fo06-Mar-2022
A2kRe: In terrestrial environments, gravity places special demands04-Mar-2022
bearstakegmatIn a retail store, the average (arithmetic mean) sale for month M was26-Feb-2022
MBAAD21All of the athletes who will win a medal in competition have spent man25-Feb-2022
deeps07In contrast to 19th-century wars, in which most casualties resulted fr25-Feb-2022
alex73195A woman well-versed in the paranormal claims23-Feb-2022
MugdhoIf four fair dice are thrown simultaneously, what is the probability17-Feb-2022
Markella24How many positive factors does the positive integer x have?16-Feb-2022
BlareLeeRe: Research has shown that impoverished people in this country13-Feb-2022
ShivamjulkaIf 375y = x^2, and x and y are positive integers then which of the fol08-Feb-2022
ishika8Re: Asset protection manager: This year, for the fifth consecutive fiscal07-Feb-2022
BMohitRe: During and immediately after periods of drought, algae populations in04-Feb-2022
pulkit sareenRe: Ending a contentious political stalemate that frightened global03-Feb-2022
ayyoeHow many positive factors does the positive integer x have?02-Feb-2022
kondiekA woman well-versed in the paranormal claims01-Feb-2022
AgamKaurA woman well-versed in the paranormal claims31-Jan-2022
BMohitRe: The 19-year-old pianist and composer performed his most recent work al30-Jan-2022
TahamohsinA woman well-versed in the paranormal claims29-Jan-2022
GaudapadaIs x > 0? (2) x^2 = 9x (2) |x| = -x27-Jan-2022
fredonlFor each trip, a taxi company charges a fixed fee of $2.00 plus $0.7526-Jan-2022
TryingToAceVerbalA revolution has taken place in medical science as a result21-Jan-2022
AgamKaurA newly discovered letter by Jonathan Swift20-Jan-2022
SAFzzzzBeauty of Coordinate geometry19-Jan-2022
luckyhunchIs x > 0? (2) x^2 = 9x (2) |x| = -x18-Jan-2022
swift3In a retail store, the average (arithmetic mean) sale for month M was17-Jan-2022
Asha7Re: Most attempts by physicists to send particles faster than the speed of15-Jan-2022

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