October 24, 2023

Joined: Aug 29, 2018

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
690 Q48 V36

Verbal lacking and course provided wrong information


Improvement 70 Points

Course Target Test Prep Maximum Learning

Location Online


Quant sectionexplanations are great
Chat allows you to ask questions to tutors
The software is easy to use

Would make the product better:

Verbal section is lacking, the theory is super repetitive and not particularly useful, one is much better off watching gmat ninja videos. Overall I would say the verbal section is overloaded with useless theory. In addition, the list of available exercises is very limited, I encountered repeat questions.
Quant section is too detailed for my taste, after doing the same exercise 10x i don't see the value in doing it 10x more, the number of practicing questions testing the same concepts during the course are IMO too many,
Wrong information was reported during the course, the course mentioned it was possible to take the gmat at a test center and immediately afterwards (no cool down period) take the gmat online. This is what I tried to do right before a holiday, I planned the test center option early in the week before holidays (knowing this would be a good practice run) to then take the "real" one in the more favourable online gmat environment. Imagine my frustration when I spoke to people at gmac who informed me a 14 day cool down period applied even after switching from test center to online... This completely messed up my schedule, here I am months later still practicing after taking off 1 month due to holiday (during which I obviously didn't plan to study) Overall really let down the course displayed the wrong information

Quant section explanations are great
Chat allows you to ask questions to tutors
The software is easy to use
Verbal section is lacking, the theory is super repetitive and not particularly useful, one is much better off watching gmat ninja videos. Overall I would say the verbal section is overloaded with useless theory. In addition, the list of available exercises is very limited, I encountered repeat questions.
Quant section is too detailed for my taste, after doing the same exercise 10x i don't see the value in doing it 10x more, the number of practicing questions testing the same concepts during the course are IMO too many,
Wrong information was reported during the course, the course mentioned it was possible to take the gmat at a test center and immediately afterwards (no cool down period) take the gmat online. This is what I tried to do right before a holiday, I planned the test center option early in the week before holidays (knowing this would be a good practice run) to then take the "real" one in the more favourable online gmat environment. Imagine my frustration when I spoke to people at gmac who informed me a 14 day cool down period applied even after switching from test center to online... This completely messed up my schedule, here I am months later still practicing after taking off 1 month due to holiday (during which I obviously didn't plan to study) Overall really let down the course displayed the wrong information

Overall disappointing, I expected more from the highest rated course.

This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
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