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Center * Pearson VUE GMAT Test Center
Location Istanbul, Turkey
Located in a convenient place, accessible both by public transport and a car, entrance is not as obvious, from the yard, there is PWC office I believe. Rules weren't as rigid as I expected(or had a wrong perception to begin with), was late by 10 minutes(because of the disguised entrance, its good to come in advance) but was allowed to sit, staff is friendly and professional, you can have drink/snack in breaks, but you must take them off from your bag/backpack and put separately before sitting. There is a WC on the same floor, but you aren't allowed to leave the building. There are 4 stations, all seems new and reliable, staff provides with headphones, pads as usual, in addition you can get earplugs if you more accustomed to. Usually tests are at the morning but sometimes afternoon windows are also open, I do better on afternoon, so that was advantage for me. Overall rather pleasant experience, despite test anxiety. Thanks to the staff and good luck to test takers.