April 09, 2024

Joined: Mar 27, 2024

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Verified GMAT Focus score:
685 Q84 V83 DI85

Improved 150 points in a month


Improvement 150 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Location Online


E-GMAT is process oriented. They teach you processes of how to solve any problem, not tricks. They provide a comprehensive and adaptive study plan that tells you exactly what you need to study, how long, and keeps track of your progress. They have a gigantic library of practice problems and they keep track of what you got wrong. Also, they have wonderful mock tests and custom quizzes available so that you can see areas of weaknesses and improve drastically on them!

Would make the product better:

The only tricky part is that there is a lot to this platform. Take time and go through the orientation videos that they provide, otherwise you will be lost. There are so many great features, but it is overwhelming if you don’t take time to get acquainted. One feature that I wish I learned about quicker was utilizing the Q&A in every question. There is a form where you can submit questions about particular problems and see other people’s questions. A few times, I went here and found that someone else had the same exact question that was already answered by an expert. If it isn’t already answered, E-GMAT does a wonderful job of answering it as soon as possible.

E-GMAT is the most comprehensive and efficient tool for you to improve on the GMAT! I am a college student running two businesses, and I improved my score over 100 points in a month using E-GMAT. They don't just give you problems and answers. They teach you how to efficiently and effectively solve problems. I struggled most on time and how to break down problems when I started. One of the best things about E-GMAT is they teach you how to “Pre-think,” which is a strategy used in Verbal and Data Insights to save a ton of time and get the right answer before evaluating the answers. Also, E-GMAT has lesson plans that teach you the information needed to solve the problems and the techniques to apply the information to solve complex problems. They have a huge library of practice problems that you can work through. Each question has a comprehensive solution explanation along with strategies on how to solve it. Just as your study journey changes, the platform is also very adaptive. E-GMAT keeps a record of all of your practice and improvement. This allowed me to see which types of questions I struggled with the most. Lastly, I was able to assemble practice quizzes made up of problems that I got wrong or took a lot of time on. Using these, I was able to become faster at complex quantitative problems and data sufficiency problems. I highly recommend E-GMAT to the people who do not want tricks, but who actually want a tool bag to solve complex problems and score in the top percentiles.

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