December 20, 2017

Joined: Dec 12, 2017

Posts: 0

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
700 Q47 V40

I got to the 700 mark!


I took a class at Manhattan Prep in late summer/early fall and took the GMAT for the first time in October. I did well below my goal score. My work schedule this fall was insane and I traveled a lot of weekends so I really needed to maximize what time i did have. My Manhattan Prep private tutoring did just that. I did mine online for 8 hours total (2 hours a week for 4 weeks). My instructor came prepared to each session and was able to answer every question that I had. He gave me an exact practice schedule of what I needed to do before our next meeting session.

Also, don't be afraid to sign up for the course online. I wanted to do mine in person, but the online was just as effective. The scheduling of the sessions was pretty flexible which was important for my schedule. I highly recommend!

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