Kudos owned by the user owns 104 Kudos, gave away 30 Kudos.

dbdiamond630 to 720, tips for international students13-Mar-2018
22jadhavajitRe: Companies O and P each have the same number of employees who work the27-Feb-2018
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janesaetent630 to 720, tips for international students25-Jan-2018
ktbrown12Re: A certain experimental mathematics program was tried out in 2 classes12-Nov-2017
strawhat316Re: Historians remain divided over the role of banks in facilitating eco11-Nov-2017
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sunny91Re: Historians remain divided over the role of banks in facilitating eco11-Sep-2017
chaitalipRe: Historians remain divided over the role of banks in facilitating eco26-Jul-2017
egmatRe: Unlike the automobile company, whose research was based on crashes30-Jun-2017
pdas1985Re: A certain experimental mathematics program was tried out in 2 classes01-Jun-2017
samia33Re: Historians remain divided over the role of banks in facilitating eco04-May-2017

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