November 19, 2018

Joined: Nov 19, 2018

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
730 Q44 V47

When I first started studying for the GMAT, it was clear to me that I would do the same thing that I had done in college and that I had been quite successful with; I sat down in a quiet corner with a GMAT guide and started crunching. Unfortunately, I had to learn the hard way that that was the wrong way to approach the GMAT. Even after the third try, my highest score was a 660 and the magical 700+ score seemed far from reach.

I decided that I had to radically change the way I studied and prepared for the test. I signed up for the Manhattan Prep 9-Session Online Prep Course with Jamie Nelson and already during the first course I realized that I had had some fundamental misconceptions about the test. Jamie did a great jobs explaining how the test works and what strategies you need to use to successfully master it. Moreover, she did a fantastic job explaining all the different quant and verbal topics and concepts and thanks to her enthusiastic teaching style the classes were fun and engaging. When I entered the test center for the fourth time, I felt much better prepared and I walked out with a 730!

I wish I had known about Manhattan Prep and Jamie's course from the beginning; this would have saved me a lot of time and stress. However, I hope that this review will help others avoid the mistakes I've made. Take a course for the GMAT, it makes a huge difference and is definitely worth the money. In particular Jamie's course!

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