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Mehemmed received 5 Kudos for post Re: Which of the following equations has 1 + √2 as one of its roots?.

Kimberly77Re: Which of the following equations has 1 + √2 as one of its roots?31-Oct-2022
nickjayRe: Which of the following equations has 1 + √2 as one of its roots?26-Jul-2020
eantolovicRe: Which of the following equations has 1 + √2 as one of its roots?09-Sep-2019
NYDukieRe: Which of the following equations has 1 + √2 as one of its roots?26-Jul-2019
Hero8888Re: Which of the following equations has 1 + √2 as one of its roots?09-May-2018

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