May 16, 2024

Joined: May 16, 2024

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Guided path to MBA

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I started my journey unarmed and ignorant of the MBA admission scene. As I started reading about it I found out that I would requiere help to make the most of my time, otherwise I might even loose my momentum.
I read and interviewed with 5 different firms and felt with Scott and team a great rapport and trust from the very beginning. My expectations were aligned towards success which with my international 40-yr old profile were a challenge to begin with.
I felt the good of my decision when the work started and the gentle, expert, but steady guide. Breaking my head to create my story and phrase it the best way possible was hard work , but even though I had to rewrite several times I never felt alone and actually ended up admiring the output of all that effort and revisions.
The team is stellar and it’s clear there is a very clear teamwork and effort towards our success.
I feas able to see how good my choice was when I got 3 admissions with enviable scholarships materialize in my inbox in the first round.

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