October 11, 2023

Joined: Oct 04, 2023

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
770 Q50 V47

A lot of work, but well worth it


Improvement N/A

Course Target Test Prep Maximum Learning

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The best thing about the course is how thoroughly they break every section down for you. Be it the quant or the verbal, everything is covered with such depth that you know for sure that you will cover all of the material on the test as long as you are diligent and thorough with working your way through the lessons. The way the lessons are broken down into smaller sections is also helpful, as it's a good way to feel like you're making progress as you work your way through the vast amount of material

Would make the product better:

Only 2 improvements I'd like to see. The first is breaking down some of the earlier, longer sections into smaller pieces, as they can be a somewhat daunting way to start due to length alone even if the material is not among the most challenging in the course. The second is that TTP needs to highlight the tools available in the course more at the start, things like the analytics and the error tracker need a greater emphasis beyond just the course material

TTP was invaluable to my GMAT prep. All of the material that is on the test is covered with considerable depth, with a seemingly unending number of practice problems to go through and tons of lessons that will break down everything that you need to know. Even as a former English teacher, I found the way they approach the verbal section to be very helpful, as while I would disagree with some of the answers initially, the breakdown and explanation of why a specific answer was correct did a great job of demonstrating what the GMAT considers to be correct, not just what is the cleanest English. The same goes for all of the quant lessons, as the step by step solutions and videos were immensely helpful in understanding how to approach problems and in fully grasping the material

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