May 18, 2018

Joined: May 27, 2017

Posts: 12

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490 Q39 V19

Great for non-native speakers

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Course e-GMAT Online Focused

Location Online

I subscribed to E-gmat Verbal online course and I must say that it was totally worth every penny.
I was not good at the verbal section. I attended the free SC and RC sessions by e-GMAT and did not think twice to order the Verbal course, since verbal was my pain area. And as per the plan suggested in e-GMAT, I started with SC.

I would like to de-brief about few of the features of the course:
1. The scholaranium feature is very helpful to identify weaknesses.
2. Course materials are well structured from a learning perspective.
3. Enough questions available for practice that are reflective of GMAT style questions
4. Additional resources are research question to questions: e-GMAT forum, question section on each practice question.
5. E-gmat gives free weekly webinars for on different topics.
6. They respond almost within a day on your queries or doubts.

Till now my experience has been great with the E-gmat.

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