June 16, 2020

Joined: Aug 20, 2016

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
640 Q44 V34

Applicantlab helped me bag INSEAD and OXFORD!!!!


My journey to securing a spot at my dream MBA schools would not have been possible without Applicantlab!!!

I am a South African and was never exposed to the typical US/Europe Ivy league school application process. I had written the GMAT and scored 640, so I knew that my success would hinge on the rest of the application. To put it simply, I needed the remainder of my application to be extraordinary!

I did my research and found that Applicantlab was the best in the market. It is incredibly cost-effective and very convenient as much of the work is done on a pre-established platform, eliminating complexities related to timezones and consultant availability.

I was skeptical at first and decided to sign up for the FREE trial. After a few short sessions, I felt extremely confident in the product quality and decided to take the plunge and purchase the full package. I have never regretted making that decision.

The platform is aesthetically appealing and very user-friendly. It takes the applicant on a journey and puts him/her in the shoes of the admissions committee member. Writing with the perspective of the Adcom member in mind forced me to speaks my truth without losing the attention of my target audience.

The platform is structured in such a way that by the time you get to essay writing, you have already developed a few anecdotes and key stories to use when answering those daunting essay questions. I’m an accountant by trade, so essay writing and storytelling doesn’t come naturally to me. Another plus about the tool is that you can revisit the modules as many times as you want at no extra charge.

I then booked an essay review session with Maria, where she went above and beyond my expectations. She not only provided written guidance on how to improve my essay but included an audio recording, where she clearly explained her thoughts, which allowed me to understand how to action any recommendations. Her turnaround time was phenomenal, always responding to every query within 24 hours.

I subsequently submitted my essays, and when I got shortlisted for interviews, I was able to progress to the interview module at no added cost. I did a mock interview with Maria, and I can honestly say she is EXTREMELY thorough. She prepared me for all kinds of questions, which left me extremely confident on the actual interview day.

Honestly, had it not been for Applicantlab (and Maria’s support), I would have never been accepted to neither INSEAD nor OXFORD. She not only helped me with my application essays but also helped me with the scholarship essays that resulted in me securing funding for both schools.

If you’re still not sold on the many benefits of Applicantlab, I highly recommend that you signup for the free trial. You won’t regret it!

This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
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